Leg Flashcards
Sesamoid bone
Embedded on the tendon of quadriceps femoris muscle
Anterior to the knee joint
Patella - apex
Pointed inferiorly
Patella - articulate facets
Posterior aspect
Covered with articular cartilage with the modal and lateral femoral condyles
Medial aspect of posterior surface contacts the femur in extreme flexion
Thicker and more medial of the tow bones of the leg
Tibia - anterior border
At the font of the tibial shaft
Tibia - intercondyle eminence
Raised area in the central part of the intercondylar area of the tibial plateau
Tibia - lateral condyle
Prominent, proximal and lateral mass
Articulates with femur
Tibia - medial condyle
Prominent, proximal and medial mass
Articulates with femur
Tibia - medial malleolus
Thick process formed by the distal, expanded medial end of the tibia
Tibia - tuberosity
Bony prominence on the anterior aspect of the upper end of the tibial shaft
Insertion of the patellar ligament
Thinner and more lateral of the two bones of the leg
Fibula - head
Expanded proximal end
Articulates with the lateral condyle of the tibia
Fibula - styloid process
Upward projection of the head
Fibula - lateral malleolus
Distal, expanded, flattened end
Articulates with the talus bones of the ankle
Proximal tibiofibular joint
Tibia - lateral condyle
Fibular - head
Movement - slight gliding
Distal tibiofibular joint
Tibia - fibular notch
Fibula - distal end
Movement - slight rotation during dorsiflexion
Interosseous tibiofibular ligament
Anterior tibiofibular ligament
Posterior tibiofibular ligament
Nerve supply
Sural nerve - superficial posterior compartment
Tibial nerve - deep posterior compartment
Superficial peroneal/fibular nerve - lateral compartment
Deep peroneal nerve - anterior compartment
Anterior compartment
Extensor hallucis longus
Extensor digitorum longus
Tibialis anterior
Lateral compartment
Fibularis (peroneus) longus
Fibularis (peroneus) brevis
Deep posterior compartment
Tibialis posterior
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis longus
Superficial posterior compartment