I have not sung at the party.
Yo no he cantado en la fiesta.
[Inf. = cantar]
Why haven’t you danced with Edward? (familiar)
¿Por qué no has bailado [tú] con Eduardo?
[Inf. = bailar]
Who has told you those stories? (polite)
¿Quién le ha contado a Ud. esas historias?
[Inf. = contar]
The man has not denied his mistake.
El hombre no ha negado su error.
[Inf. = negar]
Maria has played the piano very well.
María ha tocado el piano muy bien.
[Inf. = tocar]
We have turned down the radio because it was too loud.
[Nosotros] Hemos bajado la radio porque estaba demasiado alta.
[Inf. = bajar]
Why haven’t you sung in Spanish? (familiar, plural)
¿Por qué no habéis cantado [vosotros] en español?
They have bought some very good novels
Ellos han comprado unas novelas muy buenas.
[Inf. = comprar]
They have spoken of going to Barcelona. (feminine)
Ellas han hablado de ir a Barcelona.
[Inf. = hablar]
Where have you guys traveled to? (polite)
¿Adónde han viajado Uds.?
[Inf. = viajar]
That dog has bitten me!
¡Ese perro me ha mordido!
[Inf. = morder]
I have never possessed much money
Nunca he poseído mucho dinero.
[Inf. = poseer]
She has had success in her studies.
Ella ha tenido éxito en sus estudios.
[Inf. = tener]
Where have you people hidden my papers? (familiar)
¿Dónde habéis escondido [vosotros] mis papeles?
[Inf. = esconder]
They have never feared the police.
Ellos nunca han temido a la policía.
[Inf. = temer]
You haven’t introduced anything new. (familiar)
[Tú] No has introducido nada nuevo.
[Inf. = introducir]
He has confused one girl with the other.
Él ha confundido a una muchacha con la otra.
[Inf. = confundir]
We have not omitted anything.
[Nosotros] No hemos omitido nada.
[Inf. = omitir]
Have you attended the conferences this week? (polite, plural)
¿Han asistido [Uds.] a las conferencias esta semana?
[Inf. = asistir]
I have returned the money.
Yo he devuelto el dinero.
[Inf. = devolver]
What has she discovered in her travels?
¿Qué ha descubierto ella en sus viajes?
[Inf. = descubrir]
He hasn’t done much this week.
Él no ha hecho mucho esta semana.
[Inf. = hacer]
We haven’t broken the window!
[Nosotros] ¡No hemos roto la ventana!
[Inf. = romper]
They have covered the car and are leaving.
Ellos han cubierto el carro y se van.
[Inf. = cubrir]
I have put the water on the table.
He puesto el agua en la mesa.
[Inf. = poner]