Lecture 9 Flashcards
Distal axon
Conduct messages from the receptor to the cell body.
Proximal axon
Project from the cell body into the spinal cord or brainstem.
Free nerve endings sense
Pain and temperature
Free nerve endings are what type of afferents
Aδ and C afferents
Intrafusal fibers contractibility
contractile only at the ends; the central region cannot contract.
Golgi tendon organ afferent type
Type Ib
Ligament receptors
Type Ib afferents
Ruffini’s endings
Type II afferents
Extreme joint movement
Passive movement
Paciniform endings
Type II afferents
Muscle spindles
Type 1a
muscle stretch
Meisners corpusle
Touch and vibration Ab
First-order neuron
(typically longest) conveys information from the receptors to the medulla
Second-order neuron
conveys information from the medulla to the thalamus
Third-order neuron
conveys information from the thalamus to the cerebral cortex
Ability to use touch and proprioceptive information to identify an object
what receptors carry temperature sensation regarding cooling
A delta
what receptors carry temperature sensation regarding heating
C fibers