la mechanique et les equipements code Flashcards
Le chassis
the case/skeleton (pressed steel frame) and working parts CAR STRUCTURE
what does le chasis do
designed to deform/resit in different places to protect occupants of the cabin in case of impact
le moteur
the motor
how does the moteur work
the engine; commanded by ‘pédale d’accélérateur”
it ‘drives’ at least 2 wheels of a vehicle.
Between the engine and wheels there is a gearbox which can be manual or automatic.
how does la transmission work
clutch & gearbox: transmits movement and controls the power/speed and force of the car along the road
what is ‘le embrayage’
the clutch
how does l’embrayage work
changes speed
allow for gradual ‘starting up’ (démarrer) of the car and slow manouvering
NOT for braking
what is the boite de vitesse?
the gear box
how does la boite de vitesse work
adapts POWER and SPEED of ENGINE (moteur) on demand
how to gears work in a manual car
1st gear + 2nd gear: low speed, most powerful
4th gear + 6th gear: high speed, reduced power
moves from ‘position debrayeee’ (disengaged) to embrayée (engaged) to change speed
automatic vs manual gearbox
controlled by electronic computer that changes the gear and clutch automatically
how do automatic gear changes work
Automatic gear lever positions: D (drive) for normal gear, N (neutral) for neutral R (reverse) for reverse gear P (park) for parked vehicle.
Attention, putting the lever on P does not dispense with applying the handbrake!
why is it not good to drive under/over in speed over a gear
damanages engine
leads to overconsumption of fuel
(sous regime/sur regime)
Les roues
describe the structures of les roues
Bande de roulement= part of wheel in contact with the ground
Flanc= brand, type and characteristics of a tire are indicated on the visible part of the tire (sidewall of tire)
Sculptures= debossed and embossed molded designs in the tread. They are used to evacuate water on wet roads.
Structures= how the wheel is made/composed
describe motorized wheel placement and function
The drive wheels are at the front for traction and at the rear for propulsion.
They are at the front and at the back for the “4x4”.
what is the suspension composed of
spring & shock absorber in each wheel
what is important for tires?
must be identical on axle/essieu
Brand, type, characteristics
when can the identical-tire rule be ignored?
In the event of a puncture, it is possible not to respect this rule, while the breakdown service is being carried out.
is a spare wheel mandatory?
Spare wheel is not mandatory in a vehicle; at minimum you can use the tire repair device present in the trunk
if wheel is a slab respect the recommended maximum speed
how to change a wheel?
- Put wheel in contact with ground: loosen the nuts (les ecrous) using crank
- Raise wheel from ground with the jack (le cric) and remove nuts & wheel
- Put the replacement wheel (la roue de secours) and the nuts in the wheel structure
- Put the wheel back on the ground and tighten the nuts
les ecrous
le cric
the jack
la roue de secours
replacement wheel
Les freins
the brakes
how are les freins commanded
a pedal that reacts on all 4 wheels
a handbrake (on last 2 wheels) for when driver is absent
how to use brakes during an emergency?
apply the brake forcefully without locking the wheels.
If they get stuck, release the pressure so they start spinning again and regain their grip, then increase the pressure again.
how to emergency brake with ABS
Emergency braking with ABS: you have to press the brake pedal fully and not release the pressure even if you feel vibrations.
ABS= system the frange anti-blockage; prevents blocking of wheels
light systems
describe only-front lights (AVANT)
white lights
visibllile to different drivers
allow different levels of visibllity
some are dazzling
describe front/back lights?
les clignonants (orange lights); signalling for drivers
behind lights?
red lights; sometimes also white
Feux de position: what are they; what is their visibllity?
what to adaptive lights do?
The adaptive lights rotate their beams according to the position of the steering wheel to illuminate the path that the vehicle will follow.
what light is this?
left clignontant
what light is this
feux de brouillard
what are these lights?
top: feux de position
middle: feux de croisement
bottom: feux de route
right: clognontant droit
feux de croisement? (visibllity)
30m at least without blinding
helps against sun
Les feux de croisement sont asymétriques : le feu du côté droit éclaire plus à droite qu’à gauche.
feux de route? visibllity?
100 m at least; can be blinding
feux de brouillard avant; lighting?
very very strong and ‘round’ light
against fog/snow/strong rain
how to access driving position?
To access the driving position, the car must be opened with the ignition key or a card.
The opening and locking of the doors can be done remotely.
Some keys are also fitted with selective locking or unlocking of the boot.
Some keys may never even come out of your bag, they remotely control the opening of the tailgate and the doors.
how to start the engine?
Starting the engine, without inserting a key: just press the “START” button while disengaging or braking simultaneously.
With a key, the lock must be unlocked by simultaneously turning the key and the steering wheel.
Position “2” allows you to listen to the radio, position “3” the warning lights come on, and position “4” corresponds to starting the engine.
what is le tableu de bord? what is it composed of?
the dashboard:
- le compteurs
- les commandes
- les adjustement
- steering wheel
what are les compteurs?
speed meeters; indicate speed and pace and km driven
tachometer vs odometer?
type of compteurs:
tachometer: indicate state of engine and speed (le compte-tours)
odometer: visualizes the KM you’re driven since first registering car l(e compteur kilométrique)
what are les commandes composed of?
controls steering wheel: composed of:
Les commandes de réglage
Les commandes au volant
Sur les côtés du volant
what lights can you find on the dashboard?
- clignotants
- feux de distresse
what adjustment commands are there? (commandes de reglagles)
Dashboard brightness adjustment
Mirror adjustment
Adjusting the height of the lights if the vehicle load is heavier
Settings for ventilation speed and direction, air flow and cabin temperature
what commandes de volants are there?
The horn (klaxon)
Audio control
Speed limiter (limiteur de Vitesse)
Speed regulator
Hands free system (le system mains libres
what commands are there Sur les côtés du volant
LEFT: lights & inidcators
RIGHT: wiper and washer controls
what settings MUST work even if car is not turned on?
Le signal de détresse
La fermeture centralisée
Les voyants
signals (lights)
what do blue and green lights idnicate
lights are on
what do red lights indicate
urgent issues in car or STOP need (temperature of motor for example)
what do orange lights indicate
memory-helpers; fuel reminder or car diagnostic
feux de position
Frein a main
auto-diagnostic moteur
feux de croisement
niveau de liquide de frein
pre-chauffage (disel cars)
feux de route
charge battery
usure des plaquettes de frein
pression d’huile
degrivage de lunette arriere
clignotants funciontality
temperature of refroidissement liquid
fuel alert
front fog light
distress light
back fog light
what to check outside of the car?
wheels: state & pressure
oils/liquids around car
lights/brakes functioning
what to check inside car?
if wind-shield wipers and lights work well
if essuie-glaces needs changing : changer les balais d’essuie-glaces s’ils présentent des craquelures ou s’ils laissent des traces sur le pare-brise.
why is it bad if lights are not totally working
in case light is broken; risk of being confused with 2-wheeler
bad light sitautions leads to bad visibllity ad increased accidents
stop lights not working=risks accidents
when to check wheels and how?
- after hitting sidewalk/rock
- use les temoins (inidcators) to check wear; they should be at 1.7mm
- no blisters/hernias on the flank
- check pressure 1 a month
how to check wheel pressure
‘cold at 3 km’; if controlling hot add 0.3 to pressure bar
logo/letters indicate place of ‘pressure’
1 a month check
generally pressure checker (‘étiquette indiquant les pressions de gonflage se trouve généralement sur le montant de la portière conducteur.)
what motor checks need to be done?
windshield wiper fluid (and in winter put anti-freeze)
oil level
brake fluid
Le contrôle du niveau de lave-glace.
in winter add; liquide qui ne gèle pas.
Le contrôle du niveau de liquide de frein.
if levels are low there might be an issue with the break. Check with a specialist.
le contrôle du niveau d’huile.
Vérifier que le niveau se trouve près du repère maxi.
Le contrôle du niveau de liquide de refroidissement.
Add the quantity (visually) without passing the maximum
identify the locations of the motor checks
what to do if you see any of these signs?
Immediate stop: red signs indicate if you need to stop instantly to check things i.e. battery or oil
orange/yellow: Prevoir un arret (stop soon or see specialist); usually to do with headlights
how often should you do a technical check with your manufacteurer?
eery 20,000 km travelled; check air, oil and gas
what might happen if you don’t do a check with your manufactereur?
you might lose your waranty (guarante en case de panne)
your car might fail
how often to do technical controls?
6 months before 4-year-annivesary of car; usually initiated by manufactereure
after that; every 2 years
how does your date of validity of tech-contorl chagne?
indicated on immatriulation certificate and changed on wind-shield
what happens if you need to do repairs?
Checks are carried out without dismantling. Practically all the parts, in the event of an anomaly, can be subject to a counter-visit.
label ‘s’ is given to you
The repair is mandatory and the counter-visit must be made within two months.
what does ‘le proces verbal’ do ?
Le procès-verbal du contrôle technique indique si le véhicule doit ou non subir une contre-visite.
A : favorable
S : défavorable
La mention en est faite sur le certificat d’immatriculation