Lecture 9 Moral Development Flashcards
What are three approaches to moral development?
1) pschoanalytic
2) Behaviorist
3) Cognitive Developmentalist
The Psychoanalytic approach includes theorists such as _________ and ________. It focuses on the role of moral emotions (_____,____,______)
Freud and Erikson
Shame, guilt, pride
Describe Freuds theory:
The superego is developed at the end of the phallic stage at approx. age 5 after the resolution of the edipus complex. If you have a healthy personality you pay attention to the super ego, this is how we learn the rules of society.
Freuds theory is that morality is based on the avoidence of two emotions: The ______ experiences the emotion ________ and is what you get if you do something that good pple don’t do. The _________ experiences the emotion _______ and is the feeling that you get if you don’t live up to the list of things you should do.
conscience - guilt
Ego ideal - shame
Erikson added the emotion of ______. You feel this when you do something good. Being a moral person is not just about avoiding the bad emotions it is also about feeling the positive emotions
The _______ approach view moral behaviour as the result of operant conditioning experiences (____ and _____)
behaviorist approach
rewards (good) and punishments (bad)
T or F: All punishments are effective
False - punishments that are scary, severe or emotional teach the wrong lesson (parents are mean). If the punishment is traumatizing you can’t learn.
What makes up an effective punishment?
- speak calmly
- explain what they did that was wrong
- make you do something to repair the language
What did Bandura’s social learning theory add to this model?
Vicariouss rewards and punishments can have an effect. If you see a TV character praised you learn that action is praise-worthy and vice versa. We learn by seeing the consequences of others actions
Describe the Cognitive approach to moral reasoning:
Moral reasoning is the process of making judgments about rightness or wrongness of a specific acts. The ability to reason depends on cognitive development.
What three aspects of cognitive development are important to the ability to use moral reasoning?
1) egocentrism: you can’t feel like part of a community while egocentric
2) Centering: if you can only think one thing at a time you can’t think about moral problems
3) Abstract thought: if you can’t think abstractly you can’t solve moral problems
What are two models that use the cognitive approach t moral development?
1) Piaget’s Model of Moral Development (see text)
2) Kohlberg’s Model of Moral Development
Describe the development of Kohlberg’s theory of Moral development:
He thought we could learn more about peoples moral reasoning by presenting them with scenarios and judging how they respond. This helped him develop a framework for his theory.
What is an example of a moral dilemma Heinz presented?
The Heinz Dilema: Heinz is a man with a sick/dying wife. The pharmacist who invented the drug has all the rights to it and sells it for $2000. The man doesn’t have that money and his wife is dying fast, he offers to pay $1000 and make installments on the rest but the pharmacist refuses. Should the man steal the drug? Should he be punished?
Describe the structure of Kohlbergs theory:
Three levels: preconventional, conventional and post -convetnional
- Each level has two stages.
In kohlbergs theory each stage shows a more ________ and ________ advanced way of reasoning:
cognitively and morally advanced
The morality level in which judgements are based on consequences to self and you are not yet looking towards a reference group or culture to decide right and wrong is called___________
Level 1 Preconventional Morality
Preconventional Morality contains two substages:
Stage 1: Punishment and Obedience Orientation
Stage 2: Self-interest Orientation
________ is the level in which moral judgements are based on membership in some reference group that is important enough to the person that they’ve internalized its norms.
Level 2: Conventional Morality
Conventional Morality contains two substages:
Stage 3: Interpersonal Relationships
Stage 4: Maintaining Social Order