Lecture - Sleep Physiology Flashcards
All animals sleep
- sleep habits, places nd posture vary
- some animals are nocturnal
- dolphins can sleep one hemisphere at a time
Sleep is needed: sleep and adverse effects
- after 17-18 hours awake, performance is comparable to a BAC of 0.05
- with prolonged wakefulness, lapses or microsleeps are inevitable, eventually
- very LOW or HIGH hours of sleep are associated with mortality and morbidity
DEtermining sleep
- behavioral
- electographic
- neuronal state
EEG-defined sleep staging
- slowing and increased synchronization with deeper sleep
- sleep organised in cycles of 90-120 min
- NREM: increasing EEG slowing as light sleep transitions to deep sleep. Thalamus mediated greater disengagement of cortex from external inputs
- it is difficult to wake someone from SWS
- REM: EEG resembles quiet wakefulness or N1 with atonia and intermittent eye movement
Homeostatic regulation of sleep
- sleep is a homeostatic phenomenon
- pressure for sleep increases with increasing time awake
- this is discharged with sleep
- this is called process S
- Circadian regulation of sleep
- sleepiness is also determined by the time of day
- this is called process C: drive to maintain wakefulness
Combined effects of process S and C
- S buolds across the waking hours
- circadian-determined drive to maintain wakefulness counteracts this for much of the daylight hours
- as process C wanes, we prepare for sleep
- during sleep, homeostatic sleep drive is discharged
- circadian drive falls off, helping maintain sleep across the night
Basis of homeostatic drive
- adenoside accumulation in basal forebrain and other areas
- related to brain energy use
- adenosine acts on A1 receptors, decreaseing neuronal acrtivity and thus energy consumption
- adenosine accumulates in cat basal forebrain with prolonged wakefulness
- caffeine antagonises adenosine receptors
- but likely there are other mechanisms
Synaptic homeostasis hypothesis
- connections are made when awake and are trimmed during sleep
- strongest connections are preserved
What controls the circadian system?
- the Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of anterior hypothalamus
- autonomous oscillation, period 24.2 h
- BMAL1 and clock genes activate expression of Per and Cry
- Per and Cry translocate to nucleus, suppress BMAL1 and CLOCK
- inputs from retinal ganglion cells to SCN
- light and melatonin synchronize the circadian rhythm
SCN outputs
- projection to cortex via multi-synaptic connections
- pineal gland melatonin section: synchronization of clocks in other organs
- regulate sleep/wake, REM sleep, feeding, metabolism, hormones
Melatonin and temperature rhythm
- melatonin goes up
- temperature goes down
Resynchronizing the clock: phase response curve
- bright light in evening will induce a phase delay, shifting bed time later
- morning bright light will cause phase advance
Wake promoting systems
- cholinergic: acetylcholine
- monoaminergic: dopamine, histamine, serotonin, noradrenaline
- orexin
Sleep-promoting neurons inhibit wake-promoting centres
- GABA and galanin
The flip flop sleep switch
- wake centres inhibit sleep centres and vice-versa
- orexin maintains stability of wake state
- homeostatic and circadian system influence the switch
Pharmacotherapeutic applications: sleep promoters
- benzodiazepine: enhance effect of GABA
- antihistamine that cross blood-brain barrier
- Suvorexant: orexin antagonist
Wake promoters: pharmacotherapeutic
- Dexamphetamine: promote monoamine release
- pitolisant (presynaptic H3 inverse agonist): increase brain histamine levels, tested for narcolepsy
DEvelopmental changes in sleep
- in the first year of life, sleep often starts with REM
- NREM sleep stages emerge over 2-6 months of life
- SWS maximal in young children, decreases with age
- arousals increase in frequency with age, so sleep is less consolidated