I love this city. It’s so beautiful!
Me encanta esta ciudad, ¡es tan bella!
She couldn’t walk anymore because the blocks were so long.
[Ella] No podía caminar más porque las cuadras eran tan largas.
This washing machine is so fast!
¡Esta lavadora es tan rápida!
The repair was so expensive!
¡La reparación fue tan cara!
Your floor is so clean! (familiar)
¡Tu piso está tan limpio!
This room is as big as the other one.
Esta habitación es tan grande como la otra.
This house is as light as John’s house.
Esta casa es tan clara como la casa de Juan.
These colors are as bright as those.
Estos colores son tan alegres como aquéllos.
This apartment is not as dark as mine.
Este apartamento no es tan oscuro como el mío.
My car does not work as well as Brian’s.
Mi carro no funciona tan bien como el carro de Brian.
This translation has as many mistakes as that one.
Esta traducción tiene tantos errores como aquélla.
This store has as many brooms as that one.
Esta tienda tiene tantas escobas como aquélla.
This apartment has as much room as the other one.
Este apartamento tiene tanto espacio como el otro.
This basement does not have as many windows as Aida’s.
Este sótano no tiene tantas ventanas como el de Aida.
This garage does not have as many cars as the other one.
Este garage no tiene tantos carros como el otro.
This state has as much wood as California.
Este estado tiene tanta madera como California.
I don’t like plastic as much as wood.
No me gusta el plástico tanto como la madera.
They don’t build as much as us.
Ellos no construyen tanto como nosotros.
[Inf. = construir]
Maria talks so much!
¡María habla tanto!
In this building they steal so much!
¡En este edificio roban tanto!
[Inf. = robar]
The rent here costs so much!
¡El alquiler aquí cuesta tanto!