Lesson 7 Flashcards
One of Valliant’s 4 styles of adaptation to the environment where a person reacts to stress with psychosomatic symptoms.
One of Valliant’s 4 styles of adaptation to the environment where a person uses altruism and humor.
One of Valliant’s 4 styles of adaptation to the environment where a person represses negative emotions and uses rationalizing.
One of Valliant’s 4 styles of adaptation to the environment where a person distorts reality.
The process of aging whereby the body becomes less strong and less efficient.
The view that psychological disorders, such as schizophrenia, are produced by the interaction of a genetic vulnerability, stressful environmental factors, and life events.
diathesis-stress model
A Japanese word meaning “pull away”. It is the name of an anxiety disorder common among young adults in Japan. Sufferers isolate themselves by staying in their homes for months or years at a time.
A particular body weight that an individual’s homeostatic processes strive to maintain.
Set point
Occupations or recreational activities that involve a degree of risk or danger.
The tend act to undervalue, or ignore, future consequences and rewards in favor of more immediate gratification.
Delay discounting
The most advanced cognitive process, characterized by the ability to consider a thesis and its antithesis simultaneously and thus arrive at a synthesis.
Dialectical thought
A series of questions developed by James Rest and designed to assess respondents level of moral development.
Defining Issues Test (DIT)
A situation in romantic relationship wherein one partner wants to address an issue and the other refuses.
Demand/withdraw interaction
Stage of cognitive development, described by K. Warner Schaie, that young adults put their cognitive abilities to use meeting their goals - often related to careers.
Achieving stage