Lecture 8 (cognition) Flashcards
left (dominant) hemisphere is dominant for?
right (non dominant) hemisphere is dominant for?
- language perception, speech
- spatial perception, recognition of faces, music
what hemisphere is better at seeing details? versus seeing the hollistic picture?
- dominant
- non dominant
The left hemisphere is dominant for most right-handed people and about ____ % of left- handed people. For the other 30% of left-handed people ?
- 70%
- about half have a dominant right hemisphere, and the other half have language functions in both hemispheres.
what is the retinotopic organization of the visual cortex
central parts of visual field end up together in the primary visual cortex (info side by side on retina gets mapped in same organization). as info is passed to secondary visual cortex and onto the dorsal and ventral stream the retinotopy gets lost
visual agnosia happens form damage where?
inferior temporal lobe (‘what’) and ventral occipital cortex (lingual and fusiform gyrus)
- usually bilaterally
The patients can recognize objects by touch or sound, but not by sight. If asked, they can draw the object and describe its appearance. They appear to see the small details of the object, but are unaware of the overall shape.
visual agnosia
inability to recognize faces. Patients with this disorder know that faces are faces, but cannot recognize individuals, even family members. They often cannot recognize a picture of themselves.
damage to where leads to prospagnosia
right fusiform gyrus (fusiform face area)
prospagnosia is often accompanied by?
some level of object agnosia
Balint’s syndrome: damage to?
- symptoms (3)
- “where” stream/ posterior parietal
1. Ocular apraxia: difficulty moving eyes to engage visual targets, especially in the visual field contralateral to lesion
2. Simultanagnosia: inability to perceive multiple objects at the same time.
3. Optic ataxia: inaccuracy in reaching for visual targets with the arm contralateral to
lesion. This is also known as misreaching. (motor cortex sending out wrong commands because you do not know where object is in space)
left Neglect is caused from damage to?
right posterior parietal (dorsal stream)
slow laborous non fluent speech
brocas aphasia
fluent language without meaning
wernickes aphasia
global aphasia
damage to wernickes and brocas area
inability to read (word blindness) (can still recognize words spelled aloud)