I don’t want that you deceive me. (familiar)
Yo no quiero que tú me engañes.
[Inf. = engañar]
to wish / to desire / to want
He wishes that I abandon this project.
Él desea que yo abandone este plan.
[Inf. = abandonar]
She demands that he assure her of his intentions.
Ella exige que él le asegure de sus intenciones.
[Inf. = asegurar]
to beg
The men beg the police not to beat them.
Los hombres le ruegan a la policía que no los golpee.
[Inf. = golpear]
The school insists that all children register.
La escuela insiste que todos los niños se matriculen.
[Inf. = matricularse]
The Spanish teacher asks that we spell all the words.
El maestro de español nos pide que deletreemos todas las palabras.
[Inf. = deletrear]
I prefer that you don’t examine my bags. (familiar, plural)
Yo prefiero que vosotros no examinéis mis maletas.
[Inf. = examinar]
I fear that you depend too much on me. (familiar)
Yo temo que tú dependas demasiado de mí.
[Inf. = depender]
She is afraid that the dogs will bite her.
Ella tiene miedo que los perros la muerdan.
[Inf. = morder]
to be sorry
They are sorry that we hide our emotions.
Ellos sienten que nosotros escondamos nuestras emociones.
[Inf. = esconder]
I don’t like that you break the dishes. (familiar)
No me gusta que [tú] rompas los platos.
[Inf. = romper]
to inconvenience / to bother
I don’t mind that you run in the garden. (familiar, plural)
No me molesta que vosotros corráis por el jardín.
[Inf. = correr]
to doubt
I doubt that the professor will cover all lessons.
Yo dudo que el profesor cubra todas las lecciones.
[Inf. = cubrir]
to be sure
estar seguro[s]
We are not sure that they will decide by tomorrow.
No estamos seguros que ellos decidan para mañana.
[Inf. = decidir]
I don’t believe [that] those problems exist at our job.
No creo que esos problemas existan en nuestro trabajo.
[Inf. = exitir]