Lecture 6 Group processes (communication & cohesion) Flashcards
4-ears model (Schulz von Thun, 2009)
- What kind of person is this? (self-revelation)
- How is he/she talking to me? (relationship)
- What is the content of the message? (facts)
- What should I do/think based on this message? (plea)
Nonviolent communication - definition (Rosenberg)
»A specific approach to communication—speaking and
listening—that leads us to give from the heart, connecting us with ourselves and with each other in a way that allows our natural compassion to flourish«
What is active listening?
- paying attention
- acknowledging
- paraphrasing
- asking specific questions
- non-verbal communication
The language of violence (wolf)
- head level communication
- it judges poeple and always blames others
- demanding (others should satify our needs)
The language of love
- communication from heart
- true and honest
- in contact with our feelings
4 Aspects of nonviolent communication
- observation
- feelings
- needs
- requests
Feedbakc Rules & Sandwich approach
- Questions
- Positive feedback
- Suggestions for improvement
- End message on a positive note
- collective sense of identity
- structured modes of communication
- distinctive roles
- norms
Norms (def.)
a level of performance, patterns of behavior, or belief
Social loafing (def.)
Members work below their potential when in a group,
i.e., people getting lazy in groups.
Ringelmann effect
The phenomenon by which individual
performance decreases as the number of people in the group increases.
Social facilitation
performing better when in the presence of others compared to when alone.
Five stages of group development (Tuckman, 1965)
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
- Adjourning
Forming (def.)
Orientation process, members determine their place
Storming (def.)
Conflict rise, high level of emotion
Norming (def.)
- In-group feeling and cohesiveness develops
- structure
Performing (def.)
- achieving goals
- productive phase
Adjourning (def.)
Dissolution, end phase
Cohesion (def.)
- sticking together
- glue in a group
- we-feeling
Social cohesion vs. task cohesion
- the degre to which memebers enjoy being together
- How commited are the team members to achieving their predetermineg goal
Carron’s model of group cohesion (1982)
- Environmentaql factors
- Personal factors
- Group factors
- Leadership factors
What are roots of conflicts
- the individual
- structure of the organization
- social interaction
Three methods of solving conflicts (Glasl, 1994)
- I-win-you-lose-method
- You-win-I-lose-method
- Eveyrng wins method (win-win)
Six steps to solving conflicts
- Describe conflict
- Collect possible solutions
- Rate suggestions
- Decide on best solution
- Set up guidelines
- Rate effectiveness of solution
Mediation (def.)
method of conflict resultion that involved a neutral third person
5 Phases of mediation
- Firt meetings, estblish rules, describe and explain conflict
- Conflict parties describe their understanding of the conflict
- Need assessment
- Solutions are created
- Contract