Lesson 4.1 - HIV/AIDS Flashcards
What Baltimore classification is HIV?
Group 6; 2 (+) ssRNA; retrovirus
What enzymes are involved in HIV?
- Integrase - allows provirus to be part of host
- Protease - involved in building HIV at cell membrane; cuts polypeptides
- Reverse transcriptase
What glycoprotein spikes are involved with HIV?
gp120 and gp41
What is the viral capsid made of?

What is tRNA used for in HIV?
- used as a primer for DNA synthesis
- short segment of ds nucleic acid; provides a 3’ OH
HIV is a descendant of _______.
Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)
- Same capsid, different envelope as HIV
What are the predominant strains of HIV?
- HIV-1
- HIV-2
What is HIV-1?
- Derived from SIVcpz
- Chimps in Central Africa
- 95% of human infections
- Mutation 1 million times faster
- Serogroups w/ 50-60% difference in envelope proteins
What is HIV-2?
- Derived from SIVsm
- Sooty mangabeys in West Africa
- Less virulent (not less deadly, just slower)
- 5-10x lower transmission than HIV-1
- 50% DNA sequence homology
How is HIV transmitted by?
- Anal, vaginal, and oral sex
- Plasma, semen, intestinal secretions, CSF
- Mother to child (in utero)
- If it’s dried, it’s died
What are CD4 cells?
Include monocytes (dendritic cells, macrophages) and TH

HIV requires both ____ and ____ for entry
CD4; co-receptor
- gp120 binds CD4
- gp41 binds co-receptor

HIV-1 enters CD4 cells via ____
Conformational change in gp41 and gp120
- Hydrophobic gp41 contacts gp120, which binds to CCR5
Conformational change in gp41 and gp120

Who is Stephen Crohn?
Man who can’t catch AIDS
Who is Timothy Ray Brown?
Received stem cells transplant for myeloid leukemia w/ CCR5-Δ32 = majority of his CD4 immune to HIV
Who is Adam Castillejo?
- 2nd individual to receive CCR5-Δ32 stem cell transplant; Hodgkin lymphoma
- ~99% of CD4 immune to HIV
How does HIV exit?
By budding

Transcription of the viral mRNA only begins after the CD4 cell is ______

How is TC, NK, and Dendritic cells related to HIV?
- TC (CD8) & Natural Killer Cells attack infected TH
- Dendritic cells trap HIV and deliver it to CD4 cells
What is AIDS?
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- Caused by HIV
- Appears 5/10/20 yrs after HIV infection
- TH cell below 200 uL (mm3)
- Normal is 500 - 1600
What opportunistic/rare infections do HIV/AIDS patients suffer and die from?
- Candiasis of bronchi, trachea, esophagus, lungs
- HSV-1 on lips and mouth
- Salmonella diarrhea; Cytomegalovirus diseases, Toxoplasmosis, Coccidioidomycosis, Cryptococcosis
95% HIV+ develop Abs w/in _ weeks
99% HIV+ develop Abs w/in _ weeks
4; 12
What tests can be used to detect HIV/AIDS?
- Finger stick. oral/saliva Abs, Antibody/Antigen
- VIiral Load detects HIV 9-11 days after infection; DNA PCR test / NAAT
All tests should be accompanied with counseling.

What are the stages of HIV/AIDS?
- Stage 1: Acute HIV Infection
- 2-4 weeks after infection; flu-like
- Stage 2: Clinical latency
- 2-15 years; initial immune response knocks viral load
- Stage 3: AIDS

Why hasn’t a vaccine developed for HIV?
- Reverse transcriptase is sloppy
- Antigenic shift

What is Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART)?
- _Reverse transcriptase i_nhibitors
- Integrase inhibitors
- Protease inhibitors
- Maturation inhibitors (bind to peptides - stop protease)
- Entry / fusion inhibitors (attach to TH)
- Nucleotide / nucleoside analogues (mimic nucleotides)

U = U
- Undetectable = Untransmittable
- Condoms not required to prevent HIV tranmission
Describe PARTNER 1 (2010-14).
- 888 serodiscordant couples
- 548 hetero = 36000x
- 340 gay couples = 22000x
- None of HIV- partners became +
Describe PARTNER 2 (2014-18).
- 972 gay couples (480 from PARTNER 1) = 76991x
- 15 HIV- became HIV+
- Every case, was from a different partner
Describe Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
- Anti-retroviral drugs
- Reduce chance of transmission by 100x

Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)
- Exposure to HIV via sex partner, sexual assault, needle stick
- Start w/in 72 hours
- 28-day course

Statistics of HIV/AIDS in US
- 1.2 million adults HIV+ (13 years and older)
- 1 in 7 (14.2% unaware of infection)
- 176k individuals
- (2018) 36,400 new individuals
- (2010-17) Deaths declined from 9/.1 to 4.7 (48%)
- (2017) 16,358 died; 5,534 deaths HIV-related
Charts of HIV Incidence (13 years and older)

New HIV Diagnoses in US and Dependent Areas by Race/Ethnicity, 2018
- Blacks/AA= 16k (42.2%)
- Hispanics/Latinos = 10.2k (27.0%)
- Whites = 9.5k (25.2%)
- Multiple Races = 944
- Asians = 875
- AI/AN = 186
- Native Hawaiians/PI = 68
More Charts (lmao)

- HepB more likely than HepC to be transmitted sexually
- 1 in 10 have HepB
- 1 in 4 have HepC
- Both in utero
- IDU: Sharing needles, syringes, & other injection equipment
- 1/3 of 40 mil. HIV+ indiviuals co-infected w/ TB
- Leading cause of death of HIV+ ppl
HIV - Syphilis
- 2- to 5-fold increasd risk of acquiring HIV when Syphilis is present
- More likely to shed HIV when they have urethritis or genital ulcer
- Not considered a factor that contributes to deaths of HIV+ individuals