LEGAL MED Flashcards
Deoderlein’s bacillus
Menstrual blood
A ligature is applied around the base of a finger with moderate tightness. No color change seen in a dead man.
Magnus test
Injection of a solution of fluorescein SQ. Dye will spread all over the body and the whole skin will have a greenish-yellow discloration if circulation is still present.
Icard’s test
Finger webs red (living) or yellow (dead)
Diaphanous test
Order of putrefication
Face > neck and sternum > shoulders > arms > abdomen > legs
Mocroorganis that plays an important role in decomposition
Clostridium Welchii
Grows in parenchymatous organs and is responsible for disintegration of cytoplasm, destruction of nuclei and generation of gasses in the cells
Physical injury which is located at the site of application of force
Coup injury
Physical injury which is located opposite the site of application of force
Contre-coup injury
Physical injury which is located at the site and also opposite site of application of force
Coup-contre-coup injury
PI located nit at the side or opposite the site of application of force but in some areas offering the least resistance to the force applied.
Force on forehead, contusion at region of eyeball
Locus miniris resistencia
Bones used to determine sex of the skeleton
Test done to determine peripheral circulation
Spreading fingers wide and view through strong light
Diaphanus test
Blood that does not clot
Acidic pH
Presence of epithelial cells and Doderlain microorganisms
Menstrual blood
This test is positive to any substance containing hemoglobin
Takayama test
Test used to determine whether semen/blood is HUMAN or origin or not
Precipitin/ biological test of farnum
DNA typing method where the small sample size is chemically amplified to produce large amounts
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) method
Indentations left in soft or pliable materials belong to what type of fingerprints
Art and study of recording fingerprints as means of identification
Study of the pores on papillary or friction ridges of the skin for the purpose of identification
Art of COMPARING fingerprints for identification
Source of blood when its dark red in color and has low Oxygen content in a crime scene
What race? Thick lips and prominent eyes
What race?
Almond eyes
Prominent cheek bones
What race?
Prominent sharp nose
What race?
Flat nose
Round face
Characteristics of a person NOT easily changed
Hands, feet, color of skin, facial features, facies, handedness, deformities
Chemical test used to determine if the stain is of BLOOD ORIGIN OR NOT
Benzidine test
Hair that is fine, deficient of pigments and devoid of medulla belongs to a
Old person
Long, wiry and thick hair belongs to a
Fingerprints may persist if not removed at the scene for
Way to determine whether hair is of HUMAN or ANIMAL origin
By determination of medullary index
Method to approximate the height of the cadaver with extremities missing
- Length of head times 8
- Distance from base of skull to coccyx which is 44% of height
- Distance between supra-sternal notch and pubic symphisis which is 1/3 of height
- Length of vertex of the skull to pubic symphisis times 3
Appearance of the face indicative of approaching death
Hippocratic facies
Barr bodies observed in scraping of the mucus membrane of mouth , a test to determine sex of the body is a
Chromosomal test
Identification by verbal, accurate and picturesque description of the person identified is
Portrait parle
Identification where anthropometrics are used in identification
Bertillon system
When can an examination be done to cofirm identity of a dead person in setting succession to an estate
Afyer 10 years disappearance ***
Quantitative determination of CHLORIDE content if the blood in the right and left ventricle of the HEART
Gettler’s test
Quantitative determination of mercury movement of blood
Winslow’s test
A common law husband who kills his common law wife whom he has a 2 days old child can be prosecuted with
* must be legal wife para Parricide na*
Expressed acknowledgement by the accused in a criminal case of the truth of his guilt as the crime charged
Presence of weapon which is highly grasped by hand of victim of a shooting incident is an example of
Cadaveric spasm
Cases when trauma or disease kill quickly that there is no opportunity for sequel or complication to develop is known as
Immediate cause of death
Moat practical, useful and reliable means of preserving evidence is by
Comprehensive study of a dead body (internal exam) performed by trained physician employing recognized procedures and techniques is known as
Principle used in MAGNUS TEST for determining somatic death is
No change in color of the finger
Body dlsurface of corpse is pressed, it leaves flattened area due to
Loaa of elasticity of skin
Permision to disinter remains of person who died of DANGEROUS COMMUNICABLE DISEASE may be granted after burial period of
5 years
For NON dangerous- 3 years
Anytime if with special permit
Most prominent sign of death
Progressive fall of body temperature (Algor Mortis)
Organs should be tested in suspected cases of LEAD poisoning
Average time required for death in drowning
2-5 mins
Living in a very high altitude may cause what type of asphyxial death?
Early putrefactive changes
This hastens cooling of the body after death
Leanness of the body
Extreme age
Chronic illness
Unclothed body in large room
1st stage of muscular changes after death
- Muscular irritability (1° Flacidity)
- Rigor mortis
- 2° flacidity
Organs that putrefy EARLY
Trachea/ larynx
Pregnant /perpeurial uterus
Death ny electrocution
An UNEMBALMED dead body should be burried within how long after death?
**12hrs if with communicable disease unless permitted by authorities
Prominence and coloration of superficial veins nore visible among people with fair complexion during decomposition is called
Crime of mutilation is understood to mean
Intentionally cutting of any reproductive part of the body
Chemical change of the bidy fat which takes place in wet conditions should results in a soft browning white substance known as
Adipocere formation
MHO of municipality shall perform autopsy on dead body when
Upon order of mayor / court / fiscal
Requested by nearest kin
Written request by police
Algor mortis
Colling of the body
Blood accumulates in the most dependent portions of the dead body
Post mortem lividity
Mammer of death not autopsied
Death occuring in natural manner
Cutis Galina or washer woman’s hands and feet of a corpse
Body has been in water for sometime
Willful deliberate and painless acceleration of death of a person
Cause of death resulting from alck of skill, foresight and reckless imprudence is called
A body is subject matter of a criminal investigation, it may be exhumed
Any change for position of cadaver will not change the location of this type of cadaveric lividity
Exhumation aka
Deep burial sites will make decomposition
Missing person pressumed dead if not heard from for
4 years
Judicial death
Physician performs euthanasia without the patient’s knowledge
3-day old unidentified child was intentionally killed with cruelty, amd during a calamity, the offender may be chareged with
Cadaveric rigidity
Rigor mortis
Convict is put to death by volley of fire from a firing squad
If one performed lawful act, and did it with due care, and death occured without intending to cause it, the death is
Instantaneous rigor
Cadaveric spasm
Microroganism plays a dominant role in decomposition
Clostridium welchii
Rigor mortis in the TROPICS
24 to 48 hrs
Rigor mortis in Temperate areas
48 to 72hrs
Compression of neck by means of ligature
Death by strangulation
Ante-mortem wounds
- show marks of sprouting blood from arteries
- blood clotted
- presence of inflammation and reparative process
- edge of wound gape
Medico-legal autopsy
Consent of relative not needed
Correlates tissue changes to the criminal act
Must be specific for purpose of determining whether it is in telation to criminal act
This finding in death is not consistent and may or may not appear on a person who died
Cadaveric spasm
Presence of hesitation cuts or tentative incision
Multiple wounds in different parts of the body
Indication of struggle
Couple died inside car basement parking area
Carbon monoxide poisoning
During autopsy, what should be opened first
Cranial box
Organ putrifies LAST
*** 1. Brain
2. Spleen
3. Liver
4. Lungs
Basis to pronounce a person’s death
Somatic death
Death of individual cell
3-6 hrs after somatic death
Molecular death
Performed to explain sudden death of a person apparently in good health
Medico-legal autopsy
Performed to confirm clinical findings of a research
Hospital autopsy
Performed to confirm clinical diagnosis
Pathologic autopsy
Weapons, fingerprints, and garments left at the crime scene are examples of what type of evidence?
Corpus delicti
Post-mortem clot is
Stripped off in layers
BV smooth
(+) distinct layering
Missing person pressumed dead after how many years?
7 years
Missing person pressumed dead if on board a sea vessel, in war or in danger of death after how many years?
4 years
If no physician can sign death certificate
- Municipal mayor
- Municipal secretary
- Councilor
Medicolegal classification of death due to injuries inflicted upon the body by some form of outside force that is proximate cause thereof is
Postmortem lividity cause of death : color
Asphyxia : bluish violet
CO poisoning : cherry red
Dichromate poisoning : chocolate
Organs that putrefy LATE
Urinary bladder
Non-gravid uterus
Prostate gland
Condition where body becomes soft and flaccid after the disappearance of rigor mortis
Stage of 2ndary flaccidity
Doctor ordered to produce the skull of the victim kileld by blow in the head caused by blunt weapon
What type of evidence is the skull?
Autopic evidence
- perceived by senses
Reliable sign of death
Postmortem lividity
When to transplant an organ
No respiration
Absent heartbeat and pulse
Petichial hemorrhage of the skin due to strangulation/ hanging
Tardieu spots
When body is found already skeletonized, the approximate time of death is about
1 month or more
Dangerous drugs act of 1972 - manufacture and importation
RA 6425 - importation
Importation, manufacture, or distribution of prohibited drugs
Amintenance of drug den, dive or resort for regular costumers
Penalty of at least prison mayor or higher
Indirect fatal effects
2ndary Hemorrhage
2ndary Shock
Scarring effect
Most important determinant of the wounding capacity of a bullet
Bullet momentum
Physical phenomenon when there is “shocking or knock down power” of the bullet
Disintegration of bullet
Production of furrow in the cranium called gutter fracture is caused by
Tangential approach of the bullet
How soon after drowning does the dead body float
Within 24 hrs
Whitish foam in the mouth and nostrils as a sign of drowning
Champignon d’ocume
Doughy lungs
Edema aquasum
Finding that points to drowning as cause of death
Marked congestion of trachea and bronchi which are filled with foreign bodies
Bronze coloration of the head and neck of a dead person caused by drowning
Tete de negri
Accidental death of a young child by suffocation either from pressure of beddings and pillows or from pressure of unconscious or drunk mother
Covering both nostrils and mouth by a pillow may cause death due to
Asphyxia by smothering
Assailant standing at the back of the victim and the forearm is applied in front of the neck
In wrestling
Mugging belongs to this classification of asphyxia
Poat mortem finding in death from asphyxia
Lungs are engorged with dark blood
Congestion of abdominal viscera
Subepicardial petechial hemorrhage
Type of asphyxial death when oxyge. Is delivered to the tissues but cannot be utilized properly due to failure of cellular oxidative process
- carbon monoxide poisoning
- cyanide poisoning
Decrease capacity of blood to carry Oxygen
Anemic anoxic
Failure of blood to ve saturated O2
Failure of circulation
Stagnant anoxic
- shock
Asphyxial death classified under anoxic death
Traumatic crush asphyxia
Form of judicial death advocated in our country by civil authorities
Death by lethal injection
Deep inspiration when mouth/nose covered in fluid
Respiration de surprise
Presidential decree 169 mandates all doctors to report all cases involving
Less serious and serious physical injuries
Color of contusion changes to green
Contusion’s age is:
4-5 days
2-4 days - red/purple
7-10 days - yellow
14-15 days - gradually disappear
Firearm with cylindrical magazine situated at the rear of the barrel which can accomodate 5 to 6 cartridge
Vertical magazine with 6-7 cartridge
Automatic pistol
Its main function is the transformation of mechanical energy by the hit of the firing pin on the percussion cap to chemical energy
Diameter of gunshot wound point is 1cmx1cm the probable calibre of the forearm used is
Primers usually made up of
Tottooing aka
Stippling / peppering
Pugilistic position of a boxer
Spinning motion of bullet , its rough surface and inmagination of the skin , all produce
Contusion collar
Skin is whitened, macerated, and wrinkled
Washerwoman’s skin
Stippling caused by
Gunpowder residue
Exit wound in a gunshot
Edges are everted
No definite shape
Paraffin test absent
Tatooing absent
Short range gunshot
Presence of smudging
Abrasive ring present
Presence of powder tattooing
Blow to the forehead caused contusion of the eyeball due to fracture of the bone at the roof of the orbit
Skull offering least resistance
Locus minoris Resistencia
Test for presence of powder residue on clothing
Walker’s test
Physical injury
Slight injury
Less serious injury
Serious injury
Slight injury - 1-9 days
Less serious injury - >10 but <30 days
Serious injury - >30 days
Bumper fracture of leg bone
Primary impact
Partial or complete disruption in the continuity of a muscular or ligamentous support of a joint
Overstretching/ rupture of a muscle; may not be associated with a joint
Wounding agent producing communication between the inner and outer portion of the hollow organ results in
Perforating wound
Wounding agent emters the body but did not come out
Penetrating wound
Sexual intercourse is NOT an element of this crime
Abduction (Lewd design)
Slightest penetration of the female sexual organ by male sex organ
Carnal knowledge
Statutory rape
<12 yo victim of rape even if with consent of victim
(+) force or intimidation
Deprived of reason; unconscious
- Seduction of a virgin over 12 and under 18 years of age by certain persons, such as a person in authority, priest, teacher, etc.;and
- Seduction of a sister by her brother or descendant by her ascendant, regardless of her age or reputation. (incestuous seduction)
Qualified seduction
Doctor fondled the breast of female patient
Man embraced and kissed woman againts her will
Act of lasciviousness
Pain is the principal factor for satisfaction, either as a recepient or inflictor is called
Masochism - receiving pain
Sadism - inflicting pain
Fellatio/ BJ
Sodomy/ anal
Sex deviant who submits to surgery to change his or her anatomical sex
Psychic identification with opposite sex
Drag queen
Abnormal sexual act commited by a farmer who had sex with his carabao
Zoophilia / bestiality
Obscene language to ovtain sexual gratification
Virginity is required in this crime
Qualified seduction
Point considered in defloration
Normal V shape configuration of the fourchette has been lost
Republic act 8353 amended certain provision of the old law on rape
Rape is a crime againts person
Allows for the concept of marital rape
Degenderization of the crime rape
Sea water drowning effects
Fresh water drowning
IQ 20 - 40
Maturity of 2 to 7yo child
IQ 0 to 20
Maturity like 2yo child or less
IQ 40-70
Maturity of 7 to 12 yo child of age
Feeble minded
Subset of feeble minded but higher IQ
Maturity 7 to 12 yo
4 Ds of negligence
Delict of duty/neglect of obligation
Direct cause