Lesson 21 Flashcards
A STD that usually begins in the mucus membranes and quickly becomes systemic
Causative agent of syphilis
Treponema pallidum
Incubation period of Syphilis
10 to 90 days and an average of 3 weeks
Clinical manifestation of Syphilis
Primary Syphilis
A syphillis that starts with one or more chancres that erupt in the genitalia, anus, nippples, tonsils, or eyelids
Primary syphilis
A syphillis that has development of mucocutaneous lesions
Secondary Syphilis
There are no clinical symptoms that occur in this syphilis, but a serologic test will prove reactive
Latent Syphilis
Gumma a chronic, a superficial nodule or deep granulomatous lesion
Late / Tertiary Syphilis
What type of syphilis:
Nails become brittle
Secondary S.
What type of syphilis:
Enlarged spleen and anemia
Late/Tertiary S.
What type of syphilis:
Secondary S.
What type of syphilis:
Asymptomatic until death
Latent S.
This syphilis mag lead to miscarriage or still birth
Congenital Syphilis
Treatment for syphilis
Pen G Benzathine
Tetracycline doxycycline
How many dosage for Pen G Benzathine
2.4 million units / IM
A bacterial infection transmitted by contaminated water,milk, shellfish, or other food
Typhoid Fever
An infection in the GIT affecting the lymphoid tissues of the small intestine
Typhoid fever
Causative agent of Typhoid fever
Salmonella Typhosa / Typhi
Incubation period of thypoid fever
5 to 40 days
The two most dreadful complication of typhoid fever
A characterized joint pain, eye irritation, painful urination that can lead to chronic arthritis
Reiter’s syndrome
Treatment for typhoid fever
3rd and 4th gen of Cephalosporin