Facts Flashcards
% of rural Americans live on farms?
6.3% (represents declining farm population)
% of rural employment is in manufacturing?
1.5 billion acres
The number of acres of forest that have disappeared over the last 200 years throughout the world.
100th Meridian
Longitudinal line that separates East & West U.S. Also a Isohyet line thet separates rainfall from east and west (desert).
275 tribal reservations account for this acreage in US
52 million
Acres in a square mile
Acres of national forest land in US
191 million
Baby boomers
Cohort Survival Method
Detailed, very accurate method for making short-term population projections that can handle multiple variables.
Echo Boomers (aka: Generation Y)
Facts about metro-farms
⅓ of all farms in US are in metropolitan areas; They produce over 2/3s of country’s produce and about 40% of all dairy products
Fastest Growing City (2000-2010)
Las Vegas
Fastest growing MSAs from 2000-2010
Palm Coast, FL St. George, UT Las Vegas-Paradise, NV
Federally-recognized tribes
According to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA); which is responsible for the administration and management of 55.7 million acres of land held in trust by the United States for American Indians, Indian tribes, and Alaska Natives. The BIA says that there are 562 federal recognized tribal governments in the United States.
Federally-recognized tribes
Feet in a mile
5,280 feet = 1 mile
Generation X
1 hectare = 10,000 square meters; 1 hectare = 2.47 acres
Homeowners percentage
How many acres have been developed in the US each year?
Longest River
Missouri River (2540 miles)
People per square mile living in the U.S.
As of 2000, it was 79.6
Percent of women in workforce
58% as of 2010 (increasing)
Percentage of Americans living in urbanized areas in 2000
Percentage of households receiving long form of US census
Percentage of urban residing American’s live in poverty
In 1996, 20% of families lived in poverty Between 1975-1985, US government constructed two million low-income homes
Rivers in US
250,000 (3.5 million miles)
Smallest time frame using a chort survival method of population
5 years
Square mile
640 AC
Step-down method
Uses a larger geographic area to interpolate a smaller geographic area’s population
Total tribal acres in Alaska
40 million
Tribal Reservations in the US
326 reservations covering 95,000,000 AC Navajo is largest. Not all 567 tribes have a reservation.
US Population (2010)
309 million
US population by 2040
Likely to exceed 400 million.
ZIP Code
Zone Improvement Plan Code
Census Long Form replaced by
American Community Survey
Changes to American household since 1970?
New homes are 50% larger, HH size has shrunk by 1 person
Lost Generation - WWI Veterans Greatest Generation - WWII Veterans Silent Generation - Born during-WWII Baby Boomers - 1940’s-1960’s Generation X - 1960’s - 1980’s Millennial / Gen Y “echo boom” - 1980’s-2000 Gen Z - Post 2000
Average household size according to 2000 Census?
2.59 persons (owner-occupied = 2.69, renter-occupied - 2.4)
Biggest/smallest states in population in 2000 Census?
Biggest: California; Smallest: Wyoming
Dominant land use in the U.S.?
How many square feet in 1 acre?
1 Acre = 43,560 SF
Largest single Native American reservation?
Navajo, 16 million acres
Native American reservations in the U.S.
Agricultural land
900,000,000 AC of farmland 240,000,000 prime farmland, 25% in metropolitan areas
How has average size of single family detached homes changed over last 50 years?
~1,100SF → 2,340 SF
First Council of Government
Foreign born US residents (1994)
1 out of 11
Largest tribal land holding in acres
16 million, Navajo in Utah, Arizona nad New Mexico
Location of housing
31% in central cities 31% in suburbs 38% in rural areas
Metropolitan Farms
1/3 of all farms are in metropolitan areas 640,000 farms Produce 66% of fruits and vegetables 75% of nursery and greenhouse crops and 40% dairy
Minority population
33% of population as of 2006
MSA includes
At least one city with 50,000 or more and a total metropolitan population of 100,000
Transit use between 1997 and 2001
Increased 20%
Census Block
Part of a census tract; Smalled geographic unit for which the Census tabulates 100% data; designations covering entire nation for first time in 1990
Census Block Group
Subset of the blocks within a Census Tract; The smallest geographic unit for which the Census tabulates sample data
Census Designated Place (CDP)
A densely settled concentration of population that is not within an incorporated place, but is locally identified by a name; No size limits (since 2000)
Census Tract
Designed to be a relatively homogeneous unit with respect to population characteristics, economic status and living conditions; Averages ~4,000 people
Incorporated Place
Incorporated under state law as, i.e., a city, town, borough or village, and having legally prescribed geographic limits
Median age of US population according to 2000 Census?
35.3 years
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA)
Core area (city of >50,000 or Urbanized Area with at >100,000 people) with large population nucleus and adjacent communities with a high degree of economic and social integration with that core; May include 1 or more counties
A concentration of population either legally bounded as an incorporated place, or identified as a Census Designated Place
Urban Area
For Census 2000, two types of urban areas: Urban Clusters (2.5 - 50K people) and Urbanized Areas (at least 50K people)
Urbanized Areas
An area consisting of at least one central place and adjacent territory, with a general population density of at least 1,000 people/square mile of land area and a minimum residential population of at least 50,000 people