Lecture 6 - Reading Comprehension Assessment and Improving Flashcards
What are Extrinsic Causes of reading disorders?
Minimal exposure to print
No instruction in how print works
Minimal opportunities to practice reading
What is Reading Comprehension?
What the reader knows and understands after reading a text.
Reading comprehension requires the reader to use __________ and ____________.
Cognitive processes
Knowledge resources
What does Reading Assessment gathers information about?
What a person retains after reading
Ask who? What? Why? Questions
What does Reading Intervention address?
Cognitive processes that occur during reading
What does Hyperlexic mean?
Good reading skills
Poor comprehension
What does Successful Reading Comprehension depends on?
Reader abilities
Text factors
Comprehension task that measures the process
Irwin defines Reading Comprehension as the process of using one’s own ________ (_________) and the ________ (_________) to infer the author’s _________.
Prior experiences (reader context)
Writer’s cues (text context)
Intended meaning
What does Irwin say that Reading Comprehension can involve?
Understanding and selectively recalling ideas in individual sentences (microprocesses)
Inferring relationships between clauses and/or sentences (integrative processes)
Organizing ideas around summarizing ideas (macroprocesses)
Making inferences not necessarily intended by the author (elaborative processes).
Irwin says that the processes in reading comprehension _________ (_________) and can be controlled and adjusted by the reader as required by the _________ (__________) and the total situation in which _________ (_________).
Work together (interactive hypothesis)
Reader’s goals (metacognitive processes)
Comprehension is taking place (situational context)
What are the components of reading comprehension?
Understanding print
Gaining new information from text
Understanding the genre of the text
Establishing a reciprocal relationship between the author and the reader
Integrating background information from the text
Taking the author’s perspective
Deriving the main idea from the text
Understanding which details support the topic and genre.
The ability to read various genres in varying but effective ways.
Reading to learn
What influences a reader’s comprehension?
Fluent Decoding and Language knowledge
Reader’s background knowledge of text
Reader’s inference abilities
Motivation to read
How do poor readers differ from good readers in inference abilities?
Poor readers have difficulty if can’t find the in text
What happens if boys are more motivated when reading?
They have more accuracy
What Text Factors can influence reading comprehension?
Readability and clarity of writing
Text structure/genre
Font size and type
Layout of text
Use of graphics/pictures
Snow, 2010 stated that it is a struggle to know where ___________.
Reading comprehension begins and ends
Are there levels of comprehension?
What are the four levels of Snow’s Model of Comprehension?
Word-level reading
Core Comprehension
Elaborated comprehension
Deeper Understanding
What is Word-Level Reading in Snow’s Model of Comprehension?
Decoding words
What is Core Comprehension in Snow’s Model of Comprehension?
Text memory
Making text based inferences
Linking text to world knowledge
What is Elaborated Comprehension in Snow’s Model of Comprehension?
Learning from reading
Broader concepts
(Our clients have trouble reaching this stage)
What is Deeper Understanding in Snow’s Model of Comprehension?
Taking the author’s perspective
Critical views of text
(Our clients have trouble reaching this stage)
What do we need to learn when assessing Reading Comprehension?
Decoding accuracy and fluency (how many right + how long to read)
How reader relates text to known information
Recall, paraphrase, give summary of texts
Use inference to interpret text
Construct interpretations,
Self-Determine when comprehending or not
Select and use appropriate strategies when not comprehending
(p. 151)
What is the purpose of Reading Assessment?
To plan instruction to help students read and learn
Why is the Implementation of Reading Comprehension strategies difficult?
Teachers ask factual questions (e.g., people, dates) more than inferential questions (e.g., how, why) (Guszak, 1967)
(When was the Declaration of Independence signed? => Why was the Declaration of Independence written? => What impact did the Declaration of Independence have on the people of the United States?)
What are the type of Reading Comprehension Questions Types?
Text-related questions
Beyond-text related questions
What are Text-Related Questions?
Ones that assess comprehension of the passage as a whole
(Charlotte’s Web => What is a runt? => How did Fern feel when she found out what her father was going to do with the pig?)
What are Beyond-Text Related Questions?
May question the author’s attempt to related text to personal experiences
(What made the book interesting?)
What is the importance in questioning the author for reading comprehension?
Encourages the reader to think about the author’s perspective
(What is the author trying to say? Did the author explain this clearly?)
This has been found to help children to think and explain texts using important information
What two types of measures can SLPs use to assess reading comprehension?
Standardized Tests
Informal Reading Measures
What Standardized Tests can SLPS use to assess reading comprehension?
Woodcock Reading Mastery Test- III
Speed and Capacity of Language Processing
Gray Oral Reading Test - 5
Test of Adolescent and Adult Language-4
Test of Reading Comprehension-4
What Informal Reading Measures can SLPS use to assess reading comprehension?
Informal Reading Inventory
Qualitative Reading Inventory
What is reading instruction influenced by?
The professional’s
- Background
- Instructional experience
- Age and ability of students
What do SLPs usually target when addressing reading comprehension?
Language aspects of comprehension
What are seven comprehension strategies for teaching reading comprehension?
Comprehension Monitoring
Cooperative Learning
Graphic Organizers
Story Structure analysis
Answering Questions
What is purpose behind Concept Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI)?
(Guthrie et al., 2004; 2008)
Motivating students to read and understand texts fully and process information deeply.
What is Concept Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI)?
Guthrie et al., 2004; 2008
“Choice” – students choose texts, responses, partners for collaboration.
What are the obstacles to implementing Concept Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI)?
Professional limitations
What are seven Additional Remediation Comprehension Strategies
Think aloud
Graphic organizers/webbing
SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review)
QAR (Question – Answer Relationships)
Directed reading activity, directed reading/thinking activity
Extending concepts through language activities
What is SQ3R?
What is QAR?
Question – Answer Relationships
What are two examples of Extending Concepts through language activities?
PreP Technique