Sources of Conflict (6)
Intimacy Issues Power Issues Personal Flaws Personal Distance Social Issues Distrust Issues
Intimacy Issues
Affection and Sex
Power Issues
Who is going to control time, money, behavior
Excessive demands/possessiveness
Lack of Equality
Personal Flaws Issues
Things that bother you and you make it known
Social Issues (Examples)
Politics and social policies
Parents and personal values
Distrust Issues
Can’t trust anyone because of previous relationships/current ones
Content Conflict
The subject of the fight
EX. What is the best way to spend your money
What kinds of conflicts are often DISGUISED as Content Conflicts?
Relationship conflicts
Conflict Resolution Strategies (5)
Avoiding Accommodating Compromising Competing Collaborating
Conflict Resolution Strategies: Avoiding
I lose, you lose
You continue to walk away from the issue
When is Avoiding useful?
- Trivial issues
- Long-term COSTS outweigh short-term GAINS
- If others can resolve the conflict more effectively, let them
What is the weakness of using Avoiding?
Provides no productive resolution
When is Accommodating useful?
- When you discover you’re wrong
- When the issue is important to the other person
- When harmony and stability are more important
What is the weakness of using Accommodation?
Leaves issues unresolved
I win AND lose, you win AND lose
Both don’t get exactly what you want
When is Compromising useful?
- When goals are important but not worth the effort of other assertive modes
- When opponents of equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals
- To achieve temporary settlements of complex issues
I win, you lose
Be aggressive and go for what you want
When is Competing useful?
- When others will take advantage of your noncompetitive behavior
- Asymmetrical power relationships
- To force a discussion of critical importance
What is the weakness of compromising?
Everyone gives up something
lose lose situation
What is the weakness of Competing
Fails to treat the reason for the conflict
I win, You win
When is Collaborating useful?
- When long-term relationships are important
- Interactants concerns are too important to be compromised
What is the weakness of Collaborating
- Time consuming, but worth it
- Inappropriate with legitimate differences is unacceptable
Confronting Relational Crises (4)
Voice strategy
Loyalty Strategy
Exit Strategy
Neglect Strategy
Voice Strategy
Active & Constructive (Positive/Optimistic view of conflict)
EX. I’m going to say something about the conflict & have a good attitude about it
Loyalty Strategy
Passive (Avoid conflict driven conversation)
Can’t have the conversation of conflict
It’s uncomfortable
Exit Strategy
Active & Destructive
Don’t engage in constructive behavior
Angre & spewing out whatever is on your mind
Neglect Strategy
Passive & Destructive
Doesn’t like fighting
Have differences? doomed
Passive aggressive behavior