LESSON 6 part 1 Flashcards
It shows the size, composition, and geographical distribution of the population
Demographic profile
Variables that may ‘break up the people into groups’ within the community
Cultural factors
An important element of the community diagnosis mainly because they are ‘essential elements in the delivery of the health care services’
Health resources
A vital element in ‘achieving the goal of high level wellness’ among the people
Political / Leadership patterns
Identify what source:
Health center’s data
Secondary Data
What evaluation: adult family member who can answer the queries
Primary Data
What evaluation: hospital data
Secondary Data
Problem oriented
TYPE OF COMMUNITY DIAGNOSIS: this aims to obtain general information about the community
TYPE OF COMMUNITY DIAGNOSIS: it responds to a particular need
Problem oriented
This data is is been compiled by health or non-health agencies from the government
Record review
This can be used to obtain both qualitative and quantitative
Surveys and observation
It can yield first hand information
It used to obtain qualitative data by ‘allowing the nurse to actively participate in the life of the community’
Participant Obervation
Type of Graph: shows ‘trend data’ or ‘changes with time or age’ with respect to some other varaible
line graph
Type of Graph: ‘for comparisons’ of absolute or relative counts and rates between categories
bar graph/pictograph
Type of Graph: graphic presentation of ‘frequency distribution or measurement’
histogram/frequency polygon
Type of Graph: shows ‘breakdown of a group’ or total where the number of categories is not too many
proportional / component bar/pie chart
What graph: correlation data for two variables
Scattered diagram
Aims to “establish trends and patterns in terms of health needs and problems” of the community
Data analysis
What are criteria for the “priority setting of chn problems”
Nature of the problem
Magnitude of the problem
Modifiability of the problem
Preventive potential
Social concern
Identify criteria: probability of reducing, controlling, or eradicating the problem
Modifiability of the problem
Identify criteria: health status, health resources, health related problems
Nature of the problem
Identify criteria: ‘severity of the problem’ and measured in terms of the proportion
Magnitude of the problem
Identify criteria: ‘perception’ of the population/community as they are affected by the problem
Social concern
Identify criteria: ‘probability of controlling and reducing the effect pose’ by the problem
Preventive potential