lecture 5 Flashcards
is a swelling on the undersurface of the pulvinar, forms part of the visual pathway with the superior colliculus.
lateral geniculate body
it receives the sensory information from the head.
ventral posteromedial nucleus
forms the superior part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle and is connected to the opposite thalamus by a band of gray matter,
medial surface
are a small group of neurons that is believed to be a center for integration of olfactory afferent pathway. The medial and lateral habenular nuclei are the slight swelling in the habenular trigone
habenular nuclei
it regulates heart rate and blood pressure, movements of the digestive tube, the secretion of sweat glands and salivary glands
Control of the autonomic nervous system
epithalamus It is comprised by.
The habenular nucleus.
The habenular trigone and commissure.
The pineal gland or epiphysis.
The most dorsal part of the diencephalon, forms part of the roof of the third ventricle.
it receives the sensory information from neck, trunk and limbs.
ventral posterolateral nucleus
are two small hemispherical bodies situated side by side posterior to the tuber cinereum.
mamillary bodies:
is a small conical structure that is attached by the pineal stalk to the diencephalons, into which the third ventricle extends as the pineal recess
pineal gland or Epiphysis
is involved in pleasure, rage, sex drive and fear.
Center of emotional response
produce the oxytocin hormone that produces the contraction of the smooth muscle fibers
paraventricular nucleus:
form the central core of the fore brain and is surrounded by the cerebral hemispheres. It consists largely of four paired structures
The Thalamus.
The Hypothalamus.
The Epithalamus.
The Subthalamus.
is a swelling on the posterior surface of the thalamus beneath the pulvinar, forms part of the auditory pathway with the inferior colliculus.
medial geniculate body:
in the anterior hypothalamus respond to an increase in temperature of the blood, producing cutaneous vasodilation and sweating
thermosensitive neurons
is separated from the lentiformed nucleus by the internal capsule (white matter).
lateral surface of the thalamus
stria medullaris thalami cross the midline and reach the habenular nucleus of the opposite side forming the ____
habenular commissure
produce vasopressin hormone (ADH or antidiuretic hormone).
supraoptic nucleus
is a flattened bundle of nerve fibers situated at the junction of the anterior wall and floor of the third ventricle due to the decussation of the medial fibers of the optic nerve
The optic chiasma:
nuclei of the thalamus (4)
ventral posterolateral nucleus
ventral posteromedial nucleus
medial geniculate body
lateral geniculate body:
the body’s thermostat is in the hypothalamus.
Regulation of body temperature
is continuous with the tegmentum of the midbrain.
inferior surface
it forms the inferolateral wall of the third ventricle. It extends from the optic chiasm to the posterior border of the mamillary bodies.
the hypopthalamus controls the secretion of hormones by the pituitary or hypophysis glands, which in turn regulates many functions of the visceral organs.
Control of the endocrine system
acts as relay stations for the sensory information ascending to the primary sensory areas of the cortex.
is narrow and rounded, lies near to the midline and forms the posterior boundary of the interventricular foramen.
anterior end or anterior tubercle of the thalamus
is slightly convex and covered by the layer of white matter termed the stratum zonale
superior surface
is hollow and becomes continuous with the posterior lobe of the hypophysis glands.
The infundibulum:
The hypothalamus is formed by
The optic chiasma.
The tuber cinereum and the infundibulum.
The mammillary bodies.
by sensing the concentrations of nutrients and salts in the blood.
Hunger and thirst centers
is the main visceral control center, it controls and integrates the functions of the autonomic nervous system and plays a vital role in maintaining body homeostasis
is a convex mass of gray matter situated posterior to the optic chiasma. It is continuous inferiorly with the infundibulum.
The tuber cinereum
is expanded, lies posterior and laterally and overhangs the superior colliculus and its brachium.
posterior end or pulvinar of thalamus
cavity of the third ventricle: is marked by a number of elongations and recesses (extensions). All of its recesses are named according to their related structures
The optic recess
The infundibular recess.
The suprapineal recess
The pineal recess
is formed by the hypothalamus (optic chiasma, the tuber cinereum and the infundibulum, the mamillary bodies, and the posterior perforated substance
inferior wall or flour
is formed by the tela choroidea of the third ventricle (a membrane consisting of ependyma and a double fold ofpia mater), the fornix and the corpus callosum
superior wall or roof
is formed by the medial surface of the thalamus superiorly and the hypothalamus inferiorly
lateral wall
is formed by a thin sheet of gray matter. The lamina terminalis and the anterior commissure.
anterior wall
is formed by the opening into the cerebral aqueduct, superior to this opening is the posterior commissure
posterior wall
situated inferior to the thalamus, superior to the substantial nigra and medial to the internal capsule.
by a vascular occlusion, resulting in a motor disturbance on the opposite side of the body, known as
Ballism or hemiballism (Lesion of the subthalamic nucleus )
medial surface, is connected to the opposite thalamus by a band of gray matter, the
interthalamic adhesion
Hypothalamic Nuclei
supraoptic nucleus
paraventricular nucleus