Lesão do Tendão Biceptal Flashcards
Quais são os locais de lesão proximal do tendão biceptal?
The injury site or sites may include the attachment to the supraglenoid tubercle, SLAP, the tendon (intraarticular or extraarticular), and the bicipital arch.
Quais estruturas formam o arco biceptal?
The bicipital arch consists of the conglomerate of the superior glenohumeral ligament and the coracohumeral ligament attachment at the superior bicipital groove. The ligaments are reinforced anteriorly by the subscapular tendon attachment and posteriorly by the supraspinatus attachment.
Como Lafosse descreveu o exame para avaliar a instabilidade do tendão biceptal?
Lafosse et al. suggested internal and external rotation of the humerus in 0 to 30 degrees abduction for dynamic evaluation of the biceps followed by probing to evaluate for static stability.
Quais são as opções de tratamento para a instabilidade do tendão biceptal?
The treatment is arthroscopic tendon debulking or tenodesis. In patients who have chronic impingement and persistent biceps tendinitis with more than 50% of the biceps tendon disrupted, or with biceps tendon subluxation as described by Lafosse et al., Habermeyer et al., and Bennett, an arthroscopic or mini-open tenodesis may be performed.
Quais são as propostas cirúrgicas para pacientes com instabilidade do tendão biceptal de acordo com sua idade?
For middle-aged patients, a soft tissue tenodesis may be adequate. In older patients with prior informed consent, the best results are achieved with simple tendon release and stump débridement. Indications for biceps tenotomy included age older than 50 years and no heavy work activities.
Desfechos insatisfatórios estão relacionados com quais achados anatômicos ao redor do ombro do paciente?
A poor outcome was often associated with the preoperative findings of a high-riding humerus and associated fatty infiltration of the rotator cuff.
Como é a classificação de Bennett para instabilidade/subluxação do tendão biceptal?
Type 1, with tears of subscapularis without involvement of medial head of coracohumeral ligament;
Type 2, without tears of subscapularis with involvement of medial head of coracohumeral ligament;
Type 3, with tears of subscapularis and with involvement of medial head of coracohumeral ligament.
Type 4, with tears of supraspinatus and lateral head of coracohumeral ligament.
Type 5, with tears of subscapularis, with medial and lateral head of coracohumeral ligament including leading edge of supraspinatus tendon.
Na técnica de Mazzocca para tenodese da parte proximal do tendão biceptal, quanto de tendão é excisado? Quanto de tendão sobra aproximadamente?
20 mm of diseased portion of tendon is excised. Sobra aproximadamente 15 mm.
Qual local mais prevalente de lesão dos tendões biceptais?
More than half of all ruptures involving the biceps brachii muscle occur through the tendon of its long head. The rupture usually is more or less transverse and is located either within the shoulder joint or within the proximal part of the intertubercular groove.
Qual a epidemiologia das lesões proximais do biceps?
The injury is most common in individuals 40 to 60 years of age and often is due to impingement or chronic microtrauma on the tendon, but it may occur in younger individuals during heavy weightlifting or other sports activities (e.g., football, rugby, soccer, snowboarding) or in a traumatic fall.
Qual a porcentagem de perda da força de flexão do cotovelo e abdução do ombro nas lesões proximais do tendão biceptal?
Acute rupture of the proximal biceps tendon is associated with a 20% decrease in elbow flexion power, and the power of shoulder abduction with the arm in external rotation is about 17% less that of the opposite side.
Quais os achados de exame físico podem ser encontrados em uma lesão aguda do tendão biceptal?
With an acute injury, ecchymosis and a lump may be noted on the lateral side of the arm from retraction of the tendon.
Quais outras patologias podem estar associadas a lesões proximais dos tendões biceptais?
One dificulty in the diagnosis of rupture of the proximal biceps tendon is determining if the rupture is associated with concomitant rotator cuff tears or instability.
Quais são as opções de tratamento para lesões proximais dos tendões biceptais?
Ruptures of the proximal biceps tendon traditionally have been treated nonoperatively because they rarely cause significant functional impairment. We prefer operative repair of acute proximal biceps tendon rupture in young, active patients who are unwilling to accept the deformity or slight weakness of supination. Occasionally, repair is indicated in a middle-aged patient whose profession, such as carpentry, requires full supination strength if the patient believes the time out of work is outweighed by the slight increase in supination power gained by operation.
Qual a epidemiologia e o mecanismo de lesão da parte distal do tendão biceptal?
Distal rupture of the biceps tendon typically occurs in middle-aged men during heavy lifting with the elbow flexed 90 degrees, or when the biceps muscle contracts against unexpected resistance.