Lesson 25 Flashcards
누구 (who) . 누군가 (someone)
뭔 (what)- 뭔가 무언가) (someching)
어디 (where) 어딘가 (somerwhere)
언제 (when) -언젠가 Someday
I want to go to the United States someday.
When do you want to go to the United States?
언젠가 미국에 가고 싶어요.
언제 미국에 가고 싶어요?
I’m going to go to Japan one day.
When are you going to go to Japan?
언젠가 일본에 갈 거예요.
언제 일본에 갈 거예요?
To find, to look for
What did you find?
Did you find something?
뭐 찾았어요?
뭔가 찾았어요!
Something is strange.
What is strange?
뭔가 이상해요.
뭐가 이상해요?
Whom will you meet?
Will you meet someone?
누구 만날 거예요?
누군가 만날 거예요?
Where is it?
It is here somewhere.
어디에 있어요?
여기 어딘가에 있어요.
When are you going to go to China?
Are you going to go to China someday/one of these days?
언제 중국에 갈 거예요? (stress is on 언제)
언제 중국에 갈 거예요? (stress is on 갈 거예요?)
To learn
Did you learn something today?
What did you learn today?
오늘 뭐 배웠어요? (stress is on 배웠어요?)
오늘 뭐 배웠어요? (stress is on 뭐)
To leave
Yes, I do. I like leaving to go somewhere.
네, 좋아해요. 어딘가로 떠나는 거 좋아해요
누군가, 무언가, 어딘가, 언젠가
In Korean, it is much easier to create these indefinite words. Just simply add -ㄴ가 to the end
of the word.
The distinction between 언제 and 언젠가 is stronger than the distinction between other words, but there are many situations in which 언젠가 can be replaced with 언제 . When using the original interrogative word rather than - ㄴ가, pay attention to your intonation. The emphasis should be on the verbs, not the actual interrogative word.
Someday I will say it./ I will tell someday.
언젠가는 말할 거예요.
It must be somewhere.
어딘가에 있을 거예요.
To be different
Something is different.
뭔가 달라요