Hip Flashcards
Larges part
Expanded superior to form three fan-shaped ala
Forms two-fifths of the acetabulum
Ilium - body
Expands superiority from acetabulum into a flattened ala (wing)
Ilium - crest
Superior border
Provides origin and insertion points for the abdominal muscles
Ilium - fossa
Medial surface of the iliac ala
Origin to the iliacus muscle
Ilium - anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
Small projection
Forms the anterior point of the iliac crest
Ilium - anterior inferior iliac spine
Small projection
From the anterior border of the ilium
Origin point for the inguinal ligament
Ilium - posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS)
Small projection
Forms posterior border of the iliac crest
Ilium - posterior inferior iliac spine
Small posterior projection
Lies above the greater sciatic notch
Origin point for the piriformis muscle
Ilium - inferior gluteal line
Thin ridge
Origin of the gluteus minimus muscle
Ilium - posterior gluteal line
Thin ridge on the ilium body
Marks the division between the origin of the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles
Smallest and moat anterior part of the hip bone
Articulates with the opposite bone at the pubic symphysis
Pubis - body
Medially facing symphyseal surface
Pubis - inferior ramus
Passes downwards and forwards to join with the ramus of the ischium
Pubis - superior ramus
Passes superiority from the body and fuse with the body of the ischium
Lower, posterior part of the hip bone
Ischium - body
Robust L-shaped bone
Passes downwards deform the acetabulum
Ischium - spine
Posterior projection
Separates the greater and lesser sciatic notches
Ischium - ramus
Passes downwards and forwards to join with the inferior ramus of the pubis
Ischium - tuberosity
Large, roughened tuberosity on the posteroinferior surface of the ischium
Origin for the hamstring muscles
Ischium - lesser sciatic notch
Shallow notch
Between the ischial spine and ischial tuberosity
Ischium - greater sciatic notch
Deep posterior notch
Between the posterior inferior iliac spine and the ischial spine
Ischium - obturator foramen
In the front of the pelvis
Formed by the pubis and the ischium
Ischium - acetabulum
A cup-shaped depression
Formed by the ilium, ischium and pubis
For articulation, through its horseshoe-shaped articular surface, with the femoral head
Sacroiliac joint
Sacrum and ilium
Synovial capsule
Hyaline cartilage
Flexibility isn’t good
Two sides of the joint lock together
Lumbosacral joint
Lumber and sacrum
Similar to vertebrae discs - pulpy middle
Shock absorber
Slightly movable
Coxal (hip) joint
Acetabulum and head of femur
Ball and socket synovial joint
Three degrees of freedom
Flexion and extension
Abduction and adduction
Medial and lateral rotation
Iliolumbar ligament
Limits lateral extension of the spine
Improve resilience
Pubic ligament
Supports the pubic symphysis
Anterior longitudinal ligaments
Limits posterior flexion
Sacrospinous ligament
Runs from the sacrum to the ischial spine
Sacrotuberous ligament
Runs from the sacrum down towards the tissue of the tuberosity
Stabilise sacroiliac joint
Resists rotational forces
Iliofemoral ligament
Support hip capsule and joint
Pubofemoral ligament
Triangular thickening of the inferior part of the capsule
Ischiofemoral ligament
Inserts half way
Intertrochanteric line
Between the lesser and greater trochanter
Acetabulum - acetabula labrum
Acetabulum - articular cartilage
Supports articulation of the femur head
Hyaline cartilage
Acetabulum - transverse acetabula ligament
Runs across the acetabula/obturator foramen
Closes off the socket
Supports the ligaments. Of the head of the femur
Acetabulum - ligamentum teres
Off the head of the femur
Keeps the head of the femur in the socket
Arteries supplying the femur
Acetabulum - fat pad
Sensory function
Shock absorber
Acetabulum - acetabula notch
Access for - nutritive vessels; branches of obturator, deep femoral
Anterior - intertrochanteric line
Posterior - halfway along the neck of the femur
Made from circular, longitudinal fibres
Nerves supply
Branches of femoral nerve - anterior over the brim of the pelvis to the thigh
Branches of the obturator nerve - from and through the obturator foramen to the thigh
Branches of the sciatic nerve - large, from the sciatic notch down posteriorly to the thigh
Blood supply
Anastomosis - multiple ways of getting the blood to the structure
Lateral and medial circumflex arteries
Hip extensors
Gluteus maximus
Biceps femoris
Hip flexors
Psoas major
Rectus femoris
Hip adductors
Adductor brevis
Adductor longus
Adductor Magnus
Hip abductors and medial rotators
Gluteus medius
Gluteus minimus
Tensor fasciae latae (TFL)
Hip lateral rotators
Gemellus superior
Obturator internus
Gemellus inferior
Quadratus femoris