Lecture Flashcards Lifespan
What are the two different types of sleep seen in prenatal fetuses and infants?
Quiet sleep and active sleep
What is the reccommended amount of sleep for infants?
11-19 hours
Because the circadian rhythm is not developed yet, how does infant sleep differ from other stages?
they sleep dispersed throughout the day, on average 16 of 24 hours though there is a lot of variability.
What percentage split is seen in infant sleep?
50% quiet, 50% active
How long is the sleep cycle of infants as they develop?
50-60 min
When does consolidated sleep begin to occur?
between 6-9 months, including naps
Infants on the lower or upper end of sleep times will continue to experience being on the low or upper end for their entire lifetimes. True or False?
When does melatonin and cortisol production begin to develop?
1 month
when is the circadian rhythm solidified?
6-9 months
What are the six issues stated in lecture that can affect infant sleep?
Night wakings cross-cultural issues Co-sleeping SIDS attachment style issues breast vs bottle feeding
How much sleep is recommended for toddlers?
12-14 hours
What common infant issue is still occuring during toddlerhood?
Nightwaking continues.
What is the difference between extinction and graduated extinction?
Extinction is “letting them cry it out.”
Graduated extinction involves slowly increasing the amount of time between responses to slowly adapt the child to sleeping alone.
What can help parents establish a bedtime routine for toddlers?
Transitional objects (soft blankets, night light, stuffed animals, etc.)
Anicipating how parents will respond in advance
setting boundaries for when child is allowed out of bed
Secure attachment vs insecure attachment continues to affect toddlers. True or False?
What is reactive co-sleeping?
When a toddler begins the night sleeping in their own bed, then cries and is taken to sleep with their parents for the rest of the night.
What else is mentioned that can affect if toddlers sleep through the night?
New siblings and fear of the dark
What three issues are mentioned for toddlers?
Night waking
sleeping through the night
self soothing
List the five behavioral treatments mentioned to help parents of toddlers.
Extinction/graduated extinction Positive bedtime routines Create a behavioral chain Scheduled awakenings Education for Parents
Elaborate on positive bedtime routines.
Use a fading bedtime (gradually longer and longer)
Use negative punishment or a response cost.
(no pool if you don’t sleep.)
List a typical behavioral chain that helps toddlers prepare for bed.
Taking a bath putting on pajamas singing lullabies reading books going to sleep mom leaves room
Explain scheduled awakenings.
recognize when the child tends to wake
schedule an awakening before the child would actually wake.
slightly rouse and comfort child 15-60 min prior to that time
gradually fade out the awakenings
What is the recommended sleep time for preschool aged children?
11-13 hours
What is the recommended sleep time for children aged 5-12?
5-11 hours
What is unique about childhood sleep?
they sleep hard and fast, meaning they fall asleep quickly and stay asleep
Termed “best sleep of your life” by professor
Homeostatic process S builds faster and dissipates faster
What is mentioned in the lecture about SWS in childhood?
get a significant amount
Peaks at 4 yrs, declines at 12-14 years
beautiful waves
morningness-eveningness starts to develop
What two sleep issues are associated with childhood?
Enuresis (peeing the bed)
Somnambulism (sleep-walking)
What strategy used in toddlerhood can help Enuresis decline in childhood?
scheduled awakenings
bell and pad method
True or False. Most people outgrow sleep walking.
What is the average range for sleep for teenagers?
8.5-10 hours but can vary from 7-11
In adolescence, what percentage decline do we see in SWS?
True or False, teenagers go to bed 2 hours later and want to wake 2 hours later.
True, they are phase shifted (DLMO)
What behavioral issues impact teenage sleep?
struggle for Independence
Technology concerns
Mental health issues
Adolescents who are sleep deprived show what three disturbing behaviors?
more car accidents
more moody
less frontal lobe function
In infancy, REM promotes visual cortex development. What does it promote in adolescents?
synaptic pruning
What is the sleep range for young adulthood?
7-9 but can vary from 6-11
What issues do adults face that can cause sleep disturbance?
Stress Work Parenting Caffeine as crutch for sleep deprivation pregnancy (in women)
What specific challenges do college students experience?
Similar to adolescents Bed later Drink more More emotional More variable More napping
What five issues do middle aged individuals experience that can impact sleep?
- Aging parents
- Caffeine use as crutch
- Health issues (medications)
- Pain issues can impact sleep
- menopause
how much sleep do older individuals (60-80 yrs) need?
7-9 but most do not get that
What changes are seen in the 60-80 year old group in sleep?
- Naps increase
- See decrease in SWS
- REM decreases
- Sleep efficiency decreases
- Sleep advance in circadian cycle (Going to bed earlier, getting up earlier)
What five things happens to the SCN in older adults? (60-80)
Weaker cues
Sensitivity is reduced
SCN isn’t getting signals as strongly
Amplitude starts to become attenuated and rhythm is not as robust
Circadian rhythm: deconsolidation of sleep begins
What biopsychosocial issues do older individuals face that can affect their sleep?
work, health, pain management, diseases, disorders, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, retirement, etc.
How prevalent are sleep disorders in the 60-80 age group?
50% experience sleep disorders
True or False. Naps in older individuals is always a sign of Dementia.
False. We need to be careful about how we interpret naps in this age group as it naturally increases anyway.
Summarize the changes in sleep during pregnancy.
1st : Increase in total sleep time and decrease in SWS
2nd : decrease in total sleep time and continue in decrease in SWS w dreams about baby
3rd : increase in total sleep but decrease in sleep efficiency decrease in SWS and decrease in REM dreams about baby continue
After: mother who is breastfeeding and has to wake so can impact sleep of mother after pregnancy
Summarize the general differences between genders in regard to sleep.
- Females have a significant amount of N3 sleep.
- Men’s N3 drops off a decade earlier than females.
- Females experience twice the amount of spindles
- Females experience more naps than males
Summarize changes that occur in sleep patterns during menopause.
Sleep latency increases (longer time to fall asleep)
Awakenings increase
Decrease in sleep efficiency
Hot flashes can affect this
Changes in hormones can affect
Circadian effect: hormone replacement therapy (controversial)
• Changes subjective experience of sleep
• Objective measures are not necessarily impacted