Lecture Final Flashcards
Berry Aneurysms of what size are likely to rupture?
Correct name for the brain herniation resulting in unilateral pupillary dilation?
Transtentorial herniation
Correct name for the herniation resulting in compression of the brainstem?
Cerebellar tonsillar herniation
Correct name for the herniation resulting in compression of the ant. cerebral artery?
Subfalcine herniation
Epidural hematoma results from?
Rupture of the meningeal artery
Aneurysms are predisposing factors for the development of?
Subarachnoid hemorrhagic stroke, Transient ischemic attack, Intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke
Concussion associated with loss of consciousness, retrograde amnesia, but NOT anatomical changes in the brain
Type of contusion develops when head is mobile and impact force is immobile
Contre-coup contusion (coup contusion is head immobile and force mobile)
Disorder characterized by obstruction of CSF flow w/in the vent system of the brain?
Non-communicating hydrocephalus
The term “Amaurosis Fugax” is associated with?
Temp thrombosis of opthalamic arterty
Subdural hematoma results from?
Rupture of the bridging veins
Herniation resulting in compression of post. cerebral artery
Transtentorial herniation
Typical sign of temporal bone fx
Battle’s sign
Narrowing of the medial part of jt space along with increased density of articular surfaces in the knee jt are typical x-ray changes in which jt disease?
Organ most commonly involved in gout?
Proper name of subcutaneous nodules in gout?
Disorder characterized by calcification of IVD?
Inflammation of what jt is most classic sign of gout?
1st MTP jt
T or F: Running is a very important kind of physical activity in OA pts for the purpose of preventing progression of disease
False, exercise makes it worse
Correct name of deformities of PIP jts of hands in OA
Bouchard’s nodes
Which of the following HLA-antigens is found in the majority of RA pts?
DR4 and DR1
T or F: In DJD, the synovial membrane is the major(primary) target of pathological process?
False, cartilage is
In RA the ulnar deviation of fingers develops around which jts?
MCP jts
T or F: RA is characterized by asymmetrical involvement of small jts of hands and feet?
In RA, which of the following bone changes are found on x-ray?
Periarticular osteopenia
All of the following lead to jt ankylosis except?
AS is associated with ____ and RA is associated with ____ HLA factors?
HLAB27; HLA DR4 and DR1
T or F: Fundamental feature of OA is degeneration of the articular cartilage
Inflammatory pattern of jt pain is characterized by?
Pain stronger in the AM and relieved by exercise
Deformity characterized by hyperflexion of PIP and hyperextension of DIP?
Boutonniere deformity
Fusion (ankylosis) of facet jts of cervical spine is a frequent finding of?
Juvenile RA
Graves disease is associated with which iodine uptake by the thyroid gland
High iodine uptake
Bronchogenic carcinoma pattern that develops mainly in women 20-40yrs, nonsmokers
Extrinsic bronchial asthma is associated with ___ type of hypersensitivity rxn?
Type 1
Intrinsic bronchial asthma is associated with ____ type of hypersensitivity rxn
Charcot-Leyden crystals are typical microscopic findings in?
Bronchial asthma
Respiratory tract disease that is NOT reversible
Emphysema is often complicated by what heart disease?
Cor pulmonale (R sided heart failure)
Anthracosis and silicosis (along with asbestosis), all pneumoconiosis, belong to which lung pathology?
Restrictive pulmonary disease
Kyphoscoliosis results in which lung disorder?
Restrictive pulmonary disorder
Kartagener’s syndrome is always associated with which lung disease?
T or F: Chronic bronchitis is associated with metaplasia of bronchial epithelium but without loss of bronchial villi
Common name of tumors originating from pleura?
Which immunoglobulins play an important role in pathogenesis of bronchial asthma?
Characteristic sign of Horner’s syndrome?
Ptsosis, miosis, anhydrosis, enopthalmos
Virchow’s nodes result from metastases from what cancer?
Lung and stomach
Pancoast tumor results in destruction of which vertebrae and ribs?
C7, T1, and 1st rib
T or F: Pheochromocytoma is associated with adrenocortical insufficiency?
F (it is a tumor of adrenal medulla causing excess catecholamines)
Important predisposing factor for development of Sheehan’s Syndrome
Blood supply from venous plexus
Sheehan’s syndrome (postpartum syndrome) is caused by?
Ischemic necrosis of pituitary gland
Most common cause of the syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion?
OAT cell carcinoma
Associated with Addison’s Disease
Adrenocortical insufficiency
Cushing’s syndrome is NOT manifested by?
Hypoglycemia (Is manifested by Hypertension, Obesity, and Osteoporosis)
Most common pituitary gland tumor?
T or F: Gigantism is associated with Corticotroph cell adenoma of pituitary gland, which develps before the epiphyses have closed
Cretinism is associated with?
Hypoproduction of thyroid hormones in infancy
T or F: Frohlich’s syndrome (distrophia adiposogenitalis) could by caused by chromophobe pituitary adenoma
T or F: Diabetes insipidus is associated with hyperfxn of the post pituitary gland (neurohypophyisis)
False (mellitus)
Histological pattern of bronchogenic carcinoma characterized by peripheral growth
Hypothyroidism is associated with?
Low iodine uptake by thyroud gland
Not a manifestation of cretinism (congenital hypothyodisim)
Tall stature (manifested by mental underdevelopment, umbilical hernia, enlarged tongue, short stature, coarse facial features)
Not a symptom of prolactinoma
Lack of breast milk (Symps: infertility, amenorrhea, loss of libido, galactorrhea)
Hyperthyroidism could be associated with
Pretibial myxedema, localized dermopath (also in Graves)
Conn’s syndrome aka
Myxedema is associated with ?
Hypoproduction of thyroid hormones in adult
T or F: Goiter is noninflammatory and nonneoplastic enlargement of throid
Black color of urine is typical sign of?
Which lobe of the brain is composed in subfalcine herniation?
Based on lecture info, what is NOT a characteristic of concussion?
Hemorrhage into superficial brain parenchyma
Ex vacuo hydrocephalus develops due to?
Mutliple neuron atrophy
CSF is produced in which of the following vents of the brain?
Lateral ventrivles
Myocardial infarction could pontentially result in dev of which CVD?
Ischemic stroke
TIA is a temporary condition and is considered a part of which CVD?
Ischemic stroke
Laceration could result in which pathology?
Intracerebral hemorrhage
Papilledema could be a manifestation of very serious brain pathology in the following disorders except:
Hydrocephalus ex vacuo
Hyaline arteriosclerosis predisposes to development of all of the following CVD except:
Subarachnoid hemorrhagic stroke
Obstruction of foramina of Monroe results in which type of hydrocephalus?
Pts with ____ are known as “blue bloaters”, and pts with ____ are known as “pink puffers”
Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema
Honeycomb fibrosis is a typical pathomorphological finding in which disease?
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Which type of lung emphysema results in traumatic pneumothorax more often?
Distal acinir
Siderosis is associated with which of the following?
Reduced lung capacity
What is NOT correct for RA?
Osteosclerosis of articular surfaces on x-ray
Involvemnet of ____ joints in ___ is known as Bouchard’s nodes
PIP and OA
Which jts are NOT typically involved in OA?
MCP jts
What is correct for osteophytes?
Bone overgrowth b/c of cartilage degeneration
What is correct for Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Inflammation of cervical spine joints
Narrowing of the medial part of the joint space long with the increasing density of the articular surfaces in the knee joint are charactistic x-ray signs of the following jt disease?
What is NOT correct for RA
viral infection
The form of RA characterized by development of leukopenia is known as?
Dec the height of the intervertebral disc results eventually in all of the following except?
Dev of Syndesmophytes
A pt complains of periodic attacks of severe inflammation of foot jts. X-ray shows destruction of bones within the right 1st MTP jt. Which diagnosis is most likely the case?
The disorder, characterized by presence of rheumatoid nodule in the lung of pts with sarcoidosis is known as?
Caplan’s Syndrome
Which of the following is NOT a typical site of pain radiation in angina pectoris?
Left Epigastric Area
Which of the following disorders is characterized by dev of primary chronic adrenocortical insufficiency?
Addison’s Disease
What is/are central to the Graves disease pathogenesis?
Femal predominance, pretibial myxedema
What is the most common cause of Cushing’s Syndrome?
Corticotroph cell adenoma of hypophysis
In hyperthyroidism, the manifestation of which systems are among the earliest and most consistent?
CV system
What is the name of a disorder resulting in hyperthroidism caused by hyperfunction nodule developing within a long standing goiter?
Plummer’s Syndrome
Thyroid storm usually results from which of the following?
Acute elevate of thyroid hormone levels
What is NOT a manifestation of prolactinoma?
Increased libido
Which of the following is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in iodine-sufficient areas of the world?
Hashimoto’s thyrodidits
Sheehan syndrome results from?
Ischemic necrosis of pituitary gland