Lecture12: Forearm 1 Flashcards
What muscle lies most laterally on the superficial layer of the forearm?
Pronator teres
Where is the Pronator Teres inserted?
At the middle of the radius
What supplies the Pronator teres?
The median nerve
Name actions of the Pronator teres
Flexion of the elbow, pronationof the forearm. (180 degree rotation)
Where is the Flexor Carpi Radialis inserted?
The 2nd and 3rd metacarpal bones
What is the nerve supply of the Flexor Carpi Radiallis?
Median nerve
What is the action of the Flexor carpi radialis?
Abduction of wrist joint
What is the Plamaris Longus insertion?
The Palmar aponeurosis
What is the Palmaris Longus innervation?
Median nerve
What is the Palmaris Longus action?
Flexion of wrist joint
What is the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris function?
Wrist adduction
What is the Flexor Carpi Ulnaris nerve supply?
Ulnar nerve
What is the function of the Palmar aponeurosis?
Protection of the palm
What describes the Palmar Aponeurosis?
A thick triangular fibrous sheet
What is the Flexor Digitorum superficialis nerve supply?
Median nerve
What is the Flexor Digitorum superficialis action?
Flexion of the metacarpophalangeal
What is the Flexor Pollicis Longus action?
Flexion of wrist and metacarpophalangeal
What is the Flexor Digitorum profundus action?
Flexion of elbow and metacarpophalangeal
What is the Pronator quadratis function?
Pronation of forearm
What supplies the medial half of the flexor Digitorum profundus?
Ulnar nerve
Name structures passing through the Flexor retinaculum
Median artery, median nerve,
Name structures passing through the Carpal tunnel
The median nerve, flexor pollicis Longus, flexor Digitorums
What does the compression of median nerve in the carpal tunnel feel like?
Sharp needle sensation and wasting of hand muscles
What is the Flexor retinaculum laterally attached to?
Scaphoid and trapezium