Affectionate Communication
- Behavior
- conveys feelings of fondness and positive regard
Forms of Affectionate Communication (3)
Direct Nonverbal
Indirect Nonverbal
Verbal Affectionate Communication
Just as it sounds
- EX. Complimenting someone “I love spending time with you”
Direct Nonverbal Affectionate Communication, what are some examples?
Hugging Kissing Smiling Touching Hand Holding Soft tone of voice
Indirect Nonverbal Affectionate Communication
Ways in which we help someone out
- EX. Someone is sad/stressed, and you do one of their errands for them
Six Universal Emotions
Anger Happiness Disgust Surprise Sadness Fear
Facial Deceit
Experience when we feel one emotion but express something else
When to engage in facial deceit
Cultual conventions
Personal Display Rules
Vocational Requirements
Display Rules
Govern the APPROPRIATENESS of expressive behavior and are used to regulate or manage one’s expressive behavior
Knowledge of display rules means you understand…. (2)
- Expression regulation (putting a fake smile on)
- Interpersonal Goals
Specific Display Rules
Masking Intensification Inhibition Deintensification Simulation
Feeling one thing but communication something different
You don’t feel something as intensely as you should but you express it as if you did
Poker face
- you feel emotions of some sort but nothing comes out
Feeling something very strongly but you know you shouldn’t show it as intense
Creating something when you have nothing
Facial Feedback Hypothesis
We can create an authentic/genuine emotion experience from in authentic experiences
Common Roadblocks to Listening (8)
- Tuning out irrelevant topics
- Faking Attention
- Yielding to distraction
- Criticizing delivery or physical appearance
- Jumping to conclusions
- Interrupting
- Overreacting to emotional words
- Thought Speed
Remedy to Faking Attention
Actually pay attention
Remedy to Yielding to Distractions
Change up your environment
Criticizing delivery or physical appearance
So into criticizing that you’re not listening to them
Remedy to Criticizing Delivery/Physical Appearance
Pay attention to WHAT is said, not HOW it is said
Jumping to conclusions
You don’t let people finish their thoughts before you come up with your own opinion
Remedy to Jumping to Conclusions
Hear the speaker out
Bringing the convo back to you
Remedy to interrupting
wait till the speaker is finished
Remedy to Overreacting to Emotional Words
Stay calm and ask questions to clarify
Thought Speed
- Average speaker speaks 100-140 WPM
- Average Listener can understand 500-600 WPM