les autres usagers Flashcards
why are there specific rules in ‘agglomeration’
there is a ‘partage d’espace collective’
what is the ‘code de la rue’
priority order to protect the most fragile on the road using speed limits & crossing road:
pedestrians> cyclists> cars
describe this & rules it prescribes
‘La zone piétonne’: absolute priority given to them unless there are tramways
The presence of motorized vehicles is limited to certain hours or to residents (indicated by sign). Again, the speed of the car must not exceed the pace of the pedestrian.
If all the users are at the same speed, the severity is limited in the event of an impact, the injuries are then slight and the damage often of a material nature.
Only the parking of bicycles is authorized.
what is the maximum speed of a pedestrian?
7 km/h
describe this & rules it prescribes
‘zone de recontre’; - Shared space of all users
The signal panels show a pedestrian as larger than everyone else to show they are prioritized (max speed is 20 km/h) but be aware of others
describe this & rules it prescribes
Zone 30 is indicated by this sign. In this area, all streets are two-way, including one-way streets.
- Generally the ‘priority to right’ rule applies
what exists to regulate shared spaces?
traffic lanes and spaces (voies de circulation et des emplacements)
cycle lanes: definition and rules
Des pistes et des bandes cyclables sont réservées aux cyclistes. Ils bénéficient parfois de sas de sécurité aux intersections, ils sont alors visibles des automobilistes et peuvent démarrer avant eux.
Side walks: definition and rules
Les trottoirs sont réservés à la circulation des piétons. Jusqu’à 8 ans les enfants peuvent y circuler à vélo. Le trafic est rendu plus fluide et la prise d’information du conducteur est facilitée.
cyclist lights
To improve fluidity when changing direction, some lights are set up to allow cyclists to turn right or continue straight, when the light is red.
can cyclists access 1-way roads?
Des voies à sens unique pour les véhicules motorisés sont à double sens pour les cyclistes, ce qui leur permet d’emprunter des itinéraires moins encombrés.
un damier: describe
checkerboards; marque le passage d’une voie de bus, le conducteur doit céder le passage avant de la traverser.
to ‘give way’
ceder la passage
how are passenger crossings & bus lanes made visible?
Les passages piétons et les voies réservées aux bus sont rendus visibles par une signalisation verticale et horizontale qui interdit l’arrêt ou le stationnement des véhicules sur ces aménagements.
can everyone drive on a bus lane?
La circulation sur les voies de bus est interdite aux véhicules non autorisés.
what is 2
Passage pour piétons
what is 7
what is 5
Ligne d’effet des feux
what is 4
Sas de sécurité
what is 6
Franchissement du feu tricolore
what is 3
- 3/ Voie de bus
what is 8
Double sens cyclable
what is 9
who are users to be aware of on the road?
Pedestrians and cyclists are the most vulnerable
motorized two-wheelers
Less fragile users who move with more difficulty in the city; emergency response vehicles, public transport vehicles
heavy goods vehicles.
how to act around pedestrians
—> slowing down or stopping allows you to share the collective space in a peaceful way.
Pedestrians are easily obscured by parked or stationary vehicles—> Remember to check that no one is there before accelerating.
When letting a pedestrian pass, come to a complete stop to allow the pedestrian to finish crossing safely.
what lateral safety distance do you need to keep in mind with pedestrians (les distances latérales de sécurité)
Respect the lateral safety distances of 1m with pedestrians in built-up areas and 1.50m outside built-up areas.
These distances are the same for overtaking cyclists.
why are pedestrians risky
Depending on the age of the pedestrians, certain behaviors are to be expected: a child can cross the road very quickly without looking, a senior will be slower, he will even hesitate to cross.
A pedestrian on the phone can quickly turn around and surprise you if you are moving.
what are the chances of a pedestrian dying at 50 km/h vs 30 km/h
Les chances de survie d’un piéton lors d’un choc à 50 km/h sont de 20% contre 90% pour un choc à 30 km/h
how to drive around cyclists
- Technically cyclists also have their rules but be aware so try to keep 1 m distance
- Don’t use cyclists lanes!!! And avoid opening car doors.
- Drive slowly if in a double cycle/single car lane
1/ 1 m minimum, même si le cycliste circule sur une bande cyclable.
2/ Anticipez les écarts de trajectoire des cyclistes.
3/ Attention, les enfants jusqu’à 8 ans peuvent circuler à vélo sur les trottoirs.
4/ N’utilisez pas les sas réservés aux cyclistes.
why are cyclists risky
- At night, cyclists are not always that visible, especially if they don’t have their lights on
- State of the road and bad weather also affects their driving which might make them more vulnerable to crashing/sneaking up on you
- on the road with you= so more vulnerable
what is are cyclomotoristes
how fast do cyclomotorists drive
what should you assume with cyclomorotirsts
It is always necessary to make the assumption that the moped rider will not respect the priority signals, the safety distances, and that he will swerve without warning and without checking.
Based on this principle, adapt your safety distances to avoid any shock. They are not always aware of the risks they are taking.
Put your foot in front of the brake as soon as a behavior seems risky.
what are motards
difference between motards & motorcylists
Theyre faster and higher risk of collision; can join you on the highway
list some departments where motards can drive on highways
les Bouches-du-Rhône, la Gironde, du Rhône et ceux d’Ile-de-France.
how SHOULD motards act
They can easily surpass you in between but they are also obligated (like the motorcyclists) to have their feux de croisement (headlights)
They can only surpass on the left (in 3 lanes; only on the 3rd left lane and in two lanes also just on the left)
how should YOU act around motards
It is safer to make it easier to overtake them by pulling slightly to the right after having taken a look in your mirrors.
Regularly monitor the presence of motorcyclists in the mirrors; the risk of rear-end collision is a common accident between motorcyclists and light vehicles.
what are ‘Les véhicules à feux bleus’
priority vehicles
what are priority vehicles
Les véhicules prioritaires sont ceux de la police, de la gendarmerie( police station), de lutte contre l’incendie (sapeur-pompiers), et les SAMU (hospital) et SMUR et de douane. . Ils sont autorisés s’ils sont en intervention à ne pas respecter la signalisation et les règles générales de circulation.
how to act around priority cards
You must make it easier for them to cross and overtake and give them the right of way at intersections (even those equipped with traffic lights). Their flashing light is blue turning their two-tone horn.
While vehicles which benefit from ease of passage which have a flashing blue beacon and a three-tone warning.
They do not have priority at intersections, but it is really necessary to facilitate their passage.
These are ambulances, electricity intervention vehicles, emergency gas, winter service vehicles, the Banque de France and medical associations, etc.
two tone vs three tone warnigns
Two tone warnings: make their movement easier, give way at intersections (police, fire)
THREE TONE; not prioritized at intersections but make it easier for them
Ambulances, electrical interventions, gas leaks, French bank, medical associations, ice machine etc
what is the number for the sapeur-pompiers
composer le 18 ou le 112 à partir d’un téléphone portable.
what is the number for an ambulance
Le SAMU OU le SMUR : composer le 15 ou le 112 à partir d’un téléphone portable.
what is the number for La police ou la gendarmerie
La police ou la gendarmerie : composer le 17 ou le 112 à partir d’un téléphone portable.
what are les véhicules à feux jaunes
special cars; are in front of or behind the convoy, it is necessary to avoid passing them. Sometimes you have to stop to let the convoy pass.
vehicles of maintenance (vehicules d’entretien) construction sites (de chantiers) or trash collection (collecte d’orures)
how to act around ‘les vehicules a feux jaunes’
- Avoid superposing them unless they stop to let you
- Stop to let them pass
– Don’t engage with them at an intersection
o Often drivers are nearby which might surprise u with reflective clothing
o Pass them at a slow pace and be aware of possible pedestrians
Les transports en commun
public transport; give them their space (i.e. autobus)
les poids lourds: what & how to act
heavy vehicles; L’encombrement des véhicules lourds au moment de tourner tout comme pour les bus, nécessite que vous vous arrêtiez parfois pour leur faciliter le passage.
Les angles morts du poids lourd sur les côtés et derrière sont importants. Le conducteur doit les connaître pour éviter de surprendre le conducteur au moment d’un changement de direction.
les poids lourds: what & how to act
heavy vehicles; L’encombrement des véhicules lourds au moment de tourner tout comme pour les bus, nécessite que vous vous arrêtiez parfois pour leur faciliter le passage.
Les angles morts du poids lourd sur les côtés et derrière sont importants. Le conducteur doit les connaître pour éviter de surprendre le conducteur au moment d’un changement de direction.
what are zones d’incertitude
Each user has their area of uncertainty. The driver must be able to imagine the mobility and speed of other users to adapt his pace and trajectory. You must adapt to possibilities such as:
- The intention of pedestrians is not always easy to predict, especially since their attention can be diverted, by the use of a mobile phone for example
- unpredictable animals and children
- The two wheels can make quick changes and sometimes have surprising accelerations.
- other cars: Cars can back up, swerve quickly and wide. When stationary, a door can open