Lesson 11: Research Procedures Flashcards
Fish collection method selected depends on?
the goals of the project, the species involved, the age of the fish, and its environment.
Ideally, the collation method will be the one that is the?
Least stressful to the fish, maximizes collection of target fish, minimizes camper of bystander fish, and has a low potential to harm fish or personnel.
Small mesh may?
Prevent gill entrapment and capture duration should be less than 30 min.
Fish generally recover but survivability depends on?
The location of the fish relative to the source of the current, the fish’s body size, as well as the strength and frequency of the electric power source.
Before handling to prevent vomiting and defecation, fish should be?
Fish should be handled with care to prevent damage to the?
Mucus-skin barrier
Why should indirect or dim light be used when handling fish?
It produces a calming effect on the fish.
Fish should not be exposed to the air for more than?
30 seconds and the gills must remain moist.
Where to put the needle for blood collection?
The body between the scales.
Should the fish be anesthetized when taking blood?
Which vein (or artery) is the most common for blood collection?
The caudal vein.
For repeated sampling, a _____ should be placed?
Recommended blood volume per collection is?
1 mL/kg of body weight
Ratio volume of red blood cells to the volume of blood.
How should the needle enter?
Oral: Feed or gavage. The dose should not exceed 1% of body weight (1ml/100g).
Branchial diffusion (waterborne): Branchial diffusion is the most common route for chemical administration, because of the gill’s large surface area.
*IV: Caudal vein or artery is most commonly used. For repeated administrations, a cannula should be placed.
*ICe (intracoelomic): Preferred site is on the midline and cranial to the pelvic fin. Short needles are recommended to avoid potentially penetrating and damaging abdominal organs.
*IM: Give dose in the large dorsal epaxial and abdominal muscles. Avoid the lateral line and ventral blood vessels.
*Implants: Bioabsorbable or nonabsorbable implants can be surgically implanted in the peritoneal cavity or into muscle using a trocar. Use caution to avoid potentially penetrating and damaging abdominal organs and ventral blood vessels.
Topical: This technique is not typically used in adult or juvenile fish. This technique works well for exposing eggs to chemical agents.
What is the oldest and most widely used method for identifying individual or groups of fish?
External tags
Common clinical signs of pain and distress in fish may include one or more of the following:
Changes in eye condition, fin and skin condition, mucus production, and/or color
Changes in feed consumption
Changes in feeding activity
Changes in respiratory rate
Changes in orientation in the water (upright, upside down, tilted, etc.)
Changes in social interactions, such as direct attacks, domination of choice tank locations, schooling, and social isolation
Lack of response to external stimulation
Hyperactivity or hypoactivity
Abnormal movements such as flashing (erratic swimming) or scraping the body against hard surfaces in the tank
Unexpected jumping or escape behavior
Avoidance reaction to mechanical prod or light beam