lesson 9 - abortion Flashcards
means the expulsion of a living fetus from the mother’s womb before it is viable.
In medical terms, according to Dr. Andre E. Helleger. “____________ defined as termination of pregnancy, spontaneously or by induction prior to viability.
In medical terms, according to ___________ “Abortion defined as termination of pregnancy, spontaneously or by induction prior to viability.
Dr. Andre E. Helleger
Expulsion of fetus through natural or accidental cause. In laypeople’s term it is called miscarriage.
Natural Abortion
This type of abortion is unintentional and involuntary, and hence devoid moral significance.
Natural Abortion
Natural Abortion
Expulsion of fetus through natural or accidental cause. In laypeople’s term it is called ____________.
This is the usual abortion that we all know, which refers to the deliberately induced expulsion of a living fetus.
Direct or Intentional Abortion
Expulsion of a living fetus in order to save the mother from the danger of death brought on by pregnancy. Note that the health and life of the mother are considered to be paramount in this case.
Therapeutic Abortion
(Varga: 49; Nicholson 1987) This is recommended in cases where certain defects are discovered in the developing fetus. The argument is that it is better for a child not to be born than for it to lead a miserable life.
Eugenic Abortion
It is termed ____________ because it is meant to get rid of abnormal babies (that is children with birth defects and deformities).
Eugenic Abortion
It is likewise known as the ____________ OR _____________ in the sense that is only recommended on a case-tocase basis, depending upon the gravity of fetal indications or abnormalities
(Bittle: 377-379; Pahl: 51-52). The removal of the fetus occurs as the secondary effect of a legitimate or licit action, which is direct and primary object of the intention.
indirect abortion
The term “hominization” refers to when a developing embryo first has a specifically “human” rational soul as its substantial form, that is, organizing principle
Immediate Hominization
The term “_____________” refers to when a developing embryo first has a specifically “human” rational soul as its substantial form, that is, organizing principle
The Catholic Church professes that the spiritual soul of each individual person is “immediately created by God” from conception
Forbids Abortion
The Catholic Church states that abortion is always wrong because life begins at conception and is God-given. This means that in the eyes of the Catholic Church abortion is classed as murder and goes against the commandment, Thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13)
Prohibited Abortion
- Ensoulment occurs at a later time.
- Aristotle, St. Anselm and St. Augustine
Delayed Animation
Ensoulment occurs at implantation
Geneticists state that implantation takes place six to seven days after conception.
Ensoulment occurs when the ___________ and __________ of the fetus are definitely established.
Unity and Uniqueness
Unity and Uniqueness
This happens between _____________ weeks after conception.
2 and 4 weeks
Ensoulment occurs when the fetus already looks human
Ensoulment occurs when electrical impulses are first detectable from the brain.
Electrical Activity
Electrical Activity
Around _______ weeks of pregnancy
8 weeks
Ensoulment occurs when the mother can feel the movement of the fetus during 10th to 12th week of pregnancy.
Ensoulment occurs when the mother can feel the movement of the fetus during ____________ week of pregnancy.
10th to 12th
Ensoulment occurs when the fetus is considered viable during 28th week of pregnancy.
Ensoulment occurs at viability. It is when the fetus is considered viable during _______ week of pregnancy.
28th week
Ensoulment occurs the child has become biologically independent of his mother.
The theory of immediate hominization, which claims that ensoulment, occurs from conception.
Fertilization Process
_____________ development directs the formation of an implantation or attachment-competent embryo so that metabolic interactions with the uterus can occur, pregnancy can be initiated, and fetal development can sustained.
Intercourse around the time of implantation could result in uterine contractions, disrupting the implantation process, displacing the implanted embryo, or expelling the embryo from the uterus.
Sexual Intercourse
___________ is designed to prevent pregnancy. Birth control methods may work in a number of different ways: Preventing sperm from getting to the eggs. Types include condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps, and contraceptive sponges
After approximately __________ days of this cell division process, the next critical stage of fetal development starts.
six to eight days
Cell Division Process
The ________ of cells now enters the uterus.
Cell Division Process
During these days that _______ of the sphere of cells
burrows its way into the lining of the uterus.
one pole
Cell Division Process
- After approximately ____________ days of this cell division process, the next critical stage of fetal development starts.
- The sphere of cells now enters the ________.
- During these days that one pole of the sphere of cells burrows its way into the __________ of the uterus.
- The opposite pole of this sphere will become the ________.
- The part which becomes the ___________ produces hormones.
- It will be noted that the first _________ days of the reproductive process take place in the __________
- __________ occurs in the oviduct several hours after coition.
- Fertilized ___________ will stay in the Fallopian tube.
- The ___________ connecting the embryo to the uterine wall and the blood stream.
- In the womb the fetus grows and develops about ______ days.
- If born at this stage, the baby has _________chance of survival.
- The end of pregnancy, the delivery of the baby, is called _________.
- The newborn is called a _____________.
Cell Division Process
- After approximately six to eight days of this cell division process, the next critical stage of fetal development starts.
- The sphere of cells now enters the uterus.
- During these days that one pole of the sphere of cells burrows its way into the lining of the uterus.
- The opposite pole of this sphere will become the fetus.
- The part which becomes the placenta produces hormones.
- It will be noted that the first eight days of the reproductive process take place in the Fallopian tube.
- Conception occurs in the oviduct several hours after coition.
- Fertilized ovum will stay in the Fallopian tube.
- The umbilical cord connecting the embryo to the uterine wall and the blood stream.
- In the womb the fetus grows and develops about 280 days.
- If born at this stage, the baby has 99% chance of survival.
- The end of pregnancy, the delivery of the baby, is called parturition.
- The newborn is called a parturate.
If within the eight-day period following the sexual assault the linings of the uterus can be scraped or rasped off by _________
If within the _________ period following the sexual assault the linings of the uterus can be scraped or rasped off by curettage
eight-day period
Curettage is the technique of scraping a body cavity, as the uterus, by a __________ – a small instrument resembling a spoon or scoop used for scraping growths, tissue, etc., from a body.
1) _________ and _________ devices may act during eight days
2) it is the stage commonly described as the _________ of the normal menstrual cycle
3) it is the stage when “_________” may act
4) it is not covered under current abortion laws
1) pills and intrauterine devices may act during eight days
2) it is the stage commonly described as the second half of the normal menstrual cycle
3) it is the stage when “morning-after-pill” may act
4) it is not covered under current abortion laws
___________ position states that abortion is never lawful and is only permissible if and only if it is necessary to save the pregnant woman’s life. For example, removing a cancerous uterus or fallopian tube due to an ectopic pregnancy.
The __________ position, on the other hand, holds that abortion is always permitted, regardless of the stage of embryonic development.
As her personal property, a woman has the right to control her own body.
(What viewpoint of abortion is mentioned)
(What viewpoint of abortion is mentioned)
The fetus has no ontological status; it is neither an individual nor a human being; it is just tissue. As a result, it has no rights and no moral standing.
(What viewpoint of abortion is mentioned)
Abortion is morally allowed up to a specific point of fetal development, according to the moderate position. Or for a limited set of reasons sufficient to justify the taking of life in a particular situation.
The moderate
(What viewpoint of abortion is mentioned)
Fetuses have some rights and therefore have a partial legal status. Abortion before to quickening is morally acceptable in this situation.
The moderate
The ____________ is one that opposes abortion (Disapproving).
pro-life movement
It expresses and defends the teachings of the Vatican II pastoral constitution of the church in the modern world.
Pro-life Movement
The _____________ has evolved into a strong group of people who approach political issues with the belief that all human life is valuable. Your life matters whether you are a preborn baby, a newborn, an old person, or someone with disabilities or special needs.
pro-life movement
The pro-life movement is fundamentally concerned with the worth and equality of all human beings. From the moment of conception, the human being must be valued and treated as a person and his rights as a person must be recognized and protected at the same time.
pro-life movement
Physical Effects of Abortion
Habitual miscarriages
Ectopic pregnancies
Menstrual disturbances or
Cold sweat
Intense pain
Loss of other organs Insomnia
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Perforated uterus
Psychological Effects of abortion
Suicidal tendencies
Loss of sense of fulfilment Mourning
Loss of confidence
Lower self-esteem
Self-destructive behavior (anger/ rage)
Loss of interest in sex
Nightmares and frustration
Thwarted maternal instinct
Intense interest in babies
Pro-choice Movement (expulsion of Fetus may be classified as)
Personal or Familial Reasons
1) It underscores ____________, giving centrality to the sovereignty of the individual’s conscience, especially in grey areas of morality
2) It liberates ____________ decisions from the control of the church, even as it realizes that religiously directed choice against abortion is not fully free at all.
3) It safeguards the mother from a pregnancy that would threaten her life by possibly resulting in ____________, ____________ or ____________
4) It protects the ____________ of woman in cases of pregnancy due to rape and incest
5) In the name of justice, those who suffer the consequences of their moral decisions should be the ones to make those judgements, such as ____________ subject to pregnancy and childbearing
1) It underscores freedom of choice, giving centrality to the sovereignty of the individual’s conscience, especially in grey areas of morality
2) It liberates procreation decisions from the control of the church, even as it realizes that religiously directed choice against abortion is not fully free at all.
3) It safeguards the mother from a pregnancy that would threaten her life by possibly resulting in cancerous uterus, therapeutic abortion or ectopic pregnancy
4) It protects the reputation of woman in cases of pregnancy due to rape and incest
5) In the name of justice, those who suffer the consequences of their moral decisions should be the ones to make those judgements, such as women subject to pregnancy and childbearing
Pro-choice Movement (expulsion of Fetus may be classified as)
1) Provide an _____________ to a world that no longer needs nor can afford _____________
2) Alleviates _____________, _____________, or _____________ problems
3) Anticipates the _____________ involved in the care, support and education of a severely handicapped individual during her/his lifetime
Ex. those handicapped as a result of the inadvertent use of fetus-deforming drugs
4) Building society in which there is _____________ against the poor in favor of the affluent and the powerful
5) Checks _____________ and reduces pregnancy, child abuse or prostitution, maternal deaths through illegal or dangerous abortions, poverty and illness
1) Provide an adaptation to a world that no longer needs nor can afford unlimited childbearing
2) Alleviates economic, sociological or demographic problems
3) Anticipates the social costs involved in the care, support and education of a severely handicapped individual during her/his lifetime
Ex. those handicapped as a result of the inadvertent use of fetus-deforming drugs
4) Building society in which there is no bias against the poor in favor of the affluent and the powerful
5) Checks overpopulation and reduces pregnancy, child abuse or prostitution, maternal deaths through illegal or dangerous abortions, poverty and illness
Pro-choice Movement (expulsion of Fetus may be classified as)
Fetal Reasons
1) Prevents the births of terribly ___________ or ___________ children
- Refers to abortions performed based on ___________ or ___________
2) ___________ will cause the family to incur staggering financial and psychological costs
- ___________ will engender lifetime agony and desolation in the baby
- Aborted as soon as deformity is detected in utero, the mother will be doing more good than harm for the fetus
3) Abortion is a postnatal method of eliminating a couple’s offspring if its sex is found to be undesirable
- The ___________ among couples is common in some parts of the world, particularly among the Chinese, Koreans, and Indians
1) Prevents the births of terribly malformed or defective children
- Refers to abortions performed based on fetal indications or selective abortions.
2) Child deformity will cause the family to incur staggering financial and psychological costs
- Deformity will engender lifetime agony and desolation in the baby
- Aborted as soon as deformity is detected in utero, the mother will be doing more good than harm for the fetus
3) Abortion is a postnatal method of eliminating a couple’s offspring if its sex is found to be undesirable
- The son-preference among couples is common in some parts of the world, particularly among the Chinese, Koreans, and Indians
_____________ is a procedure used to take out a small sample of the amniotic fluid for testing to determine the presence of any abnormality of fetus
_____________ of the fetus in utero can be detected as early as 5th month or 16th week of pregnancy and done by injecting a needle like-instrument through the woman’s abdomen or uterus
Aside from Amniocentesis, ____________, abdominal ultrasound, and transvaginal ultrasound can detect not only chromosomal abnormalities but the sex of the fetus as well.