Dor Lombar Baixa Flashcards
Como é o suprimento sanguineo e a nutrição do disco intervertebral?
At birth, the disc has some direct blood supply contained within the cartilaginous endplates and the anulus. These vessels recede in the first years of life, and by adulthood there is no appreciable blood supply to the disc. The cells within the disc are sustained by difusion of nutrients into the disc through the porous central concavity of the vertebral endplate.
Qual é caracteristica encontrada nos discos herniados?
Herniated discs have a greater number of senescent cells than nonherniated discs and have higher concentrations of matrix metalloproteinases.
Quais são as características das células do ânulo fibroso e do núcleo pulposo dos discos intervertebrais?
The anulus cells are more elongated and appear more like fibroblasts, whereas nucleus cells are oval and resemble chondrocytes. The anulus cells produce predominantly type I collagen, whereas nucleus cells synthesize type II collagen.
Qual é o tempo de turnover dos glicosaminoglicanos nos discos intervertebrais?
The glycosaminoglycan turnover in the disc is quite slow, requiring 500 days.
Como estão organizadas as raízes nervosas na medula espinhal? Como se organizam as raízes motoras e sensitivas?
The orientation of the nerve roots in the dural sac and at the conus medullaris follows a highly organized pattern, with the most cephalad roots lying lateral and the most caudad lying centrally. The motor roots are ventral to the sensory roots at all levels.
Como é a padronização da nomenclatura das raízes emergentes na coluna vertebral?
Accepted nomenclature allows each cervical root to exit cephalad to the pedicle of the vertebra for which it is named (e.g., the C6 nerve root exits above or cephalad to the C6 pedicle). This relationship changes in the thoracic spine because the C8 root exits between the C7 and T1 pedicles, requiring the T1 root to exit caudal or below the pedicle for which it is named. This relationship is maintained throughout the remaining more caudal segments.
Como é organizada a inervação das estruturas vertebrais dos ramos distais ao gânglio da raíz dorsal?
Distal to the ganglion, three distinct branches arise; the most prominent and important is the ventral ramus, which supplies all structures ventral to the neural canal. The second branch, the sinuvertebral nerve, is a small filamentous nerve that originates from the ventral ramus and progresses medially over the posterior aspect of the disc and vertebral bodies, innervating these structures and the posterior longitudinal ligament. The third branch is the dorsal ramus. This branch courses dorsally, piercing the intertransverse ligament near the pars interarticularis. Three branches from the dorsal ramus innervate the structures dorsal to the neural canal. The lateral and intermediate branches provide innervation to the posterior musculature and skin. The medial branch separates into three branches to innervate the facet joint at that level and the adjacent levels above and below.
Como é dividido o processo degenerativo da coluna vertebral?
The degenerative process has been divided into three separate stages with relatively distinct findings. The first stage is dysfunction, which is seen in individuals 15 to 45 years old. It is characterized by circumferential and radial tears in the disc anulus and localized synovitis of the facet joints. The next stage is instability. This stage, found in 35 to 70 year-old patients, is characterized by internal disruption of the disc, progressive disc resorption, degeneration of the facet joints with capsular laxity, subluxation, and joint erosion. The final stage, present in patients older than 60 years, is stabilization. In this stage, the progressive development of hypertrophic bone around the disc and facet joints leads to segmental stifening or frank ankylosis.
De acordo com os estágios do processo degenerativo da coluna vertebral, em qual deles se encaixam as hérnias de disco e a estenose do canal vertebral?
Disc herniation in this scheme is considered a complication of disc degeneration in the dysfunction and instability stages. Spinal stenosis from degenerative arthritis in this scheme is a complication of bony overgrowth compromising neural tissue in the late instability and early stabilization stages.
Como o tratamento cirúrgico pode melhorar as queixas de dores lombares nos pacientes?
Operative treatment can benefit a patient if it corrects a deformity, corrects instability, relieves neural compression, or treats a combination of these problems.
Qual a porcentagem de pacientes apresenta hérnias de disco assintomático nos estudos de imagem?
An overdependence on the diagnosis of disc herniation can occur with early use of these diagnostic studies, which show disc herniations in 20% to 36% of normal volunteers.
Quais são as indicações para solicitar radiografias para pacientes com dores lombares?
Age > 50 years
Significant trauma
Neuromuscular deficits
Unexplained weight loss (10 lb in 6 months)
Suspicion of ankylosing spondylitis
Drug or alcohol abuse
History of cancer
Use of corticosteroids
Temperature ≥ 37.8°C (≥100°F)
Recent visit (≤1 month) for same problem and no improvement
Patient seeking compensation for back pain
Como é a correlação clínica e de imagem nos pacientes com dores lombares?
Severe nerve compression shown by MRI or CT correlates with symptoms of distal leg pain; however, mildtomoderate nerve compression, disc degeneration or bulging, and central stenosis do not correlate significantly with specific pain patterns.
Como é realizada a incidência radiográfica de Ferguson e qual a sua utilidade?
The Ferguson view (20 degree caudocephalic anteroposterior radiograph) has been shown to be of value in the diagnosis of the “far out syndrome,” that is, fifth root compression produced by a large transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra against the ala of the sacrum.
Quais são as indicações primárias para realização de mielografia?
The primary indications for myelography are suspicion of an intraspinal lesion, patients with spinal instrumentation, or questionable diagnosis resulting from conflicting clinical indings and other studies.
Quais são as vantagens e desvantagens do uso de contrastes hidrosolúveis para a realização de mielografia?
Watersoluble contrast media are now the standard agents for myelography. Their advantages include absorption by the body, enhanced definition of structures, tolerance, and the ability to vary the dosage for diferent contrasts. The complications of these agents include nausea, vomiting, confusion, and seizures.
A injeção epidural de corticóide apresenta melhores resultados quando aplicada de qual forma?
A retrospective study comparing interlaminar to transforaminal epidural injections for symptomatic lumbar intervertebral disc herniations found that transforaminal injections resulted in better shortterm pain improvement and fewer longterm operative interventions.
Quais complicações podem ocorrer com a injeção epidural de corticóide?
Few serious complications occur in patients receiving epidural corticosteroid injections; however, epidural abscess, epidural hematoma, durocutaneous fistula, and Cushing syndrome have been reported as individual case reports. The most adverse immediate reaction during an epidural injection is a vasovagal reaction.
Quais são as contra-indicações para a realização de injeção epidural de corticóides?
Epidural corticosteroid injections are contraindicated in the presence of infection at the injection site, systemic infection, bleeding diathesis, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, and congestive heart failure.
Qual a taxa de falha na injeção epidural de corticóide sem radioscopia?
Even in experienced hands, needle misplacement occurs in 40% of caudal and 30% of lumbar epidural injections when done without fluoroscopic guidance.
Quais são as evidências para a injeção epidural de corticóides em pacientes com dores lombares?
When nerve root injury is associated with a disc herniation or lateral bony stenosis, most patients who received substantial relief of leg pain from a wellplaced transforaminal injection, even if temporary, benefit from surgery for the radicular pain. Patients who do not respond and who have had radicular pain for at least 12 months are unlikely to benefit from surgery. Patients with back and leg pain of an acute nature (
Qual é o método gold standard para avaliar a participação da faceta articular como causadora da dor lombar?
Fluoroscopically guided facet joint injections are commonly considered the “gold standard” for isolating or excluding the facet joint as a source of spine or extremity pain.
Quando suspeitar que a dor lombar é originária da articulação sacroiliaca?
Sacroiliac joint dysfunction should be considered, however, if an injury was caused by a direct fall on the buttocks, a rear-end motor vehicle accident with the ipsilateral foot on the brake at the moment of impact, a broadside motor vehicle accident with a blow to the lateral aspect of the pelvic ring, or a fall in a hole with one leg in the hole and the other extended outside. Lumbar rotation and axial loading that can occur during ballet or ice skating is another common mechanism of injury.
Qual a região mais associada a dor originária na articulação sacroiliaca?
In studies of asymptomatic subjects, the most constant referral zone was localized to a 3 × 10cm area just inferior to the ipsilateral posterior superior iliac spine; however, pain may be referred to the buttocks, groin, posterior thigh, calf, and foot.
Qual a aplicação mais importante da discografia?
The most important aspect of discography is provocative testing for concordant pain (pain that corresponds to a patient’s usual pain) to provide information regarding the clinical significance of the disc abnormality.
Quais são as indicações de discografia lombar?
Indications for lumbar discography include operative planning of spinal fusion, testing of the structural integrity of an adjacent disc to a known abnormality such as spondylolisthesis or fusion, identifying a painful disc among multiple degenerative discs, ruling out secondary internal disc disruption or suspected lateral or recurrent disc herniation, and determining the primary symptom-producing level when chemonucleolysis is being considered.
Quais são as contra-indicações para a realização de discografia?
Compression of the spinal cord, stenosis of the roots, bleeding disorders, allergy to the injectable material, and active infection are contraindications to diagnostic discography procedures.
Quais são os riscos das discografias?
Although the risk of complications from discography is low, potential problems include discitis, nerve root injury, subarachnoid puncture, chemical meningitis, bleeding, and allergic reactions. In addition, in the cervical region, retropharyngeal and epidural abscess can occur. Pneumothorax is a risk in the cervical and thoracic regions.
Como é a epidemiologia das hérnias de disco cervicais?
Cervical disc disease is slightly more common in men. Factors associated with the injury are frequent heavy lifting on the job, cigarette smoking, and frequent diving from a board. Patients with cervical disc disease also are likely to have lumbar disc disease.
Onde ocorrem as mudanças hipertróficas na coluna cervical em relação a fisiopatologia da doença do disco?
In contrast to those in the lumbar spine, these hypertrophic changes are predominantly at the unco vertebral joint (uncinate process).
Nos estágios finais, quais são os achados nas colunas cervical e lombar dos processos degenerativos?
As in lumbar disease, progressive stifening of the cervical spine and loss of motion are the usual result in the end stages.
Quais são os tratamentos cirurgicos mais utilizados para hérnias de disco cervicais?
Currently, anterior cervical discectomy with fusion is the procedure of choice when the disc is removed anteriorly to avoid disc space collapse, prevent painful and abnormal cervical motion, and speed intervertebral fusion. Foraminotomy is the procedure of choice when the disc fragment can be removed posteriorly.
Quais são as queixas mais comuns de pacientes com hérnia de disco cervical em relação a coluna vertebral?
Complaints of neck pain, medial scapular pain, and shoulder pain are probably related to primary pain around the disc and spine.
Quais são os sintomas de compressão radicular esperados em pacientes com discopatia cervical?
Symptoms of root compression usually are associated with pain radiating into the arm or chest with numbness in the fingers and motor weakness. Cervical disc disease also can mimic cardiac disease with chest and arm pain. Usually the radicular symptoms are intermittent and combined with more frequent neck and shoulder pain.
Quais os sinais de mielopatia esperados em um paciente com discopatia cervical?
The signs of midline cervical spinal cord compression (myelopathy) are unique and varied. The pain is poorly localized and aching and may be only a minor complaint. Occasional sharp pain or generalized tingling may be described with neck extension. This is similar to the Lhermitte sign in multiple sclerosis. The pain can be in the shoulder and pelvic girdles; it is occasionally associated with a generalized feeling of weakness in the lower extremities and a feeling of instability.
Quais os achados esperados na compressão da raíz de C5?
Sensory Deficit = Upper lateral arm and elbow
Motor Weakness = Deltoid Biceps (variable)
Reflex Change = Biceps (variable)
Quais os achados esperados na compressão da raíz de C6?
Sensory Deficit = Lateral forearm, thumb, and index finger
Motor Weakness = Biceps, Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis Reflex Change = Biceps, Brachioradialis
Quais os achados esperados na compressão da raíz de C7?
Sensory Deficit = Middle finger (variable because of overlap)
Motor Weakness = Triceps, Wrist flexors (flexor carpi radialis), Finger extensors (variable)
Reflex Change = Triceps
Quais os achados esperados na compressão da raíz de C8?
Sensory Deficit = Ring finger, little finger, and ulnar border of palm Motor Weakness = Interossei, Finger flexors (variable), Flexor carpi ulnaris (variable)
Reflex Change = None
Quais os achados esperados na compressão da raíz de T1?
Sensory Deficit = Medial aspect of elbow
Motor Weakness = Interossei
Relex Change = None
Como realizar o shoulder abduction relief test?
The shoulder abduction relief sign can be helpful in diagnosing cervical root compression syndromes. The test consists of shoulder abduction and elbow flexion with placement of the hand on the top of the head. This maneuver should relieve the arm pain caused by radicular compression. If this position is allowed to persist for 1 or 2 minutes and pain is increased, more distal compressive neuropathies such as a tardy ulnar nerve syndrome (cubital tunnel syndrome) or primary shoulder pathological conditions often are the cause.
Como é realizado o teste da distração?
The distraction test, which involves the examiner placing the hands on the occiput and jaw and distracting the cervical spine in the neutral position, can relieve root com pression pain but also can increase pain caused by ligamen tous injury. Neck extension and flexion with or without traction can be helpful in selecting conservative therapies.