Lecture16: Upper Limb Nerve Injury Flashcards
What does Musculocutaneous nerve injury lead to?
Weakness of supination and forearm flexion along with loss of sensation on the lateral side of the forearm
What causes Axillary nerve injury?
Fracture of surgical neck of humerus or it’s dislocation
What does Axillary nerve injury lead to?
Loss of lateral rotation and abduction + flat shoulder + loss of deltoid sensation
What causes carpal tunnel syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by which nerve injury?
Name the motor effects of carpal tunnel syndrome
Abduction loss, ape hand
Name the sensory effect of carpal tunnel syndrome
Loss of sensation on thumb and first 2 fingers
Name manifestations of median nerve injury above the forearm?
Loss of wrist abduction, pointing index, loss of pronation
Name Ulnar nerve injury manifestations
Partial claw hand, flattening of hypothenar eminence
Name sensory effects of ulnar nerve injury
Loss of sensation on medial 1/3 of the palm
What does ulnar nerve injury above the elbow lead to?
Failure in hand abduction due to unopposed action of flexor carpi radialis
What does Radial nerve injury lead to?
Unable to extend elbow, wrist and fingers drop
Which radial nerve branch injury leads to finger drop? But not Wrist drop
Posterior interosseous
Which radial nerve branch injury has only sensory effects?
Superficial radial nerve
What does a difficult delivery during labor lead to?
Upper trunk injury
What does increased angle between head and shoulder lead to?
Upper trunk injury
What is upper trunk injury called?
Erb’s Duchenne Palsy
Describe Erb’s Duchenne Palsy?
Shoulder is adducted and Medially rotated
What is Lower trunk injury called?
Klumpke Palsy
What does Lower Trubj injury manifest as?
The opposite of writing position and loss of abduction+ adduction of fingers
Which gender is carpal tunnel syndrome common in?