Lecture 9 Flashcards
What is the gluteal sulcus/fold?
A combination of the Gluteus Maximus muscles
What is the relative position of the Gluteal region and the pelvis?
Gluteal region = Posterior to pelvis
What is the Gluteal region bound Superiorly and inferiorly to?
Gluteal region is bound:
- Superiorly: to Illiac crests
- Inferiorly: to Gluteal Sulcus/Fold (created by the gluteus maximum muscles)
What is another name for the gluteal sulcus?
gluteal fold
creation of the gluteus maximus muscles
What are the 3x components of the hip bones from largest to smallest?
Illium + Ischium + Pubis
What is the largest and smallest component of the hip bones?
Largest: Illium
Smallest: Pubis
What is the most lateral part of the hiip bones?
Illiac crest
- hip bones
- poking laterally
What is the most Posterior part of the Ischium?
Ischial spine
pokes posteriorly
Gluteus Maximus
Largest mucle in body
Very very powerful
Hip extensor (standing up from sitting, walking up stairs)
Origin: Upper portion of illium, Posterior Sacrum, Coccyx, sacrotuberous Ligament (attached across sacrum and illium proximally)
Insertion: ITB, gluteal tuberosity of femur (lateral aspect of femur, alongside tensor facia lata and into ITband-thick band of fascia i lateral thigh)
Action: Extends and laterally rotates the thigh
Nerve Supply: Inferior gluteal Nerve
Gluteus Medius
Deep to Gluteus Maximus
Origin: Illium between posterior and middle gluteal lines (illiac crest)
Insertion: Greater trochanter (proximal femur onto greater tuberosity)
Action: Abducts and internally rotates thigh, steadies pelvis
Primary ABDuctor of the hip - upon contraction femur moves out Laterally
-really important for holding your Pelvis Level when you Walk
- Problem: Lurching Gate. v. distinctive. hip problems/surgery. Lean to one side as you walk, as other/only one leg takes all the weight (pelvis isnt being held level by the abducting gluteus medius/ not moving femur out laterally)
Nerve Supply: Superior Gluteal
Gluteus Minimus
Origin: illium between middle and inferior gluteal lines
Insertion: Greater tichanter
Action: Abducts and internally rotates thigh
Nerve Supply: Superior Gluteal
“little pear”
comes through Sciatic notch -> into sacrum
Origin: Anterior Sacrum, sacrotuberous Ligament
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Action: Externally rotates thigh
Nerve Supply: Sacral Plexus
Obturator Internus
Origin: Obturator Foreamen and membrane
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Action: Externally rotates the thigh
Nerve Supply: Nerve to OI (sacral plexus)
Superior and Inferior Gemelli
Origin:Ischial spine (s) and ischial tuberosity (i)
Insertion: Greater trochanter
Action: Externally rotates thigh
Nerve Supply: Nerve to OI (s). Nerve to QF (i)
Quadratus Femoris
Rectangular/Quadrangular shaped muscle
Innervation directly from sacral plexus
Origin: Ischial Tuberosity
Insertion: Quadratic tubercle (intertrochanteric crest of femur)
Action: externally rotates thigh
Nerve Supply: nerve to QF (sacral plexus)
Tensor Fascia Lata
Origin: ASIS, iliac crest
Insertion: ITB
Action: Abducts thighh, dynamic stabiliser
Nerve Supply: Superior Gluteal
What is the most inferior part of the ischium?
Ishcial tuberosity
-large protuberance inferiorly
Where is the ASIS located?
Anterior Superior Illiac Spine
Superior spine on the Anterior side of the Illium
Where is the AIIS located?
Anterior Inferior Illic Spine
Inferior spine on the Anterior side of the Illium
Where do the 2x parts of the pubis meet?
Comes to meet together at the midline in the Pubis Symphosis
What is the Pubic Symphysis?
Meeting point in the midline of the pubic bones of the pelvis
Where is the Ischial spine located?
superior spine poking posteriorly of the ischium
Where is the Ischial Tuberosity located?
a protuberance poking posteriorly from the Ischium
What is the pelvic part of the hip joint called?
What are the essential features of the acetabulum?
Pelvic part of the hip joint
Combining point of the 3x components of the hip joint
Triadic Cartilage: Aren’t ossified in utero/children (still cartilaginous) therefore - 3x pieces of cartilage that are yet to join
What is the state of the Acetabulum in Utero/childhood?
Triadic Cartilage
-the 3x pieces are unossified, hence are just 3x pieces of cartilage yet to fuse together
What is the name for the Acetabulum in utero/childhood?
Triadic Cartilage
What are the 5x components of the entire boney pelvis?
Hip bones: 1. Ischium 2. Illium 3. Pubis \+ 4. Sacrum 5. Coccyx -all bound together by very strong ligaments
What is the sacrotuberous ligament continuous with?
Posterior Sacroilliac ligament
extends across the sciatic notch, and along with sacrospinous ligament, converts the notch into Greater and Lesser Sciatic Foramina
What 2x ligaments extend across the sciatic notch? and what landmarking affect does this have on the pelvis?
Sacrotuberous ligament (Sacrum –> Ischial tuberosity)
+ Sacrospinous ligament (sacrum –> Ischial spine)
extend across the sciatic notch
Converts notch into Greater and Lesser Sciatic Foramina
What the 2x attachments of the sacrotuberous ligament?
Sacrum –> Ischial Tuberosity (inferior protuberance)
What are the 2x attachments of the sacrospinous ligament?
Sacrum –> Sichial spine
superior spike poking posteriorly
What is the Posterior Sacroilliac ligament continuous with?
Sacrotuberous ligament
What are the 2x attachemnts of the Posteior Sacroilliac ligament?
Posterior/back surface of the pelvis
Superior Posterior Sacrum –> Posterior Superior Illiac Spine
What occurs within the landmark of the Greatest Sciatic Foreamen?
structures EXIT OUT
Lower limb arteries
-superior and inferior gluteal arteries = corresponding nerves, pass superior and inferorior to Piriformus
Nerves from pelvis going into the the gluteal region (e..g sciatic nerve)
Is the greatest sciatic foreamen for Entry or Exit of structures?
-e.g. superior and inferior gluteal arteries + corresponding nerves (sciatic nerve) pass superior and inferior to piriformis
What is the example nerve which runs out of the Greatest sciatic foreamen?
Sciatic nerve
+ superior and inferior gluteal arteries + corresponding nerves (sciatic nerve) pass superior and inferior to piriformis
What occurs within the landmark of the Lesser Sciatic Foreamen?
structures Entering INTO this opening
e.g. into Genitourinary system or Peroneum
-entering or leaving the Peroneum, so supply the peroneum
e.g. Pudendal Nerve
-superior leaves pelvis via greater s.f., but hooks around and Enters pelvis via Lesser sciatic foramen
What are the 2x structures going Into the Lesser sciatic foreamen genreally going to?
- Genitourinary system
typically: 2. Peroneum
(entering or leaving the peroneum to supply the peroneum)
e.g. Pundendal Nerve
What is the example nerve which runs into the Lesser sciatic foreamen?
Pundendal Nerve
Leaves pelvis via greater s.f.
But hooks around and enters pelvis via Lesser sciatic foreamen
Through which landmark is the Peroneum supplied in the pelvis?
via ENTERY (mainly) and exit of vessels through the LESSER sciatic foreamen (e.g. Pundendal nerve) to supply the peroneum
What are the 6x Short External Rotators of the thigh?
- Pirformis
- Superior Gemeli
- Inferior Gemeli
- Obturator Internus
- Obturator Externus
- Quadratus Femoris
What are the 2x layers of muscle in the gluteal region?
- Superficial layer = Gluteus/gluteal muscles
2. Deep Layer= Hip rotators
Are the gluteal muscles part of the superficial or deep layer of muscles in the gluteal region?
Superficial = gluteal muscles in gluteal region