le conducteur Flashcards
what are the 3 principles a driver should follow (in french)
agir= changing speed (vitesse) or idstance of security, communicating with others, etc.
what is important to avoid risks
not thinking this wont happen- rather constantly be vigiltant & take steps
what should you NOT do to avoid risks
don’t underestimate
if you’re not sure wait & see
don’t overcross roads if you don’thave good visibllity
what is the average amount of time to switch from brake to accelerator, and how much distance is travelled in this time?
1 second; During this second the vehicle travels 13.89m at 50km/h without any action by the driver on the brake pedal.
what do you need to know to anticipate the ‘temps d’arreter’
importance of reaction time (temps du reaction) and understand the influence of speed on the braking distance (vitesse & distance du freinage).
what is the ‘distance d’arret’
the distance traveled during reaction time
distance traveled during braking distance.
how long does the distance d’arret last
Stopping distance begins when you notice the hazard and ends when the vehicle comes to a complete stop.
what is a good tip when a pedestrian might pass while you’re driving?
put leg on brake and start slowing down already to lower distance d’arret
what is the order of events while deciding whether to stop
Percieve Identify Analyze Decide Act (agir)
what does the ‘reaction’ time depend on
degree of vigilance of driver and speed
what does the braking distance depend on
vehicle performance, pavement state (l’etat de la chaussee), speed
what is the reaciton time
time between reacting and acting (1 second= 25 meteres at 90 km/hr)
how does weather affect distance of stopping?
increases the distance of braking by x2
how does speed influence distance d’arrret (examples at 130 vs 50 m)
at 130 km/h:
- reaction time distance= 36 m travelled
- braking distance= 82 m travelled
= total 118 m travelled
at 50 km/h:
reaction time= 14 m travelled
brakign distance= 12 m
= 26 m travelled
how do you choose the speed at which you travel?
usually there are authorized maximums (road signs/ conditions you’re in) but its best to travel lower than maximum allowed either way
but generally choose a speed where you can have a safe distance from the behaviour of other drivers
+ your distance d’arret does not cross over with a zone of uncertainity
read this image
why do you need to takae distance from others while driving
to have time to see, think and act safely and leave intrevals for the temps d’arret & temps du reaction
what interval of time should calculate to ensure a good distance from other drivers
2 seconds (in city/road/highway)
how do you calculate your ‘distance du securite’
Multiply the number of 10th (i.e. 50km/h=5) of speed by 3 and then multiply the result by 2 to gain the 2 second distance
i.e. 5 x 3= 15
hence distance should be:
15m x 2 seconds= 30 m distance
i.e. 110km h
33x2= 66 m distance
how should you keep distance on the highway
= look at the white lines on the road to know the distance needed to keep space safely. (length of 2 tracks= 2 seconds of security at 130 km/hr)
how should you keep distance in a tunnel
TUNNEL blue lights indicate distance of security (length of 2 blue lights= safe distance)
how can you commincate
its important; using ‘clignonants’ (lights) and audio-visual body language + horn (klaxon)
when can you use the klaxxon
in sitautions of IMMEDIATE danger
what should the last person in a traffic line do?
put on their distress lights (feux de distress)
what does being in a safe state to drive mean
Evaluate your own physical and mental state (healthy, visibillity, energy, rational, drug and drama free)
Also be aware of the states of OTHER drivers
- Be ware of your visibllity and eye sight (wear glasses if needed)
whats the minimal eye quality needed for a driver (with/without correction glasses)
L’acuité visuelle minimale pour passer le permis est de 5/10e pour l’ensemble des deux yeux (avec ou sans correction).
whats the minimal horizontal visibllity needed for a driver
Le champ visuel horizontal du conducteur ne doit pas être inférieur à 120e.
what does the number 78 mean on an eye test
Code 78 : Permis limité aux véhicules à changement de vitesse automatique.
what does 61 mean on an eye test
Code 61 : Permis restreint aux trajets de jour
what does 01.01 or 01.02 mean on an eye test
Code 01.01 : Lunettes.
Code 01.02 Lentille(s) de contact
what is the main cause for road mortality rates in france
how does alcohol interfere with your driving abillity
affects abillity to think, act and see
vigiliance, precision, reaction time
what should you do if you had some alcohol before driving
drink coffee, energy drink or water to reduce alcohol effect
what is the standard alcohol dose
1,20 cl
o Wine= 10% (12 x 10)
o Beer= 5% in (25 x 5)
o Liquor= 40% (3 x 40)
what does your alcohol tolerance depend on
L’alcoolémie dépend uniquement de la quantité d’alcool dans le sang et du poids et du sexe de la personne qui a consommé.
what is the % of drivers normally on the road with positive alchol levels
what are the 3 caterogies of risk on medication?
- Level 1= pay attention but you can drive
- Level 2= you need medical advice
- Level 3: recommended to not drive
how do drugs affect a driver
Psychoactive effects of drugs affect nervous system & state of consciousness, drivers perception, and analytical capacity, which has the direct consequence of increasing the risk of an accident.
what happens if someone suspects youre on drugs
saliva tests with instant results
dangers of fatigue (somnolence & fatigue)
Difficulty concentrating, an incessant need to change position, tingling in the eyes are signs that must be taken into account to avoid falling asleep.
what to do if youre tired?
slow down or pause if rawning
wait 2 hours when driving for long time/tired
use coffee/energy drings/water
‘passer le volant’= let someone else drive
how might your mental state influence yuour driving and what do you need to do
- Your vigilance (staying ‘connected’ to the route)
- Pressure from other drivers/passengers
- Don’t use your phone (don’t take your eyes off the route for more than 5 seconds!)
what is ‘good behavior’ on the road
no alcoholic drinks, turning off phone, stopping when yellow ride, arriving ‘late’, staying calm under pressure from other drivers/aggression
what is bad behaviour of the driver
alchol/drugs, distractions like phone, not stopping yellow rights, driving too fast ot be ‘early’= leads to accidents,