Lecture 10 Attachment Flashcards
The way you develop relationships with your parents is a _________ for all your other relationships. If your parents respect you and your rights you will expect that from other people,
T of F: Attachment has larger implications
The inborn predisposition to behave in a certain way.
The first major classifications system was created by Thomas and Chess to classify babies. It was able to classify __% of babies into one of three types: _________, _______, __________
Easy baby
Difficult baby
Slow to warm up baby
Describe an easy baby:
40% of babies
- approach new things positively
- relaxed and flexible
- regular sleep and wake cycle
- respond well to change
Describe a difficult baby:
- awful grating cries (rated worse by blind raters)
- unpredictable sleep wake cycle
- tend to be more negative
Describe a slow to warm up baby:
- don’t get irritated or happy the way other babies do
- don’t react strongly when given new things
- don’t appear either delighted or dismayed very often
T or F: Environment can change the effect of the easiness of a baby
T or F: Infants temperament they are born with is a good predictor of them as an adult
Describe the Temperament trait:
Activity level
High or low, vigorous or lethargic movement
Describe the Temperament trait:
Positive emotionality
like moving towards rather than away from pple
Describe the Temperament trait:
Negative emotionality
fussy respond with anger and loudness, dominated by negative emotions
Describe the Temperament trait:
inhibition/ anxiety
avoiding new things, tend not to approach new situations
Describe the Temperament trait:
effortful control
Marshmellow test - the ability to stay focused , manage attention and effort
- kids use self regulation techniques to engage in effortful control
Activity level correlates to the Big 5 trait ________
Positive emotionality correlates to the Big 5 traits ________, ________
extraversion, agreeableness
Negative emotionality correlates to the Big 5 trait ________
Inhibition/ anxiety correlates to the Big 5 traits_______,______,_______
introversion, openness, neuroticism
Effortful control correlates to the Big 5 traits _______,_________, _________
conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness
Describe attachment from a psychanalysis perspective:
Attachment occurs thrugh the satisfaction of Id impulses. One of the things that determines attachment is how caring the mother is when it comes to breastfeeding.
Describe attachment from a learning theory perspective:
Attachment occurs through the satisfaction of hunger. The baby has a hunger drive that is satisfied by food.
Primary reinforcer = food
Secondary reinforcer= mom
Who debunked learning theory?
How did harlow debunk learning theory?
Baby monkey with two moms wire food mom and soft plush mom without food. The wire mom did nothing to comfort the baby monkeys but the plush mom did. This shows that baby monkeys attach to the mom without food, attachment isn’t about food
T or F: If mom is unresponsive the baby will attach to dad even if mom is the one who changes his diaper and breastfeeds.
Describe the Cognitive Development Approach to attachment:
- able to recognize mom faster than others.
- object permanence - in order for someone to be your safe base they have to exist even if you can’t see them
- ability to form mental representations so that they can keep mom in mind after she is gone
Describe the evolutionary approach to attachment:
Attachment is adaptive, ancestors who couldn’t keep their parents interested didn’t survive.
A relatively long enduring tie inwhich the person is unique and can’t be swapped for another, desire to be close to them, is called an _________ The first bit of a baby’s life is about these bonds.
Affectional Bond
Safe base is called__________
A special sense of security or comfort felt in the presence of another.
Can parents be attached to a child?
yes but this is a dysfunctional relationship. Kids should be attached to parents not the other way around.
What are attachment behaviours?
Smiling, eye contact, seeking attachment figures
When do people exhibit attachment behaviours?
When you feel unsafe or helpless. You don’t see as many children in older children. When something is scary or bad you go to your attachment figure
What predicts development of affectional bonds?
How do genes predict affectional bonds?
- can code biological behaviours by children and parents
How does synchrony predict affectional bonds?
Babies send signals. parents react to these signals sensitivity and babies are confronted. Almost like a conversation, most pple know how to respond (coded by genes)