Lecture 6 Information Processing Models Flashcards
Why is information processing better in older children?
- Strategy development
- Working memory capacity
- Role of existing knowledge
What is the information processing model?
Based on a computer metaphor, view cognitive change in terms of:
- better strategies
- increased capacity of WM
- more efficientinhibition and execution of processing, ——more auto processing
- faster processing
How do children understand a word?
Sensory input of an auditory trace. If recognized will be sent for further processing and put in WM. If important it will be rehearsed and understood and enter LTM. Later it can be retrieved from LTM to help understand other words.
When information is in sensory memory it is lost in ___ seconds. When it is in STM / WM it is lost in____ sec. If you get ________ while trying to get info into a rehearsal pattern it disappears faster.
10 - 15
Is memory present at birth?
Maybe but weak.
1) habituation/ dishabituation evidence.
2) classical conditioning evidence
_________ show there are memory traces for at least a few seconds.
Habituation/dishabituation evidence
Describe the classical conditioning evidence for memory:
If you take 1 and 2 day old babies and stroke forehead prior to giving them sugar water after a while they will make a suck response when their forehead is stroked. This is evidence of tiny memory early on.
What is the evidence that memory improves with age?
1) Mobile studies
2) Reactivation experiences
The results from mobile studies show:
2 month olds remember for ____
3 month olds remember for ____
6 month olds remember for ____
2 days
1 week
25 days
Describe reactivation experiences:
If a baby is brought back right when they are likely to forget and the mobile is jiggled (to remind them it can) but they are not retrained, they are not the one jiggling it, this will remind the baby for another week. It is important that the baby isn’t lying in the same position as this could extinguish training.
Short term memory in older children improves in 3 ways:
1) efficiency
2) capacity
3) speed
What mechanism cause older children to have better short term memory?
Neural development and experience
Describe the mechanism of neural development:
Pruning of synapses increases efficiency. Myelination insulates and eases the passing of signals increasing speed and efficiency.
Describe the mechanism of experience:
Learning how to think and what has meaning. It is easier to recognize something that you recognize rather than something completely foreign. Allows for automaticity.
Elementary kids with automaticity ________ faster. Automaticity in naming _________ results in more fluent reading by __________. Once something is you just have to ________ info not process it.
letters and objects
Grade 2
By age 12 children perform adult like in _____, _____, and ______ working memory. At age 2 children are only able to repeat ____ pieces of information.
digit span, letter span and word span
1 or 2
Define Metacognition:
The ability to assess your own knowledge. Know whether or not you understand something. Develops slowly through life.
What is executive function used for?
- self monitoring (making sure to pay attention)
- planning/ strategizing (asking good questions)
- self regulation (what will help you most)
People who engage better in _________ processes you will do better in school and life.