Legal Cases Flashcards
Agins v. City of Tiburon; U.S. Supreme Court (1980)
Fifth Amendment “Advances a legitimate state interest” The Court upheld a city’s right to zone property at low-density and determined this zoning was not a taking. The appellants had acquired five acres of unimproved land for residential development. The City adopted zoning ordinances that placed the appellants’ property in a zone where property may be devoted to one-family dwellings, with density restrictions permitting appellants to build between one and five single-family residences on their tract. Without having sought approval for development of their tract under the ordinances, appellants brought suit against the city in state court, alleging that the city had taken their property without just compensation in violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, and seeking a declaration that the zoning ordinances were facially unconstitutional. The “advances legitimate state interest” prong is overturned in Lingle v. Chevron. U.S. Supreme Court ruled that open space requirements established by the City of Tiburon did not result in a taking of property; Established the principle that a governmental action was not a regulatory taking if it substantially advanced a legitimate gov
Associated Home Builders of Greater East Bay v. City of Livermore; California Supreme Court (1976)
Growth Management The Court upheld temporary moratoriums on building permits. The California Supreme Court upheld the right of a city to time the phasing of development, contingent on performance standards being met
Austin v. Older
Gas station built on property day before property zoned Residential by city initiated zoning ordinance. 10 years later when property owner tries to remodel gas station, is denied permit because zoning doesn’t match use. Supreme Court found the denial constitutional even if the inability to expand causes loss of business
Babbit v. Sweet Home Chapter of Communities for a Great Oregon (1996)
U.S. Supreme Court decided that the government can restrict land development to protect endangered species and their habitats, and it does not constitute a taking; Harm includes significant habitat modification or degradation that kills or injures wildlife
Berman v. Parker; U.S. Supreme Court (1954)
Fifth Amendment The court held that aesthetics is a valid public purpose. The court found that urban renewal was a valid public purpose. Eminent domain, Department store, Established aesthetics and redevelopment as a valid purpose for exercising eminent domain; Public ownership of land not the sole way to promote public purpose;
Buchanan v. Warley (1917)*
Louisville had an ordinance that prohibited blacks from living on a block where the majority of residents were white. Since 8 of 10 houses were occupied by whites, Warley was not allowed to live on the block. SC ruled that state regulations cannot discriminate on race. Violation of equal protections clause (14th Amendment)
Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation v. Public Service Commission of New York
Supreme Court found a regulation prohibiting an electric company from advertising the use of electricity violation of 2nd amendment.
Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.
Supreme Court interprets Clean Air Act allowing EPA and point source contributors to calculate emissions based on “bubble” of multiple contributors rather than as individual contributors.
Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe
Sued to prevent building highway through a park. Supreme Court ruled that agencies have limits on discretionary powers and lower courts had to review more documentation to make decision.
City Council v Taxpayers for Vincent (1984)
US Supreme Court ruled that LA violated free speech by banning noncommercial signage on public property
City of Boerne v. Flores; U.S. Supreme Court (1997)
Fourteenth Amendment This case challenged the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The City of Boerne, Texas prohibited a church in a historic district from enlarging. The Supreme Court ruled that the act is an unconstitutional exercise of congressional powers that exceeded the enforcement powers of the fourteenth amendment. In the end, the city and church came to an agreement to leave 80 percent of the church intact and allow a new 750-seat auditorium on the rear of the auditorium.
City of Cleburne v. Cleburne Living Center, Inc.*
Denial of a care home for “mentally-retarded” unconstitutional under 14th equal protection clause
City of Ladue v. Gilleo*
Property owner placed yard signs with political message. City ordinance prohibited personal yard signs of all content. Supreme Court found unconstitutional because it eliminated entire form of free speech. Freedom of speech; City could not ban posting a non-commercial window sign in own residence (anti-gulf war sign)
City of Monterey v. Del Monte Dunes at Monterey Ltd.; U.S. Supreme Court (1999)
Fifth Amendment The Supreme Court upheld a jury award of $1.45 million in favor of the development based on the city’s repeated denials of a development permit for a 190-unit residential complex on ocean front property. The development was in conformance with the city’s comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. The court found the repeated denials of permits deprived the owner of all economically viable use of the land.
City of Rancho Palos Verdes v. Abrams; U.S. Supreme Court (2005)
Fifth Amendment The Court ruled that a licensed radio operator that was denied conditional use permit for an antenna cannot seek damages because it would distort the congressional intent of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
City of Renton v. Playtime Theatres, Inc.; U.S. Supreme Court (1986)
First Amendment The Court found that placing restrictions on the time, place, and manner of adult entertainment is acceptable. The ordinance was treating the secondary effects (such as traffic and crime), not the content. The Court found that the city does not have to guarantee that there is land available, at a reasonable price, for this use. However, the city cannot entirely prohibit adult entertainment. The Court upheld a zoning ordinance that limited sexually oriented businesses to a single zoning district. US Supreme Court upheld zoning ordinance that prohibited adult theaters with 1K ft of residence etc bc it did not violate free speech bc it didn’t altogether prohibit use in city
Construction Industry of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma; U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit (1975)
Growth Management The Court upheld quotas on the annual number of building permits issued. Limit on the number of building permits for single-family homes issued each year; upheld by court of appeals on ground that it sought to preserve small town character and open space and promote growth at an “orderly” rate”
Dolan v City of Tigard (1994)
Fifth Amendment “Rough Proportionality Test” The Court found there must be a rational nexus between the exaction requirement and the development. The rough proportionality test was created from this case. The court found that conditions that require the deeding of portions of a property to the government can be justified where there is a relationship between the nature and extent of the proposed development. The court overturned an exaction that required dedication of a portion of the floodplain by a commercial business that wanted to expand. In the Dolan v. City of Tigard case, the court found that the exaction on a property must be roughly proportional in nature and extent to the impact of the proposed land development.. US Supreme Court, Takings, commission required Dolan to maintain greenway on hardware store property; Ruling in favor of Dolan, established principle of rational nexus for regulatory action
EPCRA (1986)
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act . Companion legislation to SARA (Title III). Requires each state to establish State Emergency Response Commission for directing emergency planning and reporting of chemicals
Eubank v. City of Richmond; U.S. Supreme Court (1912)
Zoning The Court first approved the use of setback regulations, although it overturned the setbacks in this case. The state had a statute authorizing cities and towns, among other things, ‘to make regulations concerning the building of houses in the city or town, and in their discretion, . . . in particular districts or along particular streets, to prescribe and establish building lines, or to require property owners in certain localities or districts to leave a certain percentage of lots free from buildings and to regulate the height of buildings.’ The court held that the ordinance was a valid use of police power.
Euclid v Ambler (1926)
US Supreme Court upheld validity of zoning as a legitimate exercise of policy power, and emphasized the need to separate land uses, in order to protect public health, safety and welfare; established zoning as a legitimate exercise of police power by local
Fasano v. Board of County Commissioners (1973)*
SPOT ZONING or zoning changes without supporting evidence such as comp plan are unconstitutional.
FCC v. Florida Power Corporation; U.S. Supreme Court (1987)
Fifth Amendment The Court found that a taking had not occurred. The public utilities challenged a federal statute that authorized the Federal Communications Commission to regulate rents charged by utilities to cable TV operators for the use of utility poles.
First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Glendale v County of Los Angeles (1987)
Fifth Amendment The court found that if a property is unusable for a period of time, then not only can the ordinance be set aside, but the property owner can subject the government to pay for damages. The court found that the County could either purchase the property out-right or revoke the ordinance and pay the church for its losses during the time of the trial.. Flood damaged campgrounds, and LA prohibited construction in flood area; U.S. Supreme Court found that just compensation required for “temporary damages” for time btwn law adoption and determination of unconstitutional taking
Fred French Investing Co. v. City of New York (1976)
Transfer of Development Rights. Fifth Amendment In this case, the city had put in place a regulation that required the placement of a public park on private property, leaving no income producing use of the property. The Court invalidated the regulation, but it was not ruled as a taking that should receive compensation.
Golden v. Planning Board of the Town of Ramapo (1972)
Growth Management The court upheld a growth management system that awarded points to development proposals based on the availability of public utilities, drainage facilities, parks, road access, and firehouses. A proposal would only be approved upon reaching a certain point level. Developers could increase their point total by providing the involved facilities themselves.
Hadacheck v. Sebastian; U.S. Supreme Court (1915)
Zoning The Court first approved the regulation of the location of land uses. The court found that a zoning ordinance in Los Angeles that prohibited the production of bricks in a specific location did not violate the 14th Amendment Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. US Supreme county ruled that restricting certain nuisances land uses was a legitimate exercise of police power; Upheld ordinance in LA prohibiting operation of brickyard
Hills v. Gautreaux
Chicago Housing Authority found to have engaged in discriminatory practices by not building affordable housing in white neighborhoods. Significant in that it was accepted into evidence that housing vouchers provided better economic mobility for families using them,
Jones v. Alfred H. Mayer Co. (1968)
Supreme Court rules that federal government can intervene in private sales if such sales are racially discriminatory - ends racially restrictive covenants
California Court finds that Los Angeles ordinances criminalizing sleeping in public spaces as unconstitutional.
Just vs. Marinette County (1972)
Municipalities can restrict infill of wetlands and shorelines. Established that environmental protection regulations are a reasonable exercise of the police power of the state and do not amount to a taking of private property without just compensation; The natural state of the shore land is a public interest that sup
Kelo v. City of New London; US Supreme Court (2005)
Eminent domain; Economic development is a public use for which the power of eminent domain may be exercised when part of an integrated development plan. Fifth Amendment The Supreme Court ruled that a economic development is a valid use of eminent domain. The court found that it is not in a position to determine the amount or character of land needed for a particular public project.
Keystone Bituminous Coal Association v. DeBenedictis; U.S. Supreme Court (1987)
Fifth Amendment The Court found that the enactment of regulations did not constitute a taking. The Court found that the enactment of the Act was justified by the public interests protected by the Act. Pennsylvania’s Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act prohibits coal mining that causes subsidence damage to pre-existing public buildings, dwellings, and cemeteries. The Act requires that 50 percent of the coal beneath four protected structures be kept in place to provide surface support. The Coal Association alleged that this constituted a taking.
Knick v. Township of Scott, Pennsylvania (2019)
Overturned Williamson County v. Hamilton Bank decision. Municipality passes ordinance requiring public access to all cemeteries. Property owner sued with a takings claim but not follow inverse condemnation process. Supreme Court found that requiring plaintiff to run all courses of action to seek remedy prior to filing takings claim is too burdensome.
Koontz v. St. John’s River Water Management (2012)
Fifth Amendment Mr. Koontz requested a permit from the St. John’s River Water Management to develop additional land beyond what was allowed under the original permit. St. John’s agreed to issue the development permit on the condition that Koontz deed the rest of his property into a conservation area and complete additional mitigation work. Because Koontz refused to undertake the mitigation work, St. John’s denied the application. The key question facing the course was whether the government is liable for a taking when it denies a permit until the land owner has agreed to dedicate land for a public use. The Supreme Court found in favor of Koontz noting that there was no specific regulation requiring the dedication and mitigation work - and that a taking had occurred.
Lingle v Chevron (2005)
Takings; Removed the “substantially advances” test (basis of Agins v Tiburon) to identify regulatory taking; Relevant test if whether due process clause has been violated; Affirms that regulatory taking occurs when regs destroy all economic value
Lingle v. Chevron USA, Inc.; U.S. Supreme Court (2005)
Fifth Amendment The Court overturned a portion of the Agins v. City of Tiburon precedent, declaring that regulation of property effects a taking if it does not substantially advance legitimate state interests. The court found this prong of the formula imprecise and not appropriate for determining if a taking has occurred. The other prong of the formula under Agins related to denial of economically viable use is unaffected.
Lordship Park Assn. v. Board of Zoning Appeals
Relying on draft, un-adopted plan to make decision violates due process.
Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corporation; U.S. Supreme Court (1982)
Fifth Amendment The court found that where there is a physical occupation, there is a taking. The cable television company installed cables on a building to serve the tenants of the building and to serve other buildings. The property owner brought a class action suit claiming that allowing the cable company to occupy the land was a taking.
Lucas v South Carolina Coastal Council (1992)
Takings; Coastal zone protection prohibited building a house on shorefront; U.S. Supreme Court found that regulations that deny all economic use of property constitute a taking (unless existing state prop and nuisance law prohibit such use. Fifth Amendment The Court found that there is a taking if there is a total reduction in value (no viable value left) after the regulation is in place, except where derived from the state’s law of property and nuisance. The court found that Lucas purchased the land prior to the development regulations being put in place and so constituted a taking.
Massachusetts v. EPA, Inc.; U.S. Supreme Court (2006)
The Court held that the EPA must provide a reasonable justification for why they would not regulate greenhouse gases.
Members of City Council v. Taxpayers for Vincent; U.S. Supreme Court (1984)
First Amendment The Court found that the regulation of signs was valid for aesthetic reasons as long as the ordinance does not regulate the content of the sign. If the regulation is based on sign content, it must be justified by a compelling governmental interest. The Court found that aesthetics advance a legitimate state interest. The Court upheld a Los Angeles ordinance that banned attaching signs to utility poles.
Metromedia, Inc. v. City of San Diego; U.S. Supreme Court (1981)
First Amendment The Court found that commercial and noncommercial speech cannot be treated differently. The court overruled an ordinance that banned all off-premises signs because it effectively banned noncommercial signs. US Supreme Court struck down ordinance that banned com and non-com off-site billboards yet permitted on-site signage as violation of free speech. Violated the first amendment’s freedom of speech
Mount Laurel I vs Mount Laurel II
1 established rationale 2. established enforcement
Munn v. Illinois; U.S. Supreme Court (1876)
Fourteenth Amendment The Court found that a state law regulating pricing did not constitute a taking and violation of due process. The Court established the principle of public regulation of private businesses in the public interest. The Court found that the regulation of private property does not violate due process when the regulation becomes necessary for the public good.
Nectow v. City of Cambridge; U.S. Supreme Court (1928)
Zoning The Court used a rational basis test to strike down a zoning ordinance because it had no valid public purpose (e.g., to promote the health, safety, morals, or welfare of the public).
Nollan v. California Coastal Commission; U.S. Supreme Court (1987)
Takings clause was violated when public agency would grant the Nollans a permit to build a house only if they provided a public easement on their beachfront property; Land-use regulation amounted to a taking. Fifth Amendment The Court found that regulations must serve a substantial public purpose and that exactions are valid as long as the exaction and the project are reasonably related. The court also found that the California Coastal Commission’s requirement to dedicate an easement for public beach access was not reasonable.
Palazzolo v. Rhode Island; U.S. Supreme Court (2001)
Fifth Amendment The property owner claimed inverse condemnation against the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council. The landowner was denied a permit to fill 18 acres of coastal wetlands to construct a beach club and was therefore an unlawful taking. The Supreme Court found that claims are ripe for adjudicationmost importantly, acquisition of title after the effective date of regulations does not bar regulatory taking claims. The case was remanded. U.S. Supreme Court decided that environmental protection laws prohibiting filling undeveloped salt marsh (wetlands) did not remove all economically viable use of the land and therefore this regulation was not a taking
Penn Central Transportation Co. v. The City of New York; U.S. Supreme Court (1978)
US Supreme Court found historic preservation to be a valid public purpose; Upheld LPC’s denial of request to develop over Grand Central (a designated historic landmark); Penn Central could have TDR’d. Fifth Amendment The court found that a taking is based on the extent of the diminution of value, interference with investment backed expectations, and the character of the government action. The court weighed the economic impact of the regulation on investment backed expectations and the character of the regulation to determine whether the regulation deprives one of property rights. The court found that the New York City Landmark Preservation Law as applied to the Grand Central Terminal did not constitute a taking.
Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon; U.S. Supreme Court (1922)
Fifth Amendment The court found that if a regulation goes too far it will be recognized as a taking. This was the first takings ruling and defined a taking under the 5th Amendment. Established diminution of value test. U.S. Supreme Court, Established that land use regulation might be a taking
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA)
Regulates small scale energy producers of two types: Small power production facility is a generating facility of 80 MW or less whose primary energy source is renewable (hydro, wind or solar), biomass, waste, or geothermal resources. Cogeneration facility is a generating facility that sequentially produces electricity and another form of useful thermal energy (such as heat or steam) in a way that is more efficient than the separate production of both forms of energy
Pumpelly v. Green Bay Co. (1871)
Wisconsin statute permits construction of dam that floods private property. SC rules that the flooding of adjacent lands is a taking and owners must be compensated.
Rapanos v. United States; U.S. Supreme Court (2006)
The Court found that the Army Corp of Engineers must determine whether there is a significant nexus between a wetland and a navigable waterway.
Reed et al. v Town of Gilbert Arizona (2014)
First Amendment The pastor of a church rented space in an elementary school and placed signs in the area announcing the time and location of the church services. Gilbert’s sign ordinance restricts the size, number, duration and location of certain types of signs, including temporary signs. Gilbert advised the church that it had violated the sign code through the placement of the temporary signs. The church sued Gilbert claiming that the sign code violated the free speech clause in the first amendment, as well as the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment. The US Supreme Court found that the city cannot impose more stringent restriction on signs directing the public to a meeting than on signs conveying other messages. The Court found the sign ordinance was not content neutral.
San Remo Hotel L.P. v City and County of San Francisco (2005)
State courts can adjudicate challenges to land use decisions
SD Warren v. Maine Board of Environmental Protection; U.S. Supreme Court (2006)
The Court found that hydroelectric dams are subject to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act.
Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Township of Mount Laurel; New Jersey Supreme Court (1975)
Fourteenth Amendment The Court found that Mount Laurel had exclusionary zoning that prohibited multi-family, mobile home, or low- to moderate-income housing. The court required the Town to open its doors to those of all income levels.
Spur Industries v Del E Webb Dev Co (1972)
Preexisting feedlot became a nuisance for a newer residential area; state court of appeals ruled that feedlot should move to accommodate addtl urban dev; dev’rs required to pay expenses and damages
Stop the Beach Renourishment Inc v. Florida
Fifth Amendment Department of Environmental Protection (2009) The Supreme Court ruled that submerged lands that would be filled by the state did not represent a taking to the waterfront property owners.
Suitum v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency; U.S. Supreme Court (1997)
Fifth Amendment The Court in this case was answering the question of whether an owner must attempt to sell their development rights before claiming a regulatory taking of property without just compensation. The Court found that Suitum’s taking claim was ripe for adjudication. The petitioner owned an undeveloped lot near Lake Tahoe. The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency found that the lot could not be developed under the agencies’ regulations, but that Suitum could sell the development rights under the Transfer of Development Rights program. Suitum sued claiming a taking requiring compensation.
Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. et al. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency et al.; U.S. Supreme Court (2002)
US Supreme Court upheld the use of development moratoria and said that a moratorium is not necessarily a taking of property requiring compensation. Fifth Amendment The Court found that the moratoria did not constitute a taking requiring compensation. The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency imposed two moratoria on development in the Lake Tahoe Basin while the agency formulated a comprehensive plan for the area. A group of property owners sued, claiming a taking.
Tennessee Valley Authority v. Hill
Ruled that an injunction on Tellico Dam Project was constitutional because Endangered Species Act protected the Snail Darter. Dam would be built after act of congress in 1972 after species relocated.
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project Inc. (2015)
In this case the Supreme Court was asked to evaluate whether disparate impact is the appropriate standard in which to evaluate the impact of the Fair Housing Act. Inclusive Communities Project claimed that the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs was disproportionately granting tax credits to developments in minority neighborhoods and denying credits to developments within Caucasian neighborhoods. The Court held that Disparate impact is the appropriate standard to be applied to the Fair Housing Act. The result is that policies that even inadvertently relegate minorities to poor areas violates the Fair Housing Act.
The Historic Sites, Buildings and Antiquities Act of 1935
Predecessor of the National Historic Preservation Act Required Secretary of the Interior to identify, acquire, and restore qualifying historic sites Called on federal agencies to consider preservation needs in their programs and plans
Thomas Cusack Co. v. City of Chicago*
Chicago ordinance prohibits billboards unless majority of frontage property owners consent is ruled lawful
United States v. Gettysburg Electric Railway Company (1896)
Fifth Amendment The Court ruled that the acquisition of the national battlefield at Gettysburg served a valid public purpose. This was the first significant legal case dealing with historic preservation.
Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964
Required federal government to provide grant money to local governments for public transit Available for capital investments and operating costs Federal government pays up to 80 percent of capital costs and 50 percent of operating costs
Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978
Authorized $725M to economically distressed urban areas for rehabilitation of recreation facilities. Only federal program that supports parks. Focus on systematic local planning and commitment to operation and maintenance of programs, sites, and facilities
US v Gettysburg Electric Railway (1896)
First sig. legal case about historic pres; Supreme Court ruled that acquisition of the national battlefield at Gettysburg served a valid public purpose
Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation; US Supreme Court (1977)
Fourteenth Amendment The court reviewed a zoning case that denied a rezoning of a property from single-family to multi-family. The Metropolitan Housing Development Corp. (MHDC), a nonprofit developer, contracted to purchase a tract within Arlington Heights in order to build racially integrated low- and moderate-income housing. The contract was contingent upon securing rezoning as well as federal housing assistance. MHDC applied to the Village for the necessary rezoning from a single-family to a multiple-family (R-5) classification. The Village denied the rezoning request and MHDC and individual minority respondents filed suit for injunctive and declaratory relief, alleging that the denial was racially discriminatory and violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and the Fair Housing Act. The District Court held that the Village’s rezoning denial was motivated not by racial discrimination but by a desire to protect property values and maintain the Village’s zoning plan. Though approving those conclusions, the Court of Appeals reversed, finding that the “ultimate effect” of the rezoning denial was racially discriminatory and observing that the denial would disproportionately affect blacks, particularly in view of the fact that the general suburban area, though economically expanding, continued to be marked by residential segregation. The US Supreme Court found that there was insufficient evidence to prove that the Village acted in a racially discriminatory manner and overturned the findings of the previous two courts. They remanded to the lower court for further consideration.
Village of Belle Terre v. Boaraas; US Supreme Court (1974)
Fourteenth Amendment The court found that a community has the power to control lifestyle and values. The court extended the concept of zoning under police power to include a community’s desire for certain types of lifestyles. The court upheld a regulation that prohibited more than two unrelated individuals from living together as a single family.
Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co.; U.S. Supreme Court (1926)
Zoning The Court found that as long as the community believed that there was a threat of a nuisance, the zoning ordinance should be upheld. The key question before the court was whether the Village of Euclid’s zoning ordinance violated the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the 14th Amendment of the constitution. The key outcome of the court was that it upheld modern zoning as a proper use of police power. Alfred Bettman filed an influential brief with the court.
Wagner-Steagall Housing Act (1937)
Created public housing administration, and empowered and funded local housing authorities to construct and operate public housing as well as engage in slum clearance; Tied slum clearance to public housing
Washington ex Rel. Seattle Title Trust Co v. Roberge
Ordinance granted undue power to neighbors over use of property to expand adult home. Procedural Due Process violation
Welch v. Swasey (1909)
Zoning The Court established the right of municipalities to regulate building height. An act in 1905 in Massachusetts enabled the limitation of building heights and the court held that height discrimination is based on reasonable ground and a proper exercise of the police power of the state and does not violate the equal protection and due process clauses of the 14th Amendment.
Welton v. Hamilton*
BZA without clear rules or guidelines on what should or should not be granted a variance is not a granted power of the state
Williamson County Regional Planning Commission v. Hamilton Bank of Johnson City
County commission changed density allowances after a plan had been approved and subsequently denied plats. A jury trial found that a taking had occurred and property owner entitled to money, Supreme Court found that a taking had not occurred because property owner had not exhausted all remedies to seek final administrative decision of denial.
Young v. American Mini Theaters (1976)
First Amendment The Court upheld a zoning scheme that decentralized sexually oriented businesses in Detroit.. US Supreme Court upheld Detroit “adult zoning” ordinance that prohibited location of adult movie theaters in proximity to each other and residential area; Court argued that it did not restrain speech but only maintain neighborhood character
Brandt Revocable Trust v United States (2013)
The Court found that the 1875 General Railroad Right-of-Way Act grants an easement for the railroad’s land. When the railroad company abandons land, it should be settled as an easement and if the easement is abandoned, the easement disappears and the land reverts to the previous owner.
Land Ordinance of 1784
Divided land east of Appalachians and west of Mississippi River. Created by Thomas Jefferson
Land Ordinance of 1787
Northwest Ordinance. Northwest Ordinance established a government for the Northwest Territory, outlined the process for admitting a new state to the Union, and guaranteed that newly created states would be equal to the original thirteen states. Considered one of the most important legislative acts of the Confederation Congress, the Northwest Ordinance also protected civil liberties and outlawed slavery in the new territories.