lecture 9 Flashcards
Occipitofrontalis or epicranius muscle
- Frontal belly.
- Occipital belly.
- Anterior, superior and posterior auricularis
Periorbital muscles
orbicularis oculi (orbital, palpebral and lacrimal parts). corrugator supercilli.
Perinasal muscles
Nasalis (transverse and alar parts).
Depressor septi
Peribucalis or perioralis muscles
Orbicularis oris. Levator labii superioris aleaque naris. Levator labii superioris. Zygomaticus minor. Zygomaticus major. Rizorius. Levator anguli oris. Buccinator. Depressor labii inferioris. Depressor anguli oris. Mentalis.
Masticatory or chewing muscles
- Masseter muscle
- Temporalis muscle
- Medial pterygoid muscle
- Lateral pterygoid muscle
a broad musculofibrous layer covers the dome of the skull, from the nuchal lines to the eyebrows. The fibrous part between the muscular bellies is the galea aponeurotica or epicranial aponeurosis.
Occipitofrontalis or epicranius muscle:
surround the natural orifices and act as sphincters and dilators, which close and open the orifices respectively.
Muscles of the facial expression.
Masseter (O, IN, inn, M/A)
o: Inferior zygomatic arch
IN: ramus mandible angle.
M/A: Elevates and protrudes mandible, closed the jaw
Temporalis (O, IN, inn, M/A)
O: Temporal fossa and the deep surface of the temporal fascia
IN: coronoid process and ramus of mandible
M/A: Elevates mandible closing jaws;
Medial pterygoid (O, IN, inn, M/A)
O: Deep head: lateral pterygoid plate and palatine bones.
Superficial head: tuberosity of maxilla.
IN: Medial surface of ramus of mandible, inferior to Mandibular foramen
M/A: Acting together, they help to elevate mandible, closing jaws; they help to protrude mandible; acting alone they protrude side of jaw; acting alternately they produce a grinding motion.
Lateral pterygoid (O, IN, inn, M/A)
O: greater wing of sphenoid bone Inferior head: lateral pterygoid plate. IN: Neck of mandible (pterygoid fossa) INN: CN V3 M/A: they produce side-to- side movement of mandible.