Lecture 7-seed Flashcards
Three ways to be long lived
- individual long life (Bristlecone pine)
- continually clone oneself
- dormancy-sleep for a thousand years
many fern species, 33% dont even bother with sex
send stems laterally that rise up to produce bushes and trees
eg. Creosote bush clone, Huckleberry clone, quaking aspen (Pando)
Old yet germinatable seeds
Cassia multijuga (November shower) in museums, able to germinate after 158 years Nelumbo nucifera, sacred lotus, 1288 years old
douglas-fir ovules-seed coat on outside, inside is megagametophyte made of protahllial cells and eggs.
Prothalial cells
small, function is to store nutrients
Gymnosperm fertilization
2 male gametes delivered by pollen into egg. one is involved in fert., other is useless. zygote formed that grows and pushes into prothallial cells
Three developmental stages of embryo
- differentiation of tissues
- aquisition of storage products
- acquisition of physiological abilities (dessication tolerance and cold tolerance)
Sherpherd’s purse ovule. Seed coat on outside, inside is embryo sac of 7 cells, one is egg cell, central (big) cell has two nuclei
Angiosperm fertilization
pollen delivers 2 male gametes, both used. one fuses w/ egg to make zygote, other fuses with 2 nuclei of central cell to form endosperm
double fert
2 male gametes used
endosperm ploidy
triploid, stores lots of nucleic acids
Seed size patterns
increases 19times for every 23 degrees towards Equator
Enemies of seed
- temperature
2. drought
Germination at high latitudes
triggered only at high temp
Germination at low latitudes
tripped at much lower temp