Lesson 3 Flashcards
“cultural element”
a greater realization of the importance of culture in communicating Christ
What causes missionaries to forget that cultural barriers are the most formidable barriers to cross-cultural communication?
technological advances that allow them to cross geographical barriers with ease and increasing frequencey
Circle each TRUE statement. Before going to the mission field, missionaries have been preoccupied with the message of Christ because…
by believing it, they were saved
by studying it, they have been strengthened
they have a desire to relive the salvation experience
they want to preach it to those who have not heard it
1, 2, 4
Explain how Hesselgrave relates study and knowledge to preaching the message of Christ to those who have not heard it
to preach Christ effectively, you must not only study the language but also know the culture of the audience to understand the meaning the audience attaches to their words and messages
Hesselgrave states that nurture has…
more to do with cultural isolation than nature
as much to do with cultural isolation as nature
less to do with cultural isolation than nature
nothing to do with cultural isolation
2 ways in which Oliver advocates we study the rhetorical process
in terms of what and how people think
3 characteristics of rhetoric from societies whose speech has been influenced by ancient Greece and Rome that are not appreciated by Asian cultures
directness, lack of subtlety, immediate decision
3 basic points of reference in the process of communication
speaker, speech, audience
3 culture model of missionary communication - what are the 3 cultures
Bible culture, the missionary’s culture, the respondent’s culture
a most critical point of the Hesselgrave text
the missionary’s own fan of perception (culture) harmfully influences hi interpretation of both the Bible culture and the respondent’s culture
3 cultures that are involved each time a cross-cultural missionary communication is attempted
Bible culture, missionary’s culture, respondent’s culture
the 3 culture model of missionary communication indicates that the missionary looks in ____ direction(s).
another important aspect of communication
to raise up effective sources of the Christian message from within the respondent culture who will communicate Christ to still other respondent cultures
4 characteristics of culture
learned, a shared system, an integrated whole, constantly changing
3 categories/types of culture
technological (artifacts & activities to manipulate material world)
sociological (patterns of relationship and behavior)
ideological (knowledge, beliefs, worldview, values)
amazing quote on culture
Cultures are but different answers to essentially the same human problems.
Circle each TRUE statement.
Missionaries do not need to work out the implications of their conclusions about the relationship between Christ and culture.
missionaries need a biblical view of both Christ and culture
Some cultures have no elements of divine order
every culture has elements of satanic rebellion
all cultures have a potential for revealing God’s truth
2, 4, 5
state the theological view of the relationship between Christ and culture that is described:
the believer lives with the tension of obeying the authority of Christ and the authority of culture
Christ and culture in paradox
state the theological view of the relationship between Christ and culture that is described:
Christ is the only authority, and culture is to be rejected
Christ against culture
state the theological view of the relationship between Christ and culture that is described:
Christianity differs from culture only in quality, and the best culture should be selected to conform to Christ
the Christ of culture
state the theological view of the relationship between Christ and culture that is described:
In Christ humanity is redeemed and culture can be renewed to glorify God.
Christ the transformer of culture