Lecture 3 Flashcards
What is sensation?
Info gathering, senses
What is perception?
interpretation of sensory info
What is the nativism/ empiricism “debate”?
Nativism: babies born with abilities
Empiricism: babies use experience to develop adult like abilities
What are the techniques used to study babies?
1) Preference Technique
2) Habituation/ dishabituation technique
3) Operant conditioning technique
Preference Techniques
o Fantz chamber:Crib with glass walls, different images on either side. Watch to see which image is looked at more. If the baby chooses one over the other this indicates they can tell the difference between them.
Habituation/ Dishabituation Technique
Show same stimulus over and over again until the baby grows habituated. Present either the same or a different stimulus
If the baby recognizes the stimulus as different they will dishabituation
Operant Conditioning Technique
Condition infant to respond in a certain way by giving an award for certain behaviour.
Why might different senses be more or less developed at birth?
- hearing is better than vision
Survival Value
- taste and smell is good because its adaptive
What is babies visual acuity
- Newborn babies visual acuity is b/w 20/200 and 20/400
- Age 1 month 20/120
- Age 4 months 20/60
- By age 8 months they can see 20/30
- By age 2 they are at 20/20
When does babies ability to track develop?
Not bad at 6 weeks and almost perfect by 10 wks
How is babies auditory acuity?
oVery good at birth.
o have trouble with is high pitch tones.Not exposed to many of these prenatally
How are babies at locating sounds at:
2 mths?
6 mths?
18 mths?
2 mths- 27dgrs off midline
6 mths- 12 dgrs off midline
18 mths- 4 dgrs/ adult like
Describe how Steiner tested taste and what he found:
Moms to handed over newborn babies before they had eaten
•Placed in the baby’s mouth a water solution that had each of the tastes
oSweet- enjoyed
oSour- same sour face adults make
oBitter- dislike
• Taste is very well developed at birth
What are the types of cues used for depth perception?
- Pictoral (monocular cues)
- Binocular cues
- Kinetic cues
Which type of depth cues develop first?
Kinetic b/w one and 3 mths of age
Which type of depth cues develop last?
Pictoral b/w 6 or 7 mths of age
What are pictoral cues?
Use only one eye to judge the depth of object. Static, picture cues.
What are Binocular cues?
Using both eyes to look at an image, slightly different images in each eye. The closer you are to the object the more different the images will be.
Examples of pictoral cues:
Linear cues – train tracks disappearing into the distance
Interposition – The overlapping stuff is in front
Relative size – The biggest is the closest the smallest the the farthest away
What are kinetic cues
Associated with movement of an object
-Motion Paralax – as object move past us those closest to us move faster than those that are farther away from us
When do binocular cues develop?
Around 4 mths