EF Ombro + Impacto + MR Flashcards
Quais são as estruturas primárias estabilizadoras do movimento do ombro?
The ligamentous constraints are the primary stabilizers at extremes of motion.
Qual ligamento é o restritor primário da luxação umeral inferior? Qual outra função essa estrutura possui?
The superior glenohumeral ligament is the primary restraint to inferior humeral subluxation in 0 degrees of abduction and is the primary stabilizer to anterior and posterior stress in the same position.
Qual grau de abdução de atuação do ligamento glenoumeral médio para restrição da rotação externa?
The middle glenohumeral ligament limits external rotation when the arm is in the lower and middle ranges of abduction but has little efect when the arm is in 90 degrees of abduction.
Como funciona o ligamento glenoumeral inferior? Qual banda está tensa em rotação externa? E em rotação interna?
The inferior glenohumeral ligament is composed of an anterior band that is quite thick, a posterior band that is less thick and distinct, and a thinner intervening axillary pouch, creating a hammock-type model. With external rotation, the hammock slides anteriorly and superiorly, the anterior band tightens, and the posterior band fans out. With internal rotation, the opposite occurs.
Qual a função do ligamento glenoumeral anteroinferior?
The anteroinferior glenohumeral ligament complex is the main stabilizer to anterior and posterior stresses when the shoulder is abducted 45 degrees or more.
Quais os músculos extrínsecos da articulação do ombro?
The extrinsic muscles primarily control movement of the scapula and include the rhomboids, levator scapulae, trapezius, and serratus anterior.
Quais são os músculos intrínsecos que controlam a articulação glenoumeral?
The intrinsic muscles control the glenohumeral joint and include the rotator cuf muscles (subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor), the deltoid, the pectoralis major, the teres major, the latissimus dorsi, and the biceps brachii.
Como a ação muscular atua para estabilizar a articulação glenoumeral?
First, they dynamically position the scapula to place the glenoid opposite the humeral head as the shoulder moves. Rowe compared the relationship to a “ball on a seal’s nose.” As the ball (humerus) moves, the seal (scapula and glenoid) moves to maintain the balanced relationship. Second, while ligaments work in a static fashion to limit translation and rotation, their stifness and torsional rigidity are increased with concomitant muscle activity. Rotator cuf activity and biceps activity have been shown to stifen the capsule and decrease glenohumeral translation. Third, intrinsic and extrinsic muscle groups serve as fine-tuners of motion and power movers by working in “force couples.” The force couples control and direct the force through the joint, contributing to stability.
A que distancia da inserção ossea ocorre a fusão dos tendões do supra e infraespinhal?
The tendons of the infraspinatus and supraspinatus muscles join approximately 15 mm proximal to their insertion and cannot be readily separated by blunt dissection.
Em qual região ocorre a fusão do infraespinal e do redondo menor?
The infraspinatus and teres minor fuse near their musculotendinous junctions.
Descreva a fusão dos tendões do subescapular e do supraespinal?
The supraspinatus and subscapularis tendons join as a sheath that surrounds the biceps tendon at the entrance of the bicipital groove. The roof of this sheath consists of a portion of the supraspinatus tendon, and a sheet of the subscapularis tendon forms the floor. This relationship is relevant to the frequent coexistence of subscapularis tendon tears with lesions of the long head of the biceps.
Qual a posição anatomica do ligamento coracoumral?
The coracohumeral ligament is a thick band of ibrous tissue extending from the coracoid process along the surface of the capsule to the tuberosities between the supraspinatus and subscapularis tendons. The ligament is deep to the tendinous insertion of the cuf and blends with the capsule and supraspinatus tendon to form part of the roof of the biceps sheath.
Quantas camadas apresentam os tendões do supra e infraespinal?
Histological studies of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons identiied five distinct layers.
Quais são as distancias de inserções dos tendões do manguito rotador, em média?
The mean medial-to-lateral insertion widths of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis tendons were 12.7 mm, 13.4 mm, 11.4 mm, and 17.9 mm, respectively. The mean minimal medial-to-lateral insertion width of the entire rotator cuff insertion occurred at the midportion of the supraspinatus and was 14.7 mm.
O que é o intervalo rotador? Quais são seus limites? Quais estruturas passam em seu interior?
The rotator interval is defined as the triangular area in the anterior and superior shoulder where no rotator cuff tendons are present. As such, the interval is bounded by the supraspinatus superiorly, the subscapularis inferiorly, and the coracoid medially. The apex of the triangle is marked laterally by the transverse humeral ligament. The coracohumeral ligament, biceps tendon, and superior glenohumeral ligament are found in the rotator interval. The rotator interval is altered in pathological states and has been found to be contracted in patients with adhesive capsulitis and expanded in those with shoulder instability.
Qual a posição do arco coracoacromial? Quais estruturas passam por esse arco?
The coracoacromial arch lies superior to the glenohumeral joint and is composed of the coracoid and the anterior acromion, which are spanned by the coracoacromial ligament. The distal clavicle usually is considered to be part of the arch as well. The rotator cuff tendons, the subacromial bursa, the biceps tendon, and the proximal humerus all pass beneath this arch.
Qual a função secundária do arco coracoacromial?
The coracoacromial arch also serves as a restraint to superior proximal humeral migration, and its disruption is considered the final step in the cascade of events culminating in anterosuperior escape in advanced degenerative shoulder disorders associated with massive rotator cuff tears. In escape, the humeral head dislocates anteriorly and superiorly with attempted forward elevation of the shoulder. As a result, the humeral head comes to rest in a palpable and visible position in the subcutaneous tissues.
Quais são as características da dor do paciente com lesões no ombro?
The pain, usually exacerbated by overhead activities, is worse with active rather than passive motion and may awaken the patient from sleep.
Como é realizado o teste de impacto de Neer?
With the patient seated, the examiner raises the afected arm in forced forward elevation while stabilizing the scapula, causing the greater tuberosity to impinge against the acromion. Neer also described the impingement test with the use of a subacromial injection of 10 mL of 1% lidocaine (Xylocaine). Pain caused by impingement usually is significantly reduced or eliminated, but pain caused by other conditions (with the exception perhaps of calciic tendinitis) is not relieved.
Como é realizado o teste de Hawkins-Kennedy?
The test is performed by forward flexing the humerus to 90 degrees and forcibly internally rotating the shoulder. This maneuver drives the greater tuberosity farther under the coracoacromial ligament, reproducing the impingement pain.
Como é realizado o teste de Jobe? Qual músculo é testado?
Jobe described the “supraspinatus test” in 1983. The test is performed by placing the shoulder in 90 degrees of abduction and 30 degrees of forward flexion and internally rotated so that the thumb is pointing toward the floor. Muscle testing against resistance shows weakness or insuficiency of the supraspinatus owing to a tear or pain associated with rotator cuff impingement.
Como é realizado o teste de estresse em rotação interna?
The test is performed with the patient seated and the examiner standing behind the patient. The patient’s arm is positioned in 90 degrees of abduction in the coronal plane and approximately 80 degrees of external rotation. A manual isometric muscle test is performed for external rotation and compared with one for internal rotation in the same position. If a patient with a positive impingement sign has good strength in external rotation and weakness in internal rotation, the test is positive. A positive internal rotation resistance stress test suggests internal impingement, and a negative test (more weakness in external rotation) suggests classic outlet impingement.
Como é realizado o teste de Gerber para o subcoracoide?
The Gerber test is designed to identify impingement between the rotator cuf and the coracoid process. It is performed in a manner similar to the Hawkins-Kennedy impingement test. The arm is forward lexed 90 degrees and adducted 10 to 20 degrees across the body to bring the lesser tuberosity into contact with the coracoid. Pain with the maneuver indicates coracoid impingement.
Como é realizado o teste de apreensão e recolocação de Jobe?
With the patient supine, the arm is abducted 90 degrees and externally rotated, which produces pain from impingement. Application of a posteriorly directed force to the humeral head, relocating it in the glenoid, does not change the pain in patients with primary impingement but relieves the pain in patients with instability (subluxation) and secondary impingement, who tolerate maximal external rotation with the humeral head maintained in a reduced position.
Como é realizado o speed teste? Sua positividade indica quais patologias?
The Speed test is performed by having the patient forward flex the shoulder to 90 degrees with the elbow extended and the forearm supinated. Resistance is applied to the forearm, and a positive result produces pain localized to the bicipital groove. In an arthroscopic analysis that included biceps tendinitis and superior labral anterior and posterior lesions as positive findings.
Como é realizado o teste de Yargason?
Yergason described the “supination sign” in 1931. The elbow is lexed to 90 degrees, and the forearm is pronated. he patient attempts to supinate the forearm actively against resistance applied by the examiner at the patient’s wrist. Pain localized to the bicipital groove indicates inlammation of the long head of the biceps. Yergason noted that this test may be negative with partial or complete rupture of the supraspinatus tendon.The elbow is flexed to 90 degrees, and the forearm is pronated. he patient attempts to supinate the forearm actively against resistance applied by the examiner at the patient’s wrist. Pain localized to the bicipital groove indicates inlammation of the long head of the biceps. Yergason noted that this test may be negative with partial or complete rupture of the supraspinatus tendon.TThe elbow is lexed to 90 degrees, and the forearm is pronated. The patient attempts to supinate the forearm actively against resistance applied by the examiner at the patient’s wrist. Pain localized to the bicipital groove indicates inlammation of the long head of the biceps. Yergason noted that this test may be negative with partial or complete rupture of the supraspinatus tendon.
Quais são os testes que quando positivos indicam síndrome do impacto com probabilidade >95%? Quando eles são negativos, qual a probabilidade dessa sindrome ocorrer?
If the Hawkins-Kennedy sign, the painful arc sign, and the infraspinatus muscle (Jobe) test all were positive, the likelihood of a patient having an impingement syndrome of some degree was greater than 95%; if these three tests all were negative, the likelihood of impingement syndrome was less than 24%.
Como é realizado o teste de lift-off?
In 1991, Gerber and Krushell described the lift-off test for detection of an isolated rupture of the subscapularis tendon. With the patient seated or standing, the arm is internally rotated, and the dorsum of the hand is placed against the lower back. If the patient is unable to lift the dorsum of the hand of the back, the test is positive. Electromyography has confirmed that the subscapularis muscle is maximally active with the hand in the midlumbar position and with resistance applied.
Como é realizado o belly press test?
In this test, the patient presses the abdomen with the flat of the hand and attempts to keep the arm in maximal internal rotation. If active internal rotation is strong, the elbow does not drop backward, meaning it remains in front of the trunk. If the strength of the subscapularis is impaired, maximal internal rotation cannot be maintained, the patient feels weakness, and the elbow drops back behind the trunk.
Como é realizado o teste de estresse em rotação externa?
he external rotation stress test is intended to test the integrity of the external rotators of the shoulder, specifically the infraspinatus and the teres minor. With the patient’s arms by his or her side in neutral flexion and abduction, the shoulders are externally rotated 45 to 60 degrees. The examiner applies force against the dorsum of the hands, attempting to rotate the shoulders internally back to neutral while the patient is asked to resist. Pain and weakness suggest inflammation or tearing of the infraspinatus or the teres minor or both.
Como é realizado o external rotation lag test?
The external rotation lag sign test is designed to test the integrity of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus tendons. The patient is seated with his or her back to the examiner. The elbow is passively flexed to 90 degrees, and the shoulder is held at 20 degrees of elevation and near maximal external rotation (maximal external rotation minus 5 degrees to avoid elastic recoil in the shoulder) by the examiner. The patient is asked to maintain the position of external rotation actively as the examiner releases the wrist, while maintaining support of the arm at the elbow. The sign is positive when a lag, or angular drop, occurs. As with all tests, performance and interpretation are complicated by pathological changes in the passive range of motion.
Como é realizado o drop sign?
The drop sign is intended to test the integrity of the infraspinatus. The patient is seated with his or her back to the examiner. The afected arm is held at 90 degrees of elevation in the scapular plane and at almost full external rotation with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees. The patient is asked to maintain this position actively as the examiner releases the wrist while supporting the elbow, which is mainly a function of the infraspinatus. The sign is positive if a lag or “drop” occurs.
Como é realizado o internal rotation lag sign?
The internal rotation lag sign test is designed to test the integrity of the subscapularis tendon. The patient is seated with his or her back to the examiner. The afected arm is held by the examiner in almost maximal internal rotation. The elbow is flexed to 90 degrees, and the shoulder is held at 20 degrees of elevation and 20 degrees of extension. The dorsum of the hand is passively lifted away from the lumbar region until almost full internal rotation is reached. The patient is asked to maintain this position actively as the examiner releases the wrist while maintaining support at the elbow. The sign is positive when a lag occurs.
Qual a contribuição do labrum para a articulação glenoumeral?
The glenoid is encircled by the labrum, composed of dense fibrocartilaginous tissue, which increases the depth of the socket by 50% around the humeral head and increases stability. The glenoid articular surface and the labrum combine to create a socket that is approximately 9 mm deep in the superoinferior direction and 5 mm deep in the antero-posterior direction. Adding the glenoid labrum increases the glenoid surface to 75% of the humeral head vertically and 57% horizontally.
Radiografia com rotação interna do ombro avalia qual lesão? E com rotação externa?
The internal rotation view is useful for detecting Hill-Sachs lesions, and the external rotation view provides a good view of the greater tuberosity and proximal humeral physis in skeletally immature patients.
Como é chamada a radiografia em AP verdadeiro do ombro? Qual a sua utilidade?
A true anteroposterior radiograph of the glenohumeral joint (also known as the Grashey view) provides the best evaluation of the articular cartilage of the glenoid and the humeral head.
Qual a utilidade da incidência radiografica axilar lateral?
The axillary lateral view has the advantage of showing the anatomy of the glenoid rim, the acromion, the coracoid, and the proximal humerus.