Artroscopia do Ombro Flashcards
Quais são as radiografias solicitadas para avaliar instabilidade do ombro em pacientes jovens? E em pacientes de meia idade?
Young adults with symptoms of instability should have true anteroposterior, Westpoint, and Stryker notch views, as well as an anteroposterior view with the shoulder in internal rotation to evaluate for changes to the glenoid and humeral head. Middle-aged and older patients should have outlet, axillary lateral, and true antero-posterior views.
Quais são as contra-indicações para realização da artroscopia do ombro?
Contra-indications to shoulder arthroscopy include local skin conditions, remote infections that might spread to the joint, and increased medical risks.
Quais são as vantagens do decúbito lateral para artroscopia?
The lateral decubitus position probably is more commonly used because of better access to the posterior shoulder and the relative ease and safety of positioning.
Quais são os benefícios do posicionamento em cadeira de praia para artroscopia do ombro?
The beneits of the “beach chair” position are ease in orientation and surgical manipulation in the subacromial space and ease in conversion to an open surgical procedure. They noted faster and easier patient positioning, reduced risk of neurapraxia because traction was not used, less distortion of intraarticular capsular anatomy, improved mobility of the patient’s arm, and easier conversion to open procedures because repositioning and repreparation were not required.
Quais complicações descritas para o posicionamento em cadeira de praia para artroscopia?
Complications of stroke and death have been reported from hypotensive episodes in the “beach chair” position; blood pressure at the brachium is lower than that in the cerebrum and potentially significantly lower if carotid artery disease is present.
Quais as vantagens do decúbito lateral com tilt de 20 a 30o posteriormente para a artroscopia?
Gross and Fitzgibbons modified this straight lateral decubitus position by tilting the patient 20 to 30 degrees posteriorly, which places the glenoid surface parallel to the floor. They reported three advantages of this modification: (l) less traction, decreasing the risk of neurapraxia of the brachial plexus; (2) accentuation of tears of the glenoid labrum because they are pulled away from their beds instead of in line with them; and (3) improved arthroscopic access to the inferior third of the glenoid labrum and capsule.
Quanto de tração deve ser aplicado ao membro superior para artroscopia do ombro em decúbito lateral?
10 to 13 lb of traction is applied.
Qual o posicionamento do membro superior para artroscopia do ombro?
Klein et al. studied the strain on the brachial plexus with varying degrees of abduction and flexion. They concluded that two positions (45 degrees of forward flexion with 90 degrees of abduction and 45 degrees of forward flexion with 0 degrees of abduction) provided maximal visibility with minimal strain on the brachial plexus.
Qual a taxa de complicação pós artroscopia do ombro em decúbito lateral?
Complications after shoulder arthroscopy have been reported to be between 23% and 30%, most caused by neurapraxia after excessive arm traction.
Qual a posição do braço para artroscopia do espaço subacromial e para artroscopia da articulação acromioclavicular?
The arm position for arthroscopy of the subacromial space and acromioclavicular joint is slightly diferent. The arm is brought down to 20 to 45 degrees of abduction and 0 degrees of flexion. This position permits mild inferior subluxation of the humeral head, opening up the subacromial space.
Quais são as desvantagens do posicionamento em cadeira de praia para artroscopia do ombro?
The disadvantage of this technique is dificulty in working from posterior portals and decreased cerebral perfusion when hypotensive anesthesia is induced. As mentioned earlier, complications of stroke and death may occur from hypotensive episodes in the “beach chair” position.
Quais são as três técnicas para controle do sangramento intra-articular na artroscopia do ombro?
The first technique is to use an arthroscopy pump for inflow, maintaining a constant fluid low and pressure of 60 to 70 mm Hg. A second measure is to add 1 mL of 1 : 1000 epinephrine to each 3000mL bag of irrigant, if the patient has a stable pressure and no cardiac contraindications. The final technique, and perhaps the most efective, is to use hypotensive anesthesia, with a systolic blood pressure of 90 to 100 mm Hg. A systolic-to-pump pressure gradient of approximately 30 mm Hg should be maintained when possible.
No procedimento artroscópico do ombro, qual o aumento da pressão intra-articular e quanto tempo após o término do procedimento a pressão intra-articular retorna aos seus valores basais?
Ogilvie-Harris and Boynton, in a report of 25 arthroscopic shoulder procedures (20 acromioplasties), reported that pressures increased from a baseline of 12 to 120 mm Hg, but within 4 minutes of termination of the procedure the pressures returned to normal.
Qual tipo de anestesia deve ser evitada em pacientes idosos posicionados em cadeira de praia para artroscopia do ombro?
In older patients, particularly with “beach chair” positioning, hypotensive anesthesia may not be advisable.
Qual é o ganho de peso de fluido líquido extravasado durante a artroscopia do ombro?
Lo and Burkhart evaluated 53 patients immediately after shoulder arthroscopy and found an average fluid weight gain of 8.7 lb.
Qual o portal que passa mais próximo a uma estrutura neurovascular?
The portal that passes closest to a neurovascular structure is the low anterior portal approximately 1 cm from the cephalic vein.
Qual estrutura neurologica está em risco na colocação dos portais anterior, lateral e posterior?
Awareness of the axillary nerve is important in portal placement anteriorly, posteriorly, and laterally.
A que distância se localiza o nervo supraescapular e a artéria circunflexa da escápula do portal posterior?
Posteriorly, the suprascapular nerve and circumflex scapular artery are approximately 2 cm from the portal site.
Quais são os portais para acessar o espaço glenoumeral, espaço subacromial e articulação acromioclavicular?
The glenohumeral joint portals can be made posteriorly, superiorly, and anteriorly; the subacromial joint portals are placed anteriorly, pos- teriorly, and laterally; and the acromioclavicular joint can be approached from the subacromial space anteriorly or posteriorly.
Quais radiografias devem ser solicitadas para avaliar lesões fisárias em atletas jovens?
In an adolescent athlete, with dominant-side pain during sports requiring overhead motion, anteroposterior views with the shoulder in internal and external rotation should be included to evaluate for physeal injury.
Quais são as duas estruturas que estão em maior risco na colocação dos portais artroscópicos no ombro?
The axillary and suprascapular nerves are the two structures at most risk during shoulder arthroscopic portal placement.
Qual estrutura anatômica mais próxima em risco de lesão?
The nearest anatomical structure at risk is the suprascapular artery.
Qual é a distância entre o nervo axilar e a AAC? E entre o nervo supraescapular e o labrum posterosuperior e o tuberculo supraglenoidal?
Nassar et al. found that the distance between the acromioclavicular joint and the axillary nerve is 7.9 cm for men and 6.37 cm for women. Bigliani et al. found the suprascapular nerve to be located 1.8 cm from the posterosuperior labrum and 2.5 cm from the superior glenoid tubercle.