Lecture 3 Cognitions and Learning Flashcards
- collective concept of all mental processes & activites
Product of cognition:
- Anticipation
- Attention (regulation)
- Decision making, tactics, stratgies
Perception (theory)
- perception, transport and transformation of sensory info
- influences through perceptual set
- result: attention regulation
Perception (practice)
- external broad: overview and orientation
- external narrow: attention on opponent
- internal broad attention on state and mood
- internal narrow: breath control
Memory (theory)
- permanent persistence of recorded info
Problem solving (theory)
- process of outer/inner action
- trial and error, algorithms, heuristics
Decision making (def.)
specific form and result of problem solving
What is all part of executive functions?
- Inhibition
- Working memory
- Cognitive flexibility
OR - Cognitive Control
- Updating
- Shifting/Switching
Executive functions (practice)
- suppression/inhibition of rash or automated reactions
- impulse control
- interruption of routines
- attention control
- following plans
- dual tasks
- changing tasks and strategies
- change of perspective
What are some processing methods?
- Chunking
- Spacing
- Mnemonics
- Test effect
- Sleep
- Movement
Executive functioning (def.)
Combination of Perception, memory and problem solving (different form of higher cognition)
Different Learning theories
Behavioural view
- Classical conditioning (Pavlov, Watson)
- Operant conditioning (Skinner, Thorndike)
Cognitive view
- Observational Learning / Modeling (Bandura)
- Cognitive learning / learning through insight (Wertheimer, Kohler)
Conditioning (def.)
process of learning associations
Classical vs. operant conditioning
classical: two stimuli
operant: one response & its conseqeunce
Process of classical conditioning
- Unconditioned stimuli (response)
- Neutral stimuli (no response)
- Neutral + unconditioned stimuli (response)
- neutral stimulus - Conditioned response
What is systematic desensitisation?
- structured process to decondition
Operant conditioning (Thorndike)
- connection behavior with its conseqeunce
- goal: learning new behavior
Reinforcement vs. Punsihment
- Reinforcement: freqeuncy of behavior increases
- Punishment: frequency of behavior decreases
What are differnet types of reinforcement?
- positive (adding)
- negative (taking sth. negative away)
- primary
- continuous
- partial
- shaping
- chaining
What different types of Punishment is there?
Positive (Type 1): Giving unpleasant stimulus
Negative (Type 2): Removing pleasant stimulus
Goals and effects of Observational learning/Modeling (Bandura)
- development of new behaviors
- modification of existing behaviors
- prosocial vs. antisocial
Goals of cognitive learning/Learning through insight (Kohler)
- restructuring & reorganizing
- problem solving & behavior change
6 Phases of cognitive learning (Wertheimer, Kohler)
- Emergence of the problem
- Trial behavior
- Restructuring
- Insight and solution
- Application
- Transfer
Practical relevance of operant conditioning
- promoting intrinsic motivaton
- increase in competence & self-esteem
- increased enjoyment of activity
- increase in achievement motivation
- Self-management
- child education
- behavioral change
Practical relevance of classical conditioning
systematic desensitisation
Practical relevance of cognitive learning theories through insigh
- problem solving
- behavior change
Practival relevance of observational/model learning
- motor learning
- mental training
- behavior change
- mother tongue
- education and teaching
- traditions and celebrations
- pro- & anti-social behavior
Observation/modeling vs. cognitive learning through insight
- Learning with/without dirext experience (observing)
- Recognitiong and understanding of facts