LESSON 4 part 2 Flashcards
One of the departments and offices in the local government unit
Health Department/Office
They have more health personnel and health centers
First Class Cities
They have only less than ten public health workers
Poor municipalities
The public health unit is headed by a ______ who is usually a resident in the area
Different types of ‘plans that a PHN is exposed’ to in public health system
Strategic plan
Operational plan
Program Plan
Nursing Care Plan
It is a “long range plans that which extends three-five years”
Strategic Plans
It is a ‘short range that generally deals with the routine activities of the organization’
Operational plan
This is called specialization or departmentation
Division of work
This results in ‘harmonious relationship among the different groups’ within the organization
This principle means that an employee should be responsible to, and ‘receive orders from, only one superior’
Unity of Command
What principle: PHN who are assigned to health centers may be responsible to and ‘receive orders’ from two people
Unity of Command
It means ‘superior’s right to command and exact obedience’ from his/her subordinates
Authority and Responsibility
This means the number of subordinates reporting directly to a superior
Span of Control
Defines the responsibility and authority of position
Job description
Determining ‘the number of personnel that an organization needs’ to meet its objectives and demands
“to show, mark the way, guide the course”
The ‘most pervasive activity’ with an organization
Verifying whether everything occurs in conformity with the plan adopted
It means providing care to clients regarding of their social class and beliefs
Ethic Practice
What act provide a list of grave, less grave and light offense for government employees
PD 807
RA 6713