Lesson 6: Social Organization Flashcards
System of relationships between persons and among groups with
regard to the division of activity and the functional arrangement of
mutual obligations within society
social organization
a group of persons
united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption constituting a single household
interacting with each other in their respective social role of husband and wife,
mother and father, brother and sister creating a common culture
kinds of family
nuclear, extended, reconstituted
Families that consist of parents and children.
nuclear family
Composed of the Nuclear Family plus other relatives.
extended family
Composed of Spouses and their children from previous marriage.
reconstituted family
The most universal and basic of all human relationship and its based on blood,
marriage or adoption.
3 kinds of kinship
consanguineous, affinal, by ritual
Kinship by Blood
consanguineous kinship
kinship ties based on descent/blood can be
matrineal, patrineal, or bilineal
kinship Based on the female line.
matrineal kinship
Inheriting or determining descent through the female line.
matrineal kinship
kinship Based on the male line.
patrineal kinship
Inheriting or determining descent through the male line.
patrineal kinship
kinship that Consist of both the male & the female line.
bilineal kinship
Tracing of descent through both the Mother and Father.
bilineal kinship
Kinship formed through marriage.
affinal kinship
marriage pattersn
endogamy and exogamy
Marriage of an individual to a person belonging to the same
religion, race, age & social class.
Marrying someone outside a community, clan or tribe.
marriage classification
monogamy, polygamy
A person is married to one person only
A person has more than one spouse
types of monogamy
social and sexual
Two persons that live together, have sex with one another.
social monogamy
Two persons that remain sexually exclusive with one another and
have no outside sex partners.
sexual monogamy
types of polyagmy
polygyny, polyandry
married to More than one woman.
married to More than one man.
Privileged social relationship established by a Ritual.
kinship by ritual
Relationship that promotes ties through baptism or marriage.
Residential patterns being followed by married couples.
post marital residency rule
variations of post marital residency rule
patrilocality, matrilocality, neolocality
Married couples live with or near the family of the Husband
Married couples live with or near the family of the Wife.
Married couples resides in area separate from both the family of
the Husband & Wife.
the system of acknowledged social parentage, which varies from society to
society, whereby a person may claim kinship ties with another.
politics of kinship
POLITICAL dynasty/alliances
Succession of rulers from same family or lineage.
political dynasty
Family or Group that maintains power for several generation.
political dynasty
Formed through lineage, marriage, compadrazgo, friendships, or even merger of
previously warring political parties.
political alliance
are formed as an assemblage of people who often interact with
each other on the basis of a common outlook concerning behavior and a sense of
common identity
may consist of two or more individuals who do
things together with a common goal and interest.
social group
is any collection of people who interact on the basis of shared expectations
regarding one another’s behavior
is consist of two or more people who are bound together in relatively stable
patterns of social interaction and who share a feeling of unity
is comprised of two or more persons who are in social interaction, who are
guided by similar norms, values and expectations, and who maintain a stable
pattern of relationship over a period of time.
Is a specified number of individuals where each recognizes members from nonmember;
a group is a collection of individuals characterize by:
communication, recognition, specialized roles
Three Requirements for a group
there must be two or more people; there must be interaction; te members must be together physically
Group as distinguished from other Collection of People like:
aggregate; category; collectivity
a simple collection of people who are in the same place at the
same time without interacting with each other
a simple collection of people who share distinctive characteristics
(age, sex, race, income/social class, occupation, religion, political beliefs,
Collection of people in a given place and time