Lesson 8 Flashcards
“cognitive processes” meaning
different ways people think
“psychical” definition
of or having to do with intuition, which is immediate perception or understanding of truth or facts without reasoning
2 kinds of knowledge in Hindu thinking:
higher or perfect knowledge (intuitional, psychical)
inferior knowledge (math, science, theology)
The mind, according to Hinduism, is….
State the term in Indian thinking for Ultimate Reality
Which of these identifies a characteristic of Indian intuitional thinking?
a) a stress on the universal
b) preference for the positive.
c) a maximizing of particulars.
d) an emphasis on unity of all things
e) the static quality of universality
f) objective comprehension of personality.
g) supremacy of universal self over particular self
h) a subservience to universals
i) an alienation from the subjective spiritual world
j) outward looking
k) metaphysical
l) intolerant
a, d, e, g, h, k
State the reason intuition does not need to be proven by the intellect.
because it knows without such proof
State how carrying out Paul’s admonition “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of you mind” relates to the communication of Christ to intuitionalists.
It will help communicate Christ to them.
List the 3 things Christian witnesses are to do to communicate Christ effectively to Indian intuitionalists.
(1) they must become more a product of Christ and less a product of their own culture.
(2) they must give special attention to those aspects of Christian truth that speak most pointedly to Indian misunderstanding
(3) They must emphasize those approaches and methods that are familiar to the Hindu.
2 things that need to be avoided when trying to communicate Christ to Indian intuitionalists.
overintellectualizing and oversimplification
4 factors in becoming more like Christ when communicating to Indian intuitionalists.
avoid overintellectualizing, avoid oversimplification, communicate a sense of the mystery and awe of God, trust the illumination of the Holy Spirit
Match the task below with what it will help to accomplish for Indian intuitionalists.
believe in the supernatural power of God to illuminate
help to trust in and be led by the Holy Spirit
Match the task below with what it will help to accomplish for Indian intuitionalists.
Speak to the Indian’s sense of hopelessness and futility
communicate an invitation to accept the One whose yoke is easy
Match the task below with what it will help to accomplish for Indian intuitionalists.
Feel reverence and awe in the sense of the mystery of knowing God
communicate a sense of awe when approaching God
Match the task below with what it will help to accomplish for Indian intuitionalists.
let the Indian mind savor to the full the insight of the Master Teacher
show Christ in history
Match the task below with what it will help to accomplish for Indian intuitionalists.
Present the sacred canon of the Bible in sharp contrast to Hindu writings
emphasize the risk of self-deception in intuited experience
Match the task below with what it will help to accomplish for Indian intuitionalists.
create situations where talking out various sides of a question is possible
provide an opportunity to participate in dialogue
Match the task below with what it will help to accomplish for Indian intuitionalists.
employ a recognized teacher of Christianity to instruct Indians in a place apart
help to receive Christ through the ashram model
Instead of general propositions, principles, and theories, concrete relational thinkers talk about…. using …
talk about reality using word pictures and stories related to touchable, actual objects and everyday things
State how Hesselgrave classifies the type of thinking the concrete relational thinker is “especially prone to rely on.”
nonverbal communication
State 2 specific ways correspondence study material that appeals to the Western mentality can be made to appeal to the concrete relational mentality of tribal peoples.
- by revising it to make it less abstract and theoretical
- by adding to it drawings that tribal peoples understand
State how religious teachings and philosophies that have been so much a part of Chinese history relate to Chinese concrete relational thinking.
They complicate such thinking in China, making it more complex than the thinking of tribal peoples.
The Chinese concrete approach to reality brings about….
rational apprehension
intuitional apprehension
theoretical apprehension
scientific apprehension
2 reasons why Western missionaries do not find it difficult to understand concrete relational thinking
- because of their frequent contact with it in their own culture
- because of their frequent contact with it in biblical culture
3 steps for better communication of Christ to concrete relationalists.
(1) consider what biblical Christianity says to the Western missionary.
(2) Allow biblical Christianity to correct the misunderstandings that are caused by overemphasis of concrete relational thinking
(3) make full use of legitimate visual forms and the various techniques of storytelling, drama and ritual
4 kinds of indirect communication in the Bible that help truth to be understood in concrete terms
types, parables, symbolic acts, interpretation of dreams and visions, rituals, aphorisms
Select each TRUE statement.
(a) Parables tend to drop a veil around truth.
(b) Parables can never reveal truth.
(c) Proverbs and figures of speech in the Bible do not stand alone.
(d) Concrete relational thinking usually counteracts idolatry.
a, c
The forms of communication recommended as effective tools for communicating the gospel to Chinese, Japanese, tribal peoples, and other concrete relational thinkers are…
dramatic forms
Explain how the W African story of Death and the cow can help us understand and obey the lesson in Luke 9:57-60 on the cost of following Jesus.
It teaches us to raise our eyes in faith to the higher priority of God’s kingdom. It also helps us look beyond the value systems our culture has taught us to appreciate