I will say something.
Diré algo.
They will tell it.
Ellos lo dirán.
I will make a cake.
Haré un pastel.
You will do the first one. (familiar)
Harás el primero.
It will be sunny tomorrow.
[L. It will make sun tomorrow.]
Hará sol mañana.
I will be able to come.
Podré venir.
We will be able to see.
Podremos ver.
I will want to know.
Querré saber.
Will you want to send the package? (polite)
¿Querrá mandar el paquete?
I will know by tomorrow. / Tomorrow I will know.
Mañana sabré.
They will know soon.
Ellos sabrán pronto.
I will leave at 9 o’clock.
Saldré a las nueve.
The train will leave at 1 o’clock.
El tren saldrá a la una.
I will come to your house. (polite)
Vendré a su casa.
They will come next month.
Ellos vendrán el mes próximo.
I will have to leave by half past three.
Tendré que salir para las tres y media.