Lesson 6.1: Human Body as an Embodied Spirit Flashcards
Identifying and understanding the Human Person as an Embodied spirit has
something to do with defining
man, human, human being, person, personhood, and human nature
By definition, it is generally and commonly define to
represent the entire human race.
A term used to refer for various classifications and species. For
a living man, human is under the classification of Mamalia.
A term used to separate man from other Human Classifications
like animals.
human being
Refers to an individual who possess self-awareness, selfdetermination, rational mind, and the capacity to interact with
other and with himself/herself.
A general term refers to the state of being a person with unique,
sacred and ethical status within him/herself.
A general term refers to the deepest and natural behaviour of a
person that distinguish human from animals.
human nature
A collective traits
that formed and considered the very essence of humanity.
human nature
are defined with classified origin of
species and persons with birth rights.
the human and the person
Nobody can be considered man without
human nature
someone with an exact origin of his/her classification.
human person
For Science, we came from
an ape under the class Mammalia
Human person from time after time learned how to live beyond what was
traditional through the
human evolutions from hominid to homo sapiens or the modern man people learn the concept of power, politics, and economics
A human person is
typically with a body which is
A human person is
typically with a body which is tangible and has a three components composed of
soul, mind, and spirit
two general kinds to distinguish a human person
cognitive and physical self
something within and cannot be
physically seen
cognitive self
the essential components of a human persons that deals with
THE WHAT OF A PERSON which includes human persons’ belief, desire, dreams,
and intentions.
cognitive self
something can be seen in
his/her physical appearance
physical self
deals with the essential features of the
human way of life or THE WHO OF A PERSON which includes his/her body type,
strength and appearances.
physical self
an animating core
living within each of us.
embodied spirit
the embodied spirit is known to be the
driving force behind what we actually think, do, and say
. It is indeed the reflections of
our total being by which our sensations lead to
our human feelings, emotions and
embodied spirit
The usual and known connotation
that comes to our mind when we hear the word
“embodied” is
always materialized or became flesh
Thus, when we say
“embodied spirit”, we normally believed and conclude of a
spirit becoming flesh
In the context and views of Christian philosophy, the embodiment of the spirit
particularly refers to the
inseparable union of the human body and soul
inseparable union of the human body and soul
inseparable means
the body and soul work together at all times
refers to person having a clear perception of oneself,
including his or her thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions
It is the ability of one’s consciousness to look inward thus
discovering the presence of a self.
The self is the subject that
thinks, feels, and acts
self-awareness is your
“I am ness”
The self enables a person to experience an
inner world of dreams, thoughts, imagination, and fantasy
Thus, the self represents
man’s interiority (loob in filipino)
A human person is able to connect and interact with
another person, an animal, or an inanimate object
A human person being able to connect and interact with another person, an
animal or an inanimate object is called
the capability of persons to make choices and decisions based on their own
preferences, monitor and regulate their actions, and be goal oriented and
Thus human beings are
the goodness or badness of an act
result of our freedom
a human person has an inherent value and importance. this is what we call
why does no amount of money equal the value of a
human life.
because humans have dignity
why are individual rights absolute
because humans have dignity
The American Founding Fathers called rights as
inalienable means
it cannot be separated from our humanity
those who have no rights
If we are stripped off of our rights, we are stripped of our
why are slaves not being treated as human
because they are stripped off their rights and therefore their identity
a philosopher and one of the greatest theologian in the
Catholic Church in the 13th century
St. Thomas Aquinas
who said “of all creatures, human beings have
the unique power to change themselves and things for the better”
St. Thomas Aquinas
ability to surpass your limits
teaches human beings to overcome our limits.
religion and philosophy
in buddhism, buddha realized that
all people suffers
how did buddha examine and understand the word suffering
he left his royal life in the palace and spent 6 years in the wilderness. he sat under the tree of enlightenment for 40 days and creates the four noble truths and eightfold paths
creator of the four noble truths and eightfold paths
the eight fold paths include
right view; right intention; right speech; right action; right livelihood; right effort; right ooncentration; right mindfulness
a correct understanding of the
nature of things, specifically the Four
Noble Truths;
right view
eliminating thoughts of
attachment, detestation, and harmful
right intention
abstaining from verbal
offenses such as lying, divisive speech,
unforgiving speech, and irrational speech
right speech
refraining from physical offenses such as murdering, thieving,
and sexual misbehavior
right action
evading trades that directly or indirectly damage others, such
as trading slaves, weapons, animals for butchery, intoxicants, or poisons
right livelihood
forsaking undesirable states of mind that have already arisen,
preventing undesirable states that have yet to arise, and sustaining positive
states that have already arisen
right effort
right concentration
consciousness of body, feelings, thought, and phenomena
right mindfulness