les notions diverses c Flashcards
what does the permis B allow you to drive? how many passengers can you transport?
motorized vehicles no larger than 3500 kg in size
o i.e. a tourist bus, a minibus of 9 places, a camping car, a quad
you can transport 8 passengers maximum
examples of cars you can drive with a permis B
tourist car minibus of 9 places small minivan camping car quardrycicle
what type of remorque can a driver unconditionally tow
unconditionally tow a trailer whose GVW is less than or equal to 750 kg.
What rules apply to towing trailers?
weight of the trailer: greater than >3500 kg but <4250 kg
IF you 7 hour training course to master manueravillity and safety of hitching and loading the trailer (l’attelage et chargement de la remorque)
when is a BE permit needed
in other cases BE permit is needed so you need to retake the exam if taken more than 5 years ago and a practical test
what is the penalty for driving a heavy vehicle without a BE permit + how heavy
towing a trailer more than 750 kg with a light car while the whole exceeds 4250 kg without a BE
license is equivalent to driving without a license
can be penalised with a withdrawal of 3 points.
who needs a B license at least?
Driver of a passenger vehicle &goods transport vehicle with a Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) less than or equal to 3.5 tonnes must hold a B license.
For tourism/merchandise vehicles; who needs the PERMIS b?
The OWNER of the car; as their registration IDs the car
describe the permis B registration number
This number is identical throughout the life of the vehicle regardless of the change of owner or domicile. In the event of a change of residence, the modification request must be made within one month.
what documents must a driver be able to present at any given time
- le certificat d’assurance (vignette verte)
- permis de conduire
- ler certificat d’immatriculation
- if needed: the ‘marcaron du controle’ technique for cars older than 4 years (technical inspection badge)
where do the insurance certificate & tech. control stickers go?
doivent être apposés sur le pare-brise (windshield)
what are optional but important items to have in the car
un constat amiable d’accident (pré-rempli de préférence); accident information
+ un disque de stationnement pour stationner dans les zones à durée limitée et gratuite (zone bleue); parking disk for blue zones
what other 3 mandatory items are there to have in the car? describe them.
High visibillity vest (le gilet haute visibilite); to wear when car is immobilized
Warning triangle: le triangle de présignalisation (doit être posé à 30 mètres au moins du véhicule immobilisé)
un éthylotest homologué et non usagé. (breathlyzer); advised to have 2
what is ‘le constant amiable’
’ the amicable report’ prepped accident booklet to allow for quick access to driver insurance and ID information
describe le constat amiable
The joint report can be used by the two drivers in the event of a material accident and to quickly deal with the dispute with the insurance companies
The report is European, you can easily fill it with a person who does not speak your language.
how much time do you have to inform your insurance company after an accident?
Notify your insurance company within 5 working days to report the accident.
It is she who will be able to determine the responsibilities thanks to the amicable report.
what should you do in in the case of a matieral accident
In the event of a material accident, it is important to stop and clear the road. Failure to do so may be considered a hit and run.
You must communicate your identity and address to anyone involved in the accident.
It is important to remain calm and courteous to effectively complete the accident report. I
In case of disagreement, it is possible to fill in the back of the document quietly at home (le constat amiable).
dont change anything on the document after is has been signed by everyone
why is le constat amiable important?
A pre-filled report on the front in its administrative part allows the driver to focus on safety rather than on a search for information which can make drivers nervous in the urgency of the accident.
what does le verso do
Le verso se remplit une fois les feuillets séparés.
Il permet d’accélérer la gestion du dossier mais ne sert pas à déterminer les responsabilités.
what is l’assurance?
insurance; every driving car needs to be insured.
what is the minimum insurance
A vehicle in circulation must be insured. The compulsory minimum insurance is civil liability which covers damage caused to others.
what are some optional insurance
Optional coverages insure the vehicle against material damage and the driver against bodily injury.
what is taken into account if a driver has respected his contract during an accident
All these guarantees are taken into account if the driver has respected the terms of the contract: not having made false declarations concerning the insured vehicle (its place of residence, its use), and not having been drunk at the time of the accident. .
what is taken into account if a driver has respected his contract during an accident
All these guarantees are taken into account if the driver has respected the terms of the contract: not having made false declarations concerning the insured vehicle (its place of residence, its use), and not having been drunk at the time of the accident. .
what happens if a driver violates his insurance contract
If the insurance holder does not respect the terms of the contract, the material and bodily expenses are at his expense, often with significant financial consequences.
how is ‘la prime d’assurance’ calculated? and what is it?
The insurance premium is calculated according to the insured vehicle and the experience of the insured driver(s).
(how much you pay)
how can la prime d’assurance be lowered?Driving under the influence of alcohol increases the insurance premium by 150%.
To lower the annual cost of this premium, it is possible to agree to pay a higher deductible in the event of an accident, this is an amount that the driver agrees to pay “out of pocket” in the event of an accident.
The bonus reduces the annual cost of insurance if the driver has not had any declared accidents, while the penalty increases the annual contribution.
what might increase your insurance cost?
Driving under the influence of alcohol increases the insurance premium by 150%.
what does civil insurance cover?
Responsabillite Civile: tous les dommages (matieral et corporal) causes aux tiers, c’est-a-dire aux autres
what does collission/dommages insurance cover
damage to the car when driver was responsible; to a passenger, an animal or another car
dommages: tous accidents; what does it cover?
all risks; any damages to the car (i.e. candalise)
what does ‘vol-incendie- insruance cover
any stolen or deteriorate cars in a fire
what does ‘bris de glace’ insurance cover
damges caused by ice
what does defence-recours cover?
providis defense in court
what does assurance facultaitive cu conducteur do?
a garantie to the drive to cover body injuries to the driver
what is le chargement
loading a car (with objects)
whats important when loading heavy object?
affecst the flow of the road, hence its important to avoid putting pressure on the wheels and the road traffic
Secure objects so they don’t fly at you while driving and don’t block your visibllity
what are Objets encombrants
bulky items
max length of le chargment
length of load must never exceed front of the car
max length at rear= 3 m
if it exceeds more than 1m at the rear= reflective device must be hung at end + red light at night and/or reduced visibillity
max width of le chargement
width; max 2.55m on the root (le toit) on the boot (le coffre) or by side windows
max height of le chargement
no limit= when signs prohibit heights load is included
how to load a bicycle
When loading a bicycle, it is mandatory to leave the license plate and rear lights visible. If this is not possible, the driver can add an approved number plate with signal lights.
TRACTER UN REMORQUE (trailer) OR CARAVAN: things to keep in mind
- changes the dynamics of the car; more sensitive to side-wind
plan for LONGER BRAKING DISTANCE and SAFETEY DISTANCE (distance de freinage/securite)
- dont’ leave passengers in caravan (dont have protection in impact)
insurance might not engage your responsibllity & compensate you if there is a person in the caravan
how to transport an animal
Drivers can drive animals as long as they don’t disturb your driving
Best case put them into a barrier or cage
Animals are also passengers and at risk of accidence
Important to attach belts or a harnais (centuire de securite)
how to transport passengers (adults vs children)
Drivers are responsible for their passengers and everything they might do to disrupt your driving
You need to make sure they don’t affect your balance and visibility and that everyone is sitting currectly
All adult passengers need to have their seatbelts on
Children need special seat belts, elevated seats and always in the back. Provide them with food, drinks and games to make them comfortable.
describe your permit (and the sanctions sytems)
To pass the driving test, its important to validate your education of behaviour and responsibllity
Its not a diploma but more a contract between a noviece driver and the collective space being shared
Like all contracts, you must known your rights, possible sanctions and your responsibllities (devoirs)
As a result there is a POINT SYSTEM whereby you gain your 12 points or lose them depending on your behaviour
what is the ‘permis probatoire’
probational permis; -
All new drivers first have a permis probatoire as well as drivers with invalid or suspended liscences (0 points) have an intial permit like this
To gain the full on drivers permit you need at least 6 points
how can you gain your proper permis faster?
You can gain progressively the 12 points during the probational period
Depending on the course chosen the increase is:
3 points for every year driver takes an early driving lesson
2 points per year for driver who has opted for an apprenctiship with or without supervised driving provided no offenses have been done
how to gain your full permis normal speed
Without infractions after probation period of 3 years you can score:
8 points after 1 year,
10 points at 2 years
12 points at 3
what is this?
the ‘a’ is to put on the back of your car to indicate you have a probational licens
describe the AAC
AAC; apprentissage anticipé de la conduite
describe AAC+ conduite/sans conduite supervisee
how long do you have a drivers licence for normally
50 years
what is the point system for
to alert and control the driver of his driving style and safety
how do most point retractions occur
70% of contractions occur during speed limit infractions (1 point)
How many points do you lose at 1-19 km/h
1 point
at what speed do you lose 4 points
4-49 km/h
when do you lose 2 points
between 20-29km/h over speed limit
how much to lose 5 points speeding
over 50 km/h
what are 3-point los infractions?
speeding over 30km/h
using phone while driving
dangerous take-over
not wearing seatbelt
what are 4-point los infractions?
driving 40-49km/h over speed limit
not respecting red light or stop sign
what are 6-point los infractions?
over 50km/h speed violation
positive alcoholism
how to gain 1 point back
To gain 1 point lost, a driver has to not have commited any intractions in 5 months since the point lost
after 2-3 years during a grave infraction; 3 years of probation
o The capital of points is automatically at 12 if there is never any retraction of points
how to gain 4 points back
‘un stage de sensiblitation a la securite routiere’
road safety awareness course or a 2 day course (but can only be done once every 12 months)
- At end of course amount of fine is refunded
points + probation
Any loss of points during probation prevents increase of points
how many points lost to leave probation period as well
Any offense resulting in a loss of 3 or more points means the driver is required to leave probationary period +
take a road safety awareness course to recovery up to 3 points within the limits
la perte du permis
how to lose your permit
f you have 0 points your liscence is invalid for 6 months
This time can be extended to 1 year if a second invalidation happens within 5 years
how to retain a lost permit
To regain your license you need to take a medical exam, a pschotechnique exam to assess your driving ability
You might need to retake practical tests and theory to regain the permit after 1 year invaldidatio
how can you liscence be instantly suspended
If you drive faster than 40 km//h,
youre drunk or refuses screening, driving with narcgostics
law enforcement officers can withhold your license for 72 hours until officially suspended or validated by judge
Les contraventions
tickets (fines!!)
how to tickets work? (4+5classes)
most common sanction; a fixed fine for offenses of 4th class
if payment is made quickly; price is reduced
for ‘5th class’ fines; judged by police court; can reach 1500 euro but aren’t on criminal record
when might you be fined 135 euro?
no seatbelt
driving with phone
crossing a straight white line to overpass
not placing triagle de presignalisation/gilet haute visibllite
Not respecteing red light or stop
what will you be fined for not having your permit with u?
11 euro
what might happen if you don’t respect a red light
4 points retracted, 3 years max suspension and 135 euro fine
what might happen if you overcross a white line
135 euro fine
3 points retrction
3 year suspension maximum of permit
what might happen if you stop in a highway
135 euro, 4 points and 3 year suspension
what might happen if you refuse to give right of way
4 points 135 euro and 3 year suspension
what are ‘les delits’
offenses; most ‘grave’ that means you need to go to court
how do delits work
judge sets amount of fine, duration of suspesnion and cancellation of driiving license of not
most common traffic offenses
driving while drunk
hit and run
refusal to comply
failure to assist person in danger
DUI fines
maximum 4500 euro fine, 6 point restractions
3 year max suspension of cancelling
even 2 years in prison
vehicle immoblisation
hit and run fines
Fleeing accidents and Hit and run: fine of €75,000 maximum,
withdrawal of six points,
suspension of up to 3 years,
prison of up to 3 years and compulsory confiscation of the vehicle.
narcoties fines
fine of up to €4,500, withdrawal of six points, suspension of up to three years or cancellation of licence, prison of up to 2 years and immobilization of the vehicle.
driving with no permis fine
Driving with no liscence; 800 euro for the first time.
refusal to comply fine
Refusal of complicance (obtemperer): fine 7500€ maximum
Not helping a person in danger: fine
75000€ maximum, prison 5 years maximum
what does le certificat d’immatriculation mention
number of passengers you can drive
le tau de co2 par km parcoouru