Lesson 3: University Commitment to the Ethical Care and Use of Animals Flashcards
Policy 1.4?
They govern the humane conduct of those handling and caring for animals in research, testing and teaching.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)?
A committee that reviews all aspects of animal care and use program.
All animals used for research, testing and teaching under IACUC must?
*care and use protocol must be approved by IACUC
*work with all animals must be conducted in accordance with approved protocol
*animal housing or used must be inspected and approved at least semi-annually by IACUC
*general oversight for care and use must be given by an attending veterinarian (AV) and professional staff of the centre for animal recourses and education (CARE)
*all individuals using or caring for animals must be trained in the procedures and principles of humane care and use.
Use of animals for research, testing, teaching, or training at Cornell requires coordination of several groups and administrative units:
The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
The Attending Veterinarian (AV)
The Center for Animal Resources and Education (CARE)
Animal Care Services and Facilities
Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)
Occupational Medicine
Animal Users Health and Safety Program (AUHSP)
The Office of Research Integrity and Assurance (ORIA)
commitment of individual investigators?
They make sure that the standards for humane care and use of animals outlined in the institutional policies, federal laws, regulations, guidelines ,and conditions of accepting funds are upheld in their work with animals.
Principal Investigator is specifically responsible for ensuring the following:
the use of live animals is necessary to reach the goals of the project;
CARE staff are consulted on appropriate models, methods and techniques for conducting animal use and euthanasia;
the project does not involve unnecessary duplication of animal use;
protocols are submitted to the IACUC for initial review and approval and no animal activities are initiated before an IACUC approval is granted;
all modifications, updates or revisions of the protocol are submitted to the IACUC and written approval is granted before any changes to animal use are made;
all personnel involved in the protocol are adequately trained for performing animal activities and in the safe conduct of research;
all personnel involved in the protocol are adequately trained to use any hazardous agents listed on the protocol and safety practices to minimize the risk of exposure.
all collaborators, students and/or staff adhere to the approved protocol; and
all relevant policies and regulations are complied with, recognizing that failure to do so could result in suspension or revocation of protocol approval and other disciplinary actions.
Animal welfare act and Public Health Service (PHS) policy requires?
every institution using vertebrate animals to establish an IACUC to oversee their animal program, facilities, and procedures.
The authority in IACUC comes from?
federal law.
Institutional Official (IO) is the individual at Cornell who is?
Authorized to commit legally on behalf of the university. They snore that the Animal welfare act and the Public Health Service policy on humane care and use of lab animals are met.
How many voting members at minimum should the IACUC consist of?
at least 5
The IACUC voting members must consist of at least a?
*Veterinarian experienced in lab animal medicine
*A scientist experienced in research with animals
*A member whose primary concerns are in a nonscientific area
*a person who is not affiliated with the institution in any way other than as a member of the committee.
Responsibilities of IACUC?
reviewing and approving all uses of animals proposed in research, teaching, and testing;
inspecting all areas at least twice per year where animals are housed or used;
reviewing Cornell University’s program for humane care and use of animals at least once every six months;
preparing reports of the IACUC evaluations and submit the reports to the Institutional Official;
reviewing concerns involving the care and use of animals;
developing policies governing the humane care and use of animals;
making recommendations to the Institutional Official regarding any aspect of the institution’s animal program, facilities, or personnel training;
suspending any activity involving animals that deviates from the original protocol without approval or violates PHS Policy on the humane care and use of animals.
The veterinarians and technicians at Cornell centre for animal recourses and education (CARE) ensures?
provide animal care and veterinary services,
advise and educate researchers, staff and students on animal use issues,
promote best practices for the responsible use of animals. These actions enable quality science and education merging with animal welfare.
provide hands on training, and
maintain a training library which includes printed and video materials.
Environment, health and safety?
implements policies, procedures and training for the safe conduct of research and teaching at Cornell involving chemical, biological, and radiation hazards;
ensures compliance with federal and state policies, procedures, and regulations involving these hazards within all research space at the University;
conducts general and specific inspections of individual laboratories;
maintains a database on hazardous chemical and biological agents, and radioactive materials on campus;
provides safety training to research personnel;
provides training for laboratory personnel on the appropriate methods for use, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials and biological agents; and
performs certain equipment inspections.
Office of research integrity and assurance (ORIA) is responsible for?
reviewing and approving all submissions to the IACUC;
educating IACUC members, investigators, and research and administrative personnel on the federal and state regulations as well as institutional policies involving the use of animals;
ensuring compliance with IACUC decisions, institutional policies, state statutes, federal regulations, and ethical principles for humane care and use of animal subjects in research;
comparing grant applications to animal protocols;
conducting random and for-cause audits to determine compliance with the AWA, PHS Policy, a sponsor’s requirements, and the IACUC approved protocol;
advising the Institutional Official (IO) and the IACUC of regulatory requirements, policies and procedures designed to maintain compliance and improve service to the animal user community.
Occupational Health participates in the animal user health and safety program (AUHSP) and makes?
Recommendations to the IACUC regarding medical surveillance needs based on the health profile of animal users and nature of their work described in the animal protocol.
Animal user health and safety program (AUHSP), which?
Evaluates the human health risks associated with direct and indirect contact with animals used in research and teaching at Cornell.